Monday, 27 January 2014

Happy serene and calm is where I am this moment. Please join me, so we can be at one togerther.

Welcome brothers and sisters to this blog where I shall share some pics of my latest art and quotes from various people who in the goal of attaining oneness, will not be named.

Hmm, having a name in my website/blog title seems to be thorn in my side at this moment, but it will work itself out ;-)
 So we can see immediately below this sentence the one painting which all the others came from and although they are separate and even sometimes viewed in a mirror image, they still originate from the one work.  

“Each time a being looks into your eyes, they are only searching, often unknowingly  to find themselves; for the subconscious knows already, that they are part of you.” 

 “All differences in this world are of degree, and not of kind, because oneness is the secret of everything.”

 “You and I are all as much continuous with the physical universe as a wave is continuous with the ocean.”

 “Technology is destructive only in the hands of people who do not realize that they are one and the same process as the universe. ”

"Praying without ceasing is not ritualized, nor are there even words.  It is a constant state of awareness of oneness with God".

 “Consider your own place in the universal oneness of which we are all a part, from which we all arise, and to which we all return.”

 “To be grounded in an attitude of compassion is to be capable of receiving and welcoming the suffering, which the other is giving us. This does not mean that we suffer for them, but that we offer them possibility of going beyond the separate self in which suffering is harbored.

 “A hydrogen atom in a cell at the end of my nose was once part of an elephant's trunk. A carbon atom in my cardiac muscle was once in the tail of a dinosaur.”

 “The Self says ‘I AM’–as in the very grand sayings of Christ, especially in the Gospel of John, in which he says in the state of onenenss with Yahweh (which in Hebrew means ‘I AM’), I AM is the way and the truth and the life–but the ego says ‘I am this’ or ‘I am that,’ thus attaching itself only to a small portion of the Vastness.

 “One in All
All in One--
If only this is realized,
No more worry about your not being perfect

                                                     “In one moment, we are now forever,
                                                             in one moment...”

 “All individuals have moral deficiencies, and when introducing these to reality one not only strengthens himself but also the confidence of others in the human exigency for Christ due to a reflection throughout the body of Christ.”


                                       “You is.
                                            Within Me!

 “Husbands and wives, recognize that in marriage you have become one flesh. If you live for your private pleasure at the expense of your spouse, you are living against yourself and destroying your joy. But if you devote yourself with all your heart to the holy joy of your spouse, you will also be living for your joy and making a marriage after the image of Christ and His church.”

 “With me: one minus one = one; with you: it’s zero. Here lies the only difference. So try one x one = one.”

 “The real you suffocates under the layers of your learned identity. Uncover the layers so you can truly breathe again from the true center. Being aware of your infinite potential and access awakens the Master with the Master Key within. You have always been settled in oneness with All.”

 “Saying a prayer can be as simple as thinking positive thoughts about someone—it’s not an act that needs to be tied to any particular religion or system of beliefs. I can say a prayer just by saying “I wish you peace” after someone becomes angry with me for something trivial; I can say a prayer for the woman who is always cheerful (or gloomy) at the store where I shop by thinking “I wish you all the best in life—good health, good relationships, and all of your true needs fulfilled.” Of course, if you want to pray to God in the form in which you conceive of God, that’s fine, too—and your prayer will not be wasted. Think about it. Is the world a better place when you walk away from someone either forgetting them immediately or thinking negative thoughts about them? This world of ours can use all the positive thoughts we can contribute to it, and our simple and heartfelt prayers are some of the most positive thoughts we can create and share. And they affect us as much as, if not more than, they affect the objects of our prayers.”

 “The wonders of and I are the light! Seek within...there is no one to fight…love is all…we are one…concentrate on bringing forth your sight...breathe deep…the universe is waiting for you divine ones.”

 “Unrealistic expectations often lead to disappointment, while simple unbiased attention and detachment to outcome often lead to pleasant surprises.”

                                                           “Each person you meet
                                                             is an aspect of yourself,
                                                               clamoring for love.”

                 “To the ego, love is poison and so love more.”

             “Never allow your ego to diminish your ability to listen.”


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