Firstly I should like to say that if you type into YOUTUBE The artist Peter Kimble, then I want to say that sorry, but I am like Russel Brand and other artists, in that we work better when sober and on no circumstances should be operating heavy machinery. Be it Missile launchers or combine harvesters! That said, I want you to know that the news of Amy`s death brought me in close connection to my beloved wife Tracys suicide and I did hit the bottle that day with a vengeance. Yep I know I should have left all the feelings of loss in the hands of God, but I am not yet perfect...
That said my son had to plead with me to hit him with his homemade club.
Lastly the talk I gave at The Royal Academy of Art was probably the one I like best for now, but I am new and unpolished when it comes to being in front of the camera.
Hope that you like all these - or some - of these photos of my art. If you dont, then bless you, I love you anyway.
Turmoil can be okay if we go with the flow. Then again, going against the
current can at times be electrifying.
Oh yes, please be aware that all these shots are from my work & havent been computer changed!
Below . An abstract Frenchman stoops to pick up his
cases in an abstract place.
an abstract monster materializing!
Dont let dark distorting shadows spoil our world. The vision may be coloured by our own perception. Lighten our minds and we may change not only our point of view, but that which is seen.
In sublime meditation.
This shot above has just as I started typing this line, think of going and painting in a state of joy and love..
I know I laid the paint thick on the paper for the shot below, but that doesnt count for all the 3d!
This above is a blessing and
a wish. I will make it a prayer...
There is a lot of action above.. But look below also and see an abstract me leaping halfway down the painting, across I dont know what. But, look, whats that blue thing I am holding in my hand.. Answers to and I shall put it and your name or nickname in an update below the picture below. Come on folks. One of you at least has got to be creative enough to come up with an imaginative response. Who knows, Russel Brand or Homer Simpson might have a go and you beat them with pure audaciousness, dooo.
At this moment, my mind heart and soul are a
part of a temple peace and tranquility.
You can join me from where you are and be connected
transcendentally in the same place where joy can grow
and hope nfold and confidence increase. Outside our
heart and minds there may be conflict and turmoil. . .
but within, let there be love and peace.
I really do love these two shots. They are only two tiny pictures from a much larger work. But I can compare them abstractly to say the wedding of me and my beloved late Tracy and her death and my hurt...
This one I shot below does not look better
larger. I am only an average photographer in
my opinion. I wouldnt be offended if someone
said "You what, you are flattering yourself you shit.
My response would have to be, "Bless you and thank you."
This is all for today folks and surely you will have
to admit there is lots of art here to enjoy for free..
Oh how nice it would be if one of you was going to be in the area, say visiting london. Then you could hop on a train and I would meet you here and its only 1/2 and hour or more Luton train station, which is only down the road from this humble abode and you could have a cup of coffee and look through my hundreds of paintings! Its a thought isnt it and you know what they say? Thoughts can become reality.. Anyway, Maisy our beloved pooch is snoring on the couch and its not even midday. We did go out twice already and she ran her little cotton socks off.. No she didnt, (she wears hobnailed boots.) thats just my artistic license allowing an bit of nonsense in at the end of this blog.. I have up to now, never ended a blog with a name of the day, but this is the first. The name of the day today is
Hieronymus Bosch.
This was fortunate for me as I came across some images of Hieronymus bosch doc martens.
Yes I liked them but thought I may like more to wear Peter G Kimble doc martens.. What do you think!
Your brother in art and Christ, Peter G Kimble
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