Good day brothers and sisters. Welcome to oodles of photos from my latest works, or should I say passions! Yep painting can be a passion we should not have to go without so we should desire..
Politics we can choose not to think about or engage in and leave it to those we elect!
Yeah, I know what you're going to say, they're ALL the same! I agree!
Can everybody share this? Please
Those of you who wish can join me in meditation or prayer on the words under pictures of my work.
I breath in the fullness and richness of life. I observe with joy as life abundantly supports me and supplies me with more good than I can imagine.
Meditation is not the pursuit of some vision, however sanctified by tradition. Rather it is endless space where thought cannot enter. To us, the little space made by thought around itself, which is the `me` is extremely important, for this is all the mind knows, identifying itself with everything that is that space. And the fear or not being is born in that space. But in meditation, when this is understood, the mind can enter into a dimension of space where action is inaction.
We do not know what love is, for in the space made by thought around itself is "Me". Love is the conflict of the "Me" and the "not-me". This conflict, this torture, is not love.
Thought is the very denial of love, and it cannot enter into that space where the "me" is not. In that space is the benediction which man seeks and cannot find. He seeks it within the frontiers of thought, and thought destroys the ecstasy of this benediction.
Belief is so unnecessary, as are ideals. Both dissipate energy which is needed to follow the unfolding of the fact and in escape there is no end to sorrow.
The ending of sorrow is the understanding of the fact from moment to moment. There is no system or method which will give understanding. Only a choiceless awareness a fact will do that. Meditation according to a system is the avoidance of the fact of what you are; it is far more important to understand yourself, that to meditate in order to find God or have visions, sensations or other forms of entertainment.
Meditation if done rightly is a joy that comes with a benediction. It is a flame that burns away the borders that carefully built fences of consciousness. It is a beauty beyond thought and feeling; it is not put together on canvas, in words or in marble. Meditation is joy and with it comes a benediction.
The flowering of love is meditation.
In meditation one has to find out whether there is an end to knowledge and so freedom from the known.
We dont realize how important it is to be free from the nagging pleasures and their pains, so that the mind remains alone. It is only the mind that is wholly alone that is open.
Meditation is not concentration, which is exclusion, a cutting off, a resistance and so a conflict. A meditative mind can concentrate, which then is not an exclusion, a resistance, but a concentrated mind cannot meditate.
In the understanding of meditation there is love and love , is not the product of systems of habits, of following a method. Love cannot be cultivated by thought. Love can perhaps come into being when there is complete silence, a silence in which the meditator is entirely absent and the mind can be silent only when it understands its own movement as thought and feeling. To understand this movement of thought and feeling there can be no condemnation in observing it. To observe in such a way is a discipline, and that kind of discipline is fluid, free, not the discipling of conformity.
The ecstasy of solitude comes when you are not frightened to be alone - no longer belonging to the world or attached to anything. Then, like that dawn that came up this morning, it comes silently and makes a golden path in the very stillness which is now, and which will be always there.
Be still and know I Am God.
The meditation of a mind that is the benediction that man is ever seeking. In this silence every quality of silence is the foundation of virtue once you have laid the foundation of virtue, which is order in relationship, there comes into being this quality of love and of dying, which is all of life; then the mind becomes extraordinary quiet, naturally silent, not made silent through suppression, discipline and control, and that silence is immensely rich.
Beyond that, no word, no description is of any avail. Then the mind does not inquire into the absolute because it has no need, for in that silence there is that which is. And the whole of this is the benediction of meditation.
We are my brothers and sisters, the remains, the yes-sayers of many thousand yesterdays, a continuous series of endless memories, of choice and despair. The big self and the little self are the pattern of existence, with never-ending sorrow.
In the flame of meditation thought ends and with it feeling. For neither is love. Without love, there is no essence; without it there are only ashes on which is based our existence.
Out of the emptiness love is.
Meditation is the action of
Meditation has not beginning and no end; in it there is no achievement and no failure, no gathering and no renunciation; it is a movement without finality as so above time and space. The experiencing of it is the denying of it for the experiencer is bound to time and space, memory and recognition. ( For me personally, the acquired brain injury and its poor short term memory has been a blessing in putting me more in touch with the timeless boundless Almighty!) The foundation for true meditation is that passive awareness which is the total freedom from authority and ambition, envy and fear, Meditation has no meaning, no significance whatsoever without this freedom without self-knowing as long as there`s choice theres no self-knowing.
Choice implies conflict which prevents the understanding of what is.
Wandering off into some fancy, into some romantic beliefs is not meditation. The brain must strip itself of every myth, illusion and security and face the reality of their falseness. Theres no distraction, everything is in the movement of meditation. The flower is form the scent, the colour, the beauty that is the whole of it. Tear it to pieces actually or verbally, then there is no flower, only a remembrance of what was, which is never the flower. Meditation is the whole flower in its beauty, withering and living.
Meditation is the freedom from thought and a movement in the ecstasy of truth.
It was so very quiet so early in the morning and not a bird or leaf was stirring.
Meditation which began at unknown depths, and went on with increasing intensity and sweep carved the brain into total
silence, scooping out the depths of thought, uprooting feeling, emptying the brain of the known and its shadow. It was an operation and there was no operator, no surgeon; it was going on as a surgeon operates for cancer, cutting out every tissue which has been contaminated, lest the contamination should again spread.
To meditate is to transcend time. Time is the distance that thought traves in its achievements. The traveling is always along the old path covered over with a new coating, new sights, but always the same road, leading nowhere - except to pain and sorrow.
It is only when the mind transcends time that truth ceases to be an abstraction. Then bliss is not an idea derived from pleasure but an actuality that is not verbal.
The emptying of the mind of time is the silence of truth, and the seeing of this is the doing; so there is no division between the seeing and doing. In the interval between seeing and doing is born conflict, misery and confusion. That which has no time is everlasting.
Meditation is destruction to security, and there is great beauty in meditation, not the beauty of all the things that have been put together by man or by nature but of silence. This silence is emptiness in which and from which all things flow and have their being. It is unknowable; intellect and feeling cannot make their way to it; there is no way to it and a method to it is the invention of a greedy brain
All the ways and means of the calculating self must be destroyed wholly; all going forward or backward, the way of time must come to an end, without tomorrow. Meditation is destruction; it`s a danger to those who wish to lead a superficial life and a life of fancy and myth.
The death that meditation brings about is the immortality of the new. This is something most marvelous if you come upon it. I can go into it, but the description is not the described. It`s for you to learn all this by looking at yourself - no book, no teacher can teach you about this. Don`t depend on anyone, dont join spiritual organizations. One has to learn all about this out of oneself. And there the mind will discover things that are incredible. But for that, there must be no fragmentation and therefore immense stability, swiftness, mobility. To such a mind there is no time and therefore living has quite a different meaning.
Establish yourself firmly in the `I Am` and reject all that does not go with it.
When the `I am` goes all that remains is the Absolute. Give your whole attention to the `I Am`.
The `I am` is all that we perceive. The sum total and its time-bound, the `I am` itself is an illusion, you are not the `I am`you are prior to it.
Immortality is freedom from the feeling `I am`, to have that freedom remain in the sense `I am`.
We have to realize that we are not the body or the knowledge `I am` You as the Absolute are neither, nor do you require them.
The Absolute or the Parabrahman is prior to the `I am` its the unborn state, so how can it have or even require knowledge `I am`?
Witnessing happens to the state prior to your saying the words `I am`, Right now, right here, you are the absolute, the Parabrahman, Hold on to the `I am` very firmly, ever abide in it and it will dissolve, then you are as you are.
You are neither the `I am` nor its activities, you as the Absolute are none of these. Be a true devotee, by abiding in the knowledge `I am` thereby transcending the experience of death to attain immortality.
What is it in you that understands this knowledge `I am` without a mane, title or word? Sink in the innermost center and witness the knowledge, `I am`.
Totally accept the knowledge `I am` as oneself, and with full conviction and faith firmly believe in the dictum ` I am that by which I know I Am!`
Catch hold of the knowledge `I am` in meditation and the realisation will occur that `I`, the Absolute, am not the quality `I am`.
In deep meditation; infused only with the knowledge `I am`, it will be intuitively revealed to you as to how this `I amness` came to be.
I feel this artwork has been a good job well done!
Here below I am including a shot of another artists work as and indication that I can be openly influenced by that which comes into my consciousness.
Better this than to not be aware that influences try to embed themselves into our subconscious minds for nefarious reasons! So here are two works by Jan Brown.
Jan Brown, A Certain Dignity, Acrylic on canvas
Mindfulness fact for today; Sharks as a species will kill around 5 people a year. We humans as a species will kill around 11,000 sharks every hour.
Have a good day my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. Hey folks I would welcome an e pal or a pal-ess and so if you are a princess, pauper or passionate about art and life person; email me at
Thank you and go in peace and love. Your bro Peter.
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