Saturday 6 December 2014

Fast flowing art is keeping up with the pace of life. Not like we cannot take a break and be still!

Good day brothers and sisters and welcome to this Saturday blog from here in a sunny Luton Town. There isnt anywhere I would rather be at this time than sitting right here where I am sharing this art with you...

I must confess to you that the paint is not yet dry as I type this and so you know it wasn't when the photos were taken.

The very purpose of religion is to control yourself, not to criticize others. Rather, we must criticize ourselves. How much am I doing about my anger? About my attachment, about my hatred, about my pride, my jealousy? These are the things which we must check in daily life. Dalai Lama 

Types of Kindred Spirits

Kindred spirits come in all forms. A co-worker who hates the company as much as you do, a sibling who shares your parental frustrations or a neighbor who boycotts the same block party as you all count as kindred spirits. In an informal way, this term has come to mean someone you feel a connection with, or someone who understands you. There are kindred spirits who seem to share all of your goals, ambitions and thought processes and there are those who share with you only one unique quality. Someone who has a rare illness, for example, may find a kindred spirit in someone who has little in common with them except for a diagnosis.
- See more at:

Types of Kindred Spirits

Kindred spirits come in all forms. A co-worker who hates the company as much as you do, a sibling who shares your parental frustrations or a neighbor who boycotts the same block party as you all count as kindred spirits. In an informal way, this term has come to mean someone you feel a connection with, or someone who understands you. There are kindred spirits who seem to share all of your goals, ambitions and thought processes and there are those who share with you only one unique quality. Someone who has a rare illness, for example, may find a kindred spirit in someone who has little in common with them except for a diagnosis.
- See more at:

Man is more than his environment. It is from the innate quality of the Spirit in him, his inner storehouse, that he draws those ideas, his intuitions, which unify his perceptions of the external world instantaneously with a value which is qualitative and not quantitative, and which he embodies in the works of his culture - those achievements which belong not only to one particular time but to all times, and mark the path of his upward progress. N. Sri Ram

"People demand freedom of speech as a compensation for the freedom of thought which they seldom use."
 ~Søren Kierkegaard

" We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, French Philosopher.  ( I had always thought the above was a yogic quote? Still I like it and am sharing it with you my beloved brothers and sisters.)


                                                     This below could be thought of as
                                                     upside down, but I prefer either way.


Have a good day and know that you are loved. Be kind and be loving and be all this to your self and all else.
Yes, self is an illusion, albeit a persistent one, but for now and until you and me are One with that which transcends all we now know, then lets try to shine pure love and joy when we can. When we cannot do this and times appear tough and hurt, then remember that this is temporary and will pass...
What is infinite is the real thing and we can get glimpses and even experience it!  I leave you now with this love for you all, which is beyond emotion and transcends this carcass typing letters!

Your brother Peter G Kimble.    

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