Wednesday 11 February 2015

Good day and welcome my brothers and sisters of light to some photos of my art.

It could be said to be turbulent or tumultuous. Yet the same can be said for the beginning of time/space.

We live on a water planet and are made up of mostly water. 
 The creative effect of the Sacred Word.

 Look up the below on youtube if you are interested.

Dr. Emoto 'Words Are ALIVE' Water Experiment 2014 - Awesome Results... Must See!

I think that it is a good idea to bless all water and food both for ourselves and for that which we are giving to others.  

Someone asked me sometime ago if they could donate money to my site.

Well, having looked into it and being now in the position where I am looking at going back to the Philippines in order to bring Art therapy to both street children & orphans - one idea apart from giving them some food and care, is to have a group build a float and take part in carnival.

Also as a struggling artist I would appreciate funds for art materials and equipment.

So to donate; pls send to see below

 <form action="" method="post" target="_top">
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Well, the above doesnt seem to show anything sensible to me, but maybe it does to you! Perhaps one of you will let me know. Please.. Tell me what I am doing wrong to  Thank you.

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