Monday 6 August 2012

From the cloud of unknowing, through photos, to the Tao.

Cloud Prologue

                                My I Praise You Worthily
To you,O God
every heart stands open,
and every will speaks;
No secre I may love is hidden from you.
 Purify my mind,
My thoughts and my heart
with the gift of your grace,
So that I may love you perfectly
and praise you worthily.

Anger and joy,
happiness and sorrow,
anxiaty and hope, laziness
and willfulness, enthusiasm
and insolence - like music
arising from emptiness or
mushrooms sprouting in the
dark - they springbefore us,
night and day. We do not
know from where they come.
Stop thinking about it! How
can we ever understand it
all in one day?

                                      CHUANG TZU

                                           Someone said the marks on this sculpture are like
                                                                the marks in my painting!

                               I didnt feed the pigeons, but this was not because of the sign.
Sheffield is a great place, but there is no place like home.
Click your heels twice.

The Nimble Kimble. 

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