Wednesday 29 August 2012

Seek and you shall find

Good day my brothers and sisters.

Seek and you shall find is the title of the painting which I brought into being yesterday.

Unfortunately every time I press the icon to `insert image` the little dot circles round and around, but nothing else happens. So for now putting my artwork on the blog is not meant to be.

But just now 18:30 my good neighbor Long saved the day. Thanks Long

Here are the photos

"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." (Luke 6:27)

I made a positive comment yesterday on a YouTube video I watched and got a vitriolic comment from an atheist telling me that God and Christians have been responsible for most of the harm in this world and that atheists have done a lot of good in science and making the world a better place.

It was hard for me to get information on all the specific things atheists have done and so I thought, what good have Christians done?

This is a charity founded in 1957 (the year of my birth) by a group of Christians in Germany to help needy children in India. It still supports today more than 580,000 children and young people in 28 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America & Eastern Europe.

Lech Walesa
President of Poland
1985 Nobel Peace Prize
Devout Christian

The AA, Alcoholics Anonymous helps 2 million people.
Its emergence was inspired by the Christian "Oxford Group".

Christian Aid is one of the biggest international development agencies in the world.
It works around the world where need is the greatest, regardless of religion, nationality or race.

Amnesty International
Justice and liberty for oppressed people all over the world.
Started by two Christians, Peter Beneson and Eric Baker. 
Nobel Peace Prize 1977

The Children`s Society    
Also known as Church of England Children`s society.
Assists street children, disabled children and refugees

Dr Muthiah
Sight to the blind in India

(UK) Recent research showed that 81% of evangelical Christians do some kind of voluntary work at least once a month. Compared to 26% of the population at large.  

Oxfam was one of the pioneers of modern famine relief founded by Quaker Christians Oxford 1942
(Did you know that Quakers refuse to fight even if enlisted, but in WW1 many were killed at the front as stretcher bearers.

This all reminds me of; When I was hungry did you feed me? "When I was homeless did you give me shelter." I paraphrase, "For whatsoever you do for the least of my people, you do for me." The words of Jesus the Nazarene.
Yep he is my brother. We have the same Dad, though different mothers. 

But hey, those of you that know me by now, know that its not over until the fat lady sings.

So we can speak good words without trying to convince non-believers to believe. 
We can see ourselves as individuals, although part of the same body. So I do not think I am separate from an atheist, but I do pray for them to have an awakening and realize that we are all one.

An atheist came to God and said, "We`ve figured out how to make man without you."
  God said, "OK, let me see you do it."
So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful, but God stopped him and said, "Oh, no you don`t. Get your own dirt!"

So my brothers and sisters. I am hoping that the situation of not being able to post my art work will be resolved. If not, then lets all pray for God to inspire my poetry! (This is not a joke.)

Blessings and peace to you all. Your brother Peter.  




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