Friday, 5 July 2013

Fish on Friday and blessings and love to all beings.

   Good day to you my brothers and sisters

Peace and love to you all. As those of you who have been following me for awhile will know, I often do a blog on a Friday which is more spiritually based and thus called `Fish on Friday` after the common diet for many Christians and also because the fish symbol has been used in places where Christians are liable to suffer persecution. So although this was also partly instigated as my eldest and beloved sister who said that as I am an artist, then my blogs should be mostly art based. I took this point on board, yet had to have an expression of my love for the intelligent creative force many of us call God. It is the force that is omnipotent, omnipresent and all loving.
However, I am going to start now by saying the photos I am about to share with you, are in my own way a unique expression of thanks and gratitude for my whole being as a gift from God and in God and to you. We are all one and can realize the union of one body in Christ and in the trinity of God.      May the Holy spirit be with us 
                now and always.

                  Enjoy                                this                                         is                                                       
for each one of you.

      I am my beloved brothers and sisters, not going to - although much tempted - explain some of the thoughts these images provoke in me, as this may prevent quite different ones being expressed within you!
                                        Hang on in there and know you are so loved.
I may well do an afternoon post, but hang on, just remembered, I have to strip a bedroom of wallpaper as one of my nephews is going to plaster it for my youngest son.  Blessings and love to you and all beings. Please pass this on. Your bro Peter.

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