Good day to you all, my wonderful bros & sisters.
Peace and So-ham. Love and healing.
Hey, I have some latest art to show you using a spare camera. Cant do any mirror image, nor really, really close ups. Its worth using though as the normal images and its 16mega pixels. Go to end of blog for latest painting.
Abstract Aztec holy man kneels and prays in a multi dimensional place outside time and yet from imagination!
To be honest with you, I am unable to take any photos of yesterdays work at this moment. My sister is going to post me another camera which is exactly the same model as the one I lost.
I have tried to put on a selection of my work which some of you may not have seen before. If you have seen it all before then please bear with me for a couple of days, as the camera is on the way. In fact - and this has got nothing to do with the camera - the sun is shining and I will take a pause here to paint a joyous feeling!
Okay, that is done and I now feel relaxed and a trifle joyful. Yesterday I may have been slightly frustrated not to be able to take photos and post them for all to see. Now though I am regaining the calmness which is my natural state. Not to say I cannot be excited and joyful. I have even been known to laugh ecstatically upon occasion! This can often be observed when one of my sons and I are watching comedy on the internet.
Hmm, I have a had a little reflection on everything; the entire universe and all else. The readers digest said for years that laughter is the best medicine and I believe this can apply to spiritual malady's also! Just going to shoot off from here for a moment to research something to do with this. Back now with a nice smile on my face after seeing a monk laughing. If `Holy` people can never laugh then they are not yet enlightened, or of course they could have a brain injury which makes it physically impossible.
I do have a bit of experience on this and overcoming the effects of a spouses death, brain injury and an arrest by the police and eventual trial at The Old Bailey. Ah being able to forgive the police for their getting it all wrong and eventually being able to laugh at them, has washed away all anger or blame. Why blame others for not being perfect, when we none of us travelling this earthly life have got it right 100% of the time!
Bless those who persecute us we are told and I am now doing this!
To practise the Way single-heartedly is, in itself, enlightenment. There is no gap between practise and enlightenment or zazen and daily life.
Zazen is not limited to Buddhism. One only has to read `Christianity and Zen, by Thomas Merton, a Christian Monk, to come to this conclusion. This is what I came to see, but I do not say you cannot disagree with this and I respect your right to your own beliefs, even if I may no longer go along with them. I have been locked up behind bars decades ago and insisted there cannot be a God!
The only thing I do not respect is people making fun of others beliefs, when those beliefs are not harmful.
You get (so called) Christians harranging gays or women getting abortions then they themselves should perhaps be open to getting some stones thrown back at them!
Its not just Christians though. Many enlightened churches will accept openly gay men and women in there churches. Islam is not as enlightened. You will not find a women leading men and women in prayers or anyone with a glad to be gay Tshirt on. Or will you?
I admit I have been guilty in the past of making fun of Atheists. I will try not to do this in future. Or will I?
I just have to try to do better every day. Saying this, I must set my alarm for 5.45pm as I have to take mother to church this evening for a parish meeting. She can get a bit annoyed with me if I am late. This though is understandable. Beings that shes in her eighties, its not like shes going to say to herself, `its such a lovely day I will walk the three miles to church!
Above we can see my work framed and hung on the wall. This goes to show that although some us well be able to appreciate that which isnt framed, as below and infact 99% of my work I post on the blog; framing art can focus our attention to appreciate it even more. This goes for me all the way. To me, my little A3 and
A4 works look heaps better. Hmm I have just noticed that my table looks to be rather cluttered. Note to self, must be tidier even if I am to attract for a platonic relationship, an intelligent spiritual woman!
As for the larger works its just exponential in their presentation giving a sense of awe!
The darkness above reminds me that we sometimes need this to rest and sleep, (even, perchance to dream.) but we must not hide in the shadows. We are light beings and have to live a well balanced life being able to go out and shine in the world.
Know that you are loved my brothers and sisters and don't let this world get you down. It is transitory and will pass. We are immortal spiritual beings having this brief human experience and so must enjoy life to the full when we can and get over our losses with help from the almighty force of love which we are part and parcel of! Blessings and love to you my brothers and sisters. Today also lets give a thought to the birds. Who goodness knows, may have evolved from dinosaurs! Soham and peace to you all. Your brother, Peter.
I did go out this morning and buy another camera. My sons will be going back to visit the country of their birth, the Philippines, in a few weeks and so can take it with them and use it there. I can then get to see how the land I brought for them has developed and if the fruit trees and hardwood is still there!
So below are photos I was able to take today with this new camera.
ps the latest painting is shown below, here in an afternoon addition to the main post...
Below we have the whole kit and
Be the beloved people that you can be and know that you are loved. Your bro Peter.
pps Dear friends,
I just signed the petition "Justice for the Lawrence Family" and wanted to ask if you could add your name too.
This campaign means a lot to me and the more support we can get behind it, the better chance we have of succeeding. You can read more and sign the petition here:
Also my brothers and sisters it seems I am often the only person who gets registered as liking my own work and it would not be a good Idea producing stuff I didnt like. But please if you like it, can you sometimes tick the box to say this. Thank you.
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