Wednesday, 10 June 2015

Greetings, love and blessings upon all who visit this site and of course those that dont.

Good day to you all. Especially the recent newcomers to my work from Ireland.

I had a dream once and it may well have been that in this dream I was in Ireland. I was an old women well into my eighties, if not nineties. As I lay in the back of a horse drawn gypsy caravan, the realisation set upon me that I was about to go into the big sleep. The thought come to alert my son that was driving, then a peace and calm set upon me and I thought; `No, all is okay and I shall just slip away.` Then I awoke. Unfortunately it was as an adult male locked up in a prison cell. Maybe not that unfortunate, but the harvest of my sowing.

Now though my wonderful brothers and sisters I sow good thoughts, words and actions.

Change is upon us and we get to choose whether we ignore it, or explore it. 

Below I shall share some of my recent art with you my beloved brothers and sisters, in the hope you find it as it was created, for your edification. Is that the right word? I am not sure, but anyhow, here it is.

  Todays artwork is called The Fall. At the bottom of the photos is a copy of the track I listened to. Not my favourite version of the song Kimble, but its okey. It may be that its The Creators version I like best, but cannot be sure as I may not have heard all there are!  Actually; the version below may well be the one, especially as a few seconds in I hear; "You never knew I am the rock" Relevent to me as Jesus Christ made us Peters `The Rock`...

Lee "Scratch" Perry - 2. Kimble The Nimble   

Okey without further ado I shall share images of my work. Please pass it on and be a part of getting me known as an artist...  

 Here below are some of the postcards I made.

  Have a good day my beloved brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved and pass it on. Both the love and my work. Your brother in Christ and of all the saints, Peter G Kimble. 

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