Friday 23 October 2015

Fish on Friday. Using art to get by. Dealing with the loss of one of my two wonderful sons.

Good day. Blessings love and peace to you and all creation.


A Picture Of You

I only have a picture now,
A frozen piece of time,
To remind me of how it was,
When you were here, and mine.

I see your smiling eyes,
Each morning when I wake,
I talk to you, and place a kiss,
Upon your lovely face. 

How much I miss you being here,
I really cannot say,
The ache is deep inside my heart,
And never goes away.

I hear it mentioned often,
That time will heal the pain,
But if I'm being honest,
I hope it will remain.

I need to feel you constantly,
To get me through the day,
I loved you so very much,
Why did you go away?

The angels came and took you,
That really wasn't fair,
They took one of my two boys
But my love they still will share.

If only they had asked me,
If I would take your place,
I would have done so willingly,
Leaving you this world to grace.

You should have had so many years,
To watch your life unfold,
And in the mist of this,
Watch me, your Dad grow old!

I hope you're watching from above,
At the daily tasks I do,
And let there be no doubt at all,
I really do love you.

 The Theology of The Holy Trinity has been well established for 1700 years. In my opinion, it is hyper-evident by the New Testament manuscripts in conjunction with the writings and ensuing Theologies of The Early & Later Church fathers that The Father,The Son, and The Holy Spirit are Objectively Real and True.

What is the son but an extension of the father?

 Think of my Harry, not as dead, but as living; not as a flower that has withered, but as one that
 is transplanted, and touched by a Divine hand, is blooming in richer colours and sweeter shades than those of earth.

 I hope that these pictures and words convey to you my beloved brothers and sisters, the bleakness and darkness that my 15yr old sons passing has left with us all. Yet I will not be bashed down into the ground by this awful blow. Such tragedy I  pray you are able to forego.

Be well and think of us who thankfully have some great memories remaining and a wonderful legacy of a brilliant child to uphold. 

Your brother, Peter.

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