Thursday, 30 June 2011

thursday and got my shirt off cos itwasnt easy 2 blog, but love 2 u all.

The most common Zoroastrian prayer (maybe)
Ashem -vohu
Blessed is he who is righteous for the sake of righteousness.
C.S Lewis.We may ignore but can`t evade the presence  of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.
So listen up people and embrace love. I am just a little I am, remembering Christopher, my younger brothers son ,who is serving our country in the army. May angels protect him and bring him safety home to us. I pray for the day when all swords will be beaten into plough shears and our young men will not have to go off to war. So this said, I leave you with peace and love to all beings.
Peter, a brother in Christ and a brother of Buddha and all the saints 

Wednesday, 29 June 2011

Picture of mandala

Hi this is what I started yesterday and finished today. Its the first mandala Ive painted and please excuse my poor computer skills, as its on its side . Tilt head to left empty of thoughts and meditate,or not.  Okay, wanting to spend some time on a book I got today,`Tozer Whatever Happened To Worship?`    ttfn Peter               

Greetings to all and especially the two followers. Know you are loved.

Extract from the book I made sometime around 1980 and have been writing in since may 1996.

 `Although I made this book and it is flawed. As a mere mortal I have yet to attain perfection. I like the feel of it. As you can see I made it more than ten years before I wrote a word in it. I made it before my head injury, yet didn't start writing in it until after my injury. So one cant make much of a guess by this book, how Peter Kimble was pre head injury. Yet you may say "he was creative". It may well be the case that I have been more creative since the injury. Probably the first decent sculpture I done was a gargoyle. This I made in Bedford Prison, whilst my right arm was paralyzed and I felt wretched.
 So I was stuck in Bedford Prison, charged with aiding Tracy's suicide. Only to be found not guilty at the Old Bailey? No apologies from the police. Well what can you expect; Humility! would be nice.

I shall bid you my leave as the sun is shining outside and inside.  Wishing you well, Peter

Tuesday, 28 June 2011

Work in progress

The picture on left is just about completed. The one on the right will get treated in like manner; unless? I kid you not.PAY UP OR THE PAINTING GETS IT.   O how good it is to have an artistic licence. Give me a smile, you know it makes sense.
Peace and love to all beings, Peter the playfull

Sunday, 26 June 2011

Would you credit it it. Yep, on such a lovely day; more art and sunshine!

Greetings to all who see this blog. That reminds me, due  to having a brain injury, I am more understanding of how dissability can affect a person. Having a blind friend who I sometimes read books to has just made me think, that when Ive had this website online awhile and am not such a novice, then Id like to do an audio blog. Maybe add some spoken art. How about one of my poems? How about, `No Small Change Understanding Room Only.` ttfn Peter. Ps this photo I took dis pm and  is me, Buster and one son!

Sunday sunday what about art and reformation?

I'm just throwing that title into the arena. Hopefully we as individuals are constantly reforming. Shedding dead cells and toxic principles. Aquiring healthy ideals and bodies fit to house our immortal spirits.  This is why I have to often battle against earthly desires. I am only here for such a brief flicker in time. I,ve learnt over the last half century plus, some of the skills to endevour with and those to leave by the wayside.

Creativity and Love are my life. Fighting against hate and destruction,by filling my heart, mind  and actions with posative energies.

Taking time to sit and quiet the body and mind for periods in the day. Making do with this computer and accepting how better of my life is without try to escape my authentic role in life, by distracting my subconcious mind with television (Dont have and dont want a telvision.). Me and the Buster are off for a run, so unless an interesting photo presents itself, then peace and love to all beings. If I remember I will share some pictures of this hermitage with you. Peter 

Saturday, 25 June 2011

sunday sunday cant always be fun day yet we can have a go

Good Day All,
All shall be well
and all manner of things shall be well.  

A group of tourists were visiting a picturesque village. As they walked by an old man sitting beside a fence, one tourist in  rather patronizing way, turned to the old man and asked, " Were any great men born in this village?" The old man simply turned and repied. " Nope only babies."

Pray like children
Dear lord, thank you for the nice day today. You even fooled the TV weatherman. Hank ( age 7 )

Have a good day. Love and peace to all creation. Peter

Friday, 24 June 2011

early morning blog

Good morning universe. Thank you for a safe restfull night.
Im going to take Buster out for a run over the park.

The birds are sing and Im going to go out and join them. Yet I shant be singing, where another human soul can here me.
Tracy, my late wife made up a song which we used to sing over and over sometimes to our bullmastiff Nestar;`Nestar gator your a swinging aligator your a croc.`

Okay folks, ever onwards and forwards into this wnderfull new day.
Peace and love to you

My God inspire me to create good `Fish on friday.`

May The power of love which created this whole expanding universe from nothing, bless us this day. Looking on you tube I saw an actor whom I like in films, Gary Busey. He`s come up with Buseyisums,
FEAR; False Evidance Appearing Real.  Hear is my Kimbleisum ; CHURCH, Come Home Under Regal Christian Holiness. O, I took the painting father Richard asked me to paint into church yesterday and he likes it. Brother lawrence died over 250yrs ago and now a booklet of his - The practice of the Presence of God, has come into my hands.
     (These hands which are no longer my hands.)
Ah! knew we but the need we have of the grace and assistance of God, we should never lose sight of Him - no, not for a moment, belive me; make a holy and firm resolution nevermore wilfully to stray from Him, and to live the rest of your days inHis sacred Presence, for love of Him surrendering, if He think fit, all other pleasures. Brother Lawrence   I leave giving peace and Love to you and all beings, Brother Peter

My main man and me over the park,By Buster the GSD.

I may be Busters main man and hope that I am as loyal to him as he is to me. You all have a good day and I shall get to work on my `Fish on Friday blog. ttfn Peter

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Just a quote, yet one which may help you as me, transend ego. Be Love

                            PEACE LOVE AND BLESSING TO ALL CREATURESAs a single footstep will not make a path on the earth, so a single thought will not make a pathway in the mind.  To make a deep physical path, we must think over and over the kind of thoughts we want to dominate our lives.
   Henry David Thoreau

O go on then, how about a lighthearted one. Confusious says the man who said it cant be done and the man who said it can be done are both usually right.
                 Here is going from the lighthearted to whatever the opposite of profound is.(sublime?)
When I told them I wanted to be a comedian they all laughed. Well theyre not laughing now!
Now I will throw out into the swirling universal mind something I do occasionly meditate on. Feel free to reply. Whats the answer to the question that doesnt exist?       ttfn Brother Peter.

Wednesday, 22 June 2011

Wonderfully miraculously its appeared. Thank you UDL

Okay. The banknotes had been thrown in the bin a couple of years ago and have got used today!
This could be a collaborative work! Send me a fifty pound note and a hundred dollar bill, UK & USA!

artwork progresses today

I was going to share the frustration of following the instructions to put an artwork in progress and almost completed on this blog, but it not going on. I just thought, Peter accept there is a reason it is not meant to be on tonight's blog and stop playing king Canute. So you will see it when the universe deems the time appropriate.

So, calm and relaxed I shall leave you now, wishing peace love and an end to suffering for all life.

Peter and The Buster

Last night dark night followed by bright day.

Hi you all, hope you are well. I went out over the park last night for Busters last run of the day. Got back to the flat and my key ring with house and car keys were not in my pocket. Fortunately for us our neighbour, Low, was in in and so I climbed over his balcony to mine.   I didn't lose my passion, love and infatiguable drive to ever stride forward, with a smile on my face for all I meet.   

                                    NOW JUXTAPOSITION (or not)

                                                He who loves
                                        has conquered the world
                                 and has no fear of losing anything.
                                True love is an act of total surrender           Paulo Coelho

Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Got a commision, yes Im Im fighting for the lightside.

At church our priest father Richard has asked me to do a painting for the lady chapel. Ive created two paintings, one of which will have to be totally reworked before anyone, but Buster sees it. Buster not only saw it, he stood on it. Yep, he was telling me something!  My most honest critic and best friend; apart from JC of course.
I'm happy and content with the colourful cross on a white background. Yet will sleep it over, as am contemplating having a dark background from which the cross of light bursts forth. Watch this space!
 Lets thank the universe for its creativity. Gary Busey, I love you man and thank you for `Buseyisums`.
This is one of his; Fear False evidence appearing real.
Here is one one of mine. CHURCH come home under regal christian holiness.
  Don't Judge; just come up with one if you like and post it to me. My neighbour, Long (cool chinese dude working at the university,) has made the website able to receive comments, or he will tomorrow.   Try to do a random act of kindness where you know there will be no immediate reward, Mine includes picking up litter and wishing strangers a good day, everyday. Apart frm the recent broken arm. ( I still wished people agood day!)  Bless you.Your brother, Peter

A day to be still

I wish all creation peace this day. I wish to be fairly still today and will just share two verses from Tagore`s Stray Birds, which I am in meditation with.

I Have suffered and despaired and known death and I am glad that I am in this great world.

I long for the Island of Songs across this heaving Sea of Shouts.

About time to get naked, get a canvas, empty my mind of thoughts; feel the oneness and paint.

You all be.
Loving energy through me  Peter to you. 

Monday, 20 June 2011

I do like Mondays, yes I do like Mondays. I want to take you home.

Nostalgia isnt what it used to be
Good day to all who read this. I was taken back to my twenties and the Boomtown Rats, I dont like mondays. Yes, back then I liked the Rats. Mind you I also liked the Cat. That was when he was still Cat Stevens. Oh and there was another singer, he sung; "They call me mellow yellow."Funny how some people get a passion for a certain era of music and stick with it. (ah ha, was it Donavan?) Not me. I just got sidetracked and started sing diffaaa diffaaa diffeeerant sounds. 

A quote for you today by Paulo Coelho. `The moment we set off in search of love, it sets off in search of us. And saves us.

There is no need for me to give any other quotes today.
This one is more than enough for me to meditate on. To make part of my being.

Have a good day and may all beings be happy. BrotherPeter

Sunday, 19 June 2011

Sunny Sunday. Its fathers day

I liked the light coming through this tree. Yet neither me nor my son can rotate it. I made the decision using the authority of my artistic licence, to let it go on. As it would happen, my neighbour Long has sorted it, good man. One could say its a picture of a trees blocking out light, or light coming through trees!  Gotta rush and take the boys to church. Hopefully I,ll be back.Peace and love to all beings. Peter Kimble   

Saturday, 18 June 2011

Today is the dogs day

A test of conscience
If a dog will not come to you after he has looked you in the face, you ought to examine your conscience.
Woodrow Wilson
In the second world war in England the war office asked the public to lend their dogs to aid the war effort. within days the few staff were buckling under offers from more than 7000 responses.
Among many heartbreaking letters was one which said, `My husband has gone, my son has gone, please take my dog and bring this cruel war to an end.` ( good grief, why is water leaking from my eyes?)
There are so many stories of gallant and heroic dogs, some of whom one medals. Its not surprising that some human soldiers have been proud to be called Dog soldiers.

Have a good weekend all who read this and who dont!

Friday, 17 June 2011

Buster is poorly

Me and me elder wiser sister, Viv - not opening my mouth too much as there are other sisters (not to mention brothers!)  - took Buster to the vets today as Ive been concerned about his noisy outbursts. Which although would have been considered normal for a minister in the house of commons, are bizarre for a sensible intelligent dog such is Buster. Turned out as I had expected he has contracted kennel cough. He now has medication and cant mix with other dogs for a bit.

As Ive been a bit tired out today, I should like to give the option for people to see my ` Fish on Friday.` as something I enjoy rousing my Spirit, heart and mind with. GO (please) to you tube and watch `Battle Cry` William Booth. What a man. He has saved more souls than any other army leader.
When I recall as now the orphans and street children encountered in the six years I lived in the Philippines, then I saw over and over the face of God. How much harder it is for me, as I look so intently into the face of the politicians, the rich and famous, to capture even a glimmer of recognition,for the love of the least of My people. And my people too. I have taken this brain damage as a gift from God and he is turning it into a blessing for my art and others. ANYWAY, YOU ALL HAVE A GOOD WEEKEND.          

Fish on Friday

I did have a stone with a cross through it, but it seems it was not to be on today's blog as I`d intended. So in observance with what was meant to be, you can see one instead which reminds me of the circle of life. How long did it take the universe to make it; before the sea washed it up on the shore for to be picked up and meditated on? Longer than it took to make me? Im not sure , because as an eternal spiritual being, I may have been conceived of before the universe began. Then, bang!
A good traveler has no fixed route as the jouney is as important if not more so than the destination. The destination may not change whatever route we take. The wisdom is in having a good guide. Let go and let God. Peace and love to all beings. Peter is here with a smile for God knows, you all.

Pebble I found on beach with light divideng circle

Thursday, 16 June 2011

Thursdays blog in wet grey Luton, or is it. Homage to Harry

How fresh the grass and plants smell and look after a shower.
Talking of water, brings me to;

Everyone is a genius. But if you judge a fish on its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.  A. Einstein

I do declare that the above could have easily been penned by the indefatigable Mr Nebblesworth. It just goes to show that we are all one, if we can only realize it! ONE BODY.
Lets get together and feel alright.

Id better shoot off and take mum to church. Have an insightfull day. Peace 

Okay, its an iffy link, but holding an artistic licence covers it!  

Wednesday, 15 June 2011

At last the machine lets me do a blog.

Hi out there. I came across the following saying which having meditated on , agree with and have seen put slightly differently by various people. Also in the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, by an alien, or maybe it was an Alan.
                                                  Quote of the day
`Each second you can be reborn. There can be a new beginning. It is choice. It is your choice.`  Clearwater.
Now, I'm sure Ive heard of this `Clearwater` before, but cant find out who they are. If anyone knows perhaps they  will drop me a line at,  thats not an underscored adress if that what you get.
Todays quote reminds me a bit of something I was reading in quantum physics. Nope its gone. Which reminds me, buster would proberbly like to be going over the park and so I must say adui my bon bons

Monday, 13 June 2011

London and Manila

The noise, colours and bustle of Manila is all much louder than London. The markets more vibrant and raw. And the people, the people are more animated and alive.

 I miss the the philipinnes and yet there are so many other places I should like to enjoy a few weeks or months exploring and being - all be it brief - a part of.

Till I blog again, be fairly safe, quite adventurous ( even if only in your daydreams.) And totally loving of at least one thing, plant, person, or animal.

Buster and me will be heading towards our Beds in a few minutes.  Be, I am.    

A blast from the past

The following poem I started in Laspinas Manila in march 1999 and finished at the end nov 2002

    No small change, understanding room only

Confuscious, confusion, computers.
There is so much to learn, and much to forget.
Dont stir up and keep alive sour angry thoughts,
Nor people do despise.

Im wiser tan the mouse! Remember me your brother.
Im no dog, or unwanted head louse.
Yet , its me who feeds the mouse.
Not for my pleasure
Or anyones dissdain.

Indeed for its hunger
I must feed and without question
I do give to her passion

Would I beg for time to change if
I didnt want you to like
The man I hope to be?

How do I want to live?
I cannot live a lie.
I wish my dreams to fly.

Whats past is gone
I have few recollections to give.
Just this handful of memories to pass on.

Sunday, 12 June 2011

Good grief Buster, you were meant to be on the blog.

His photo has dissapeared and as there is a day here to be getting on with I shant spend any more time on it!   I thought Id share a couple; nay, trice quotes with you. We shall start with the shortest then progress to the longest. As this isnt `Fish on friday` the shortest is the biblical one.

A living dog is better than a dead lion. The Bible

The dog is a gentleman; I hope to go to his heaven, not mans. Mark Twain.

the great pleasure of a dog is that you may make a fool of yourself with him and not only will he not scold you, but he will make a fool of himself too. Samual  Butler                                                                                                                                                                             
** This is Busters ` I can do draft excluder!`
 The 1st quote has provoked Mr Nebblesworth out of his slumber to retort; `A dead lion makes a better draft excluder than a living dog.   

Thursday, 9 June 2011

Addition to yesterdays post.

Sometimes an artist is a person who has had some traumas in their lives and worked through them to come out a better being.

It isnt easy for any of us to transend the past, or pain we might of suffered, or caused others. Yet there are gifts in those pains, and we can choose to let the light into those dark places. We are not alone!

I send you radical self acceptance, power-full healing and the miracle of your heart speaking - and you listening.

Be still and know I Am.

From a little brother of Jesus and Buddha and all the saints. Blessings to you.

Fish on Friday

Good day to everyone. Me and the Buster are back from the park. Buster upset a jogger by running up to him and barking. Not growling mind you. I apologised but the bloke was still angry. Never mind, perhaps when he has has a few more lessons with the trainers used to German Shepperd's, then he will be more controllable. (Buster that is, not the jogger!)
Anyway as we walked around I managed to collect up a bag of rubbish which included some unmentionable material.

                                                    Quote for the day comes from a native American.
`To know ourselves as the Vast Self playing is to be both human and divine. It is for this we are all born, to be mystics, fully alive and dancing.`    Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow)

` If I can see God in you and you can see God in me, then how can can we fail not to love each other.
                                                         Mr Nebblesworth (the artist P.G.Kimble) Peace,Love and do smile.

Heres the little poem I penned in 2007 over 10yrs after my 1st wife died

                           Quiet sobbing
                       Accepting loss change
                           Gentle laughing
I n my late teens and early twenties I thought myself a mixture of bad and mad. Later I realised the delusion, that I was really repressing sad. Learning in my twenties to mourn for my parents was to prepare me for my belove Tracy`s suicide.  Yep Yep it started of like Burroughs and Kafka could have conspired to write my life. How better it was when Hermann Hesse would pen some scripts for me to act out. Or was it the other way round, but the time went suddenly in reverse and he wasnt able to record the future quick enough!

Anyway its gone 10 pm so Im off to read , `Eternal Life: A New Vision`, by John Shelby Spong. I reccomend it. AS it says on the cover; beyond religion, beyond theism, beyond heaven and hell.
Goodnight and peace and love to all beings.   

1st going back in time to 8th nov 2007

Brain injured artists cant always remember all they have shared. Let me be more particular. Someone that read or was told my life story from say fifteen to now may find it hard to believe. That is from the time I as a loner at school, since my friends whom were a year older had left. This fifteen year old - me - was being bullied . So I came up with the idea to even up the odds. Fortunately for me (maybe also them) I was caught in a derelict house next to a gunsmiths which I had broken into through a wall in the loft. I had in my possession a shotgun and a bag of 350 shotgun cartridges.
I was put into the care of the local authority and sent to Herts training school, where I learnt painting and decorating. I done well there in learning to be a painter and decorator. Within months of graduating from there and going to live with my dad, he had a heart attack whilst working in a car parts factory.
 So at sixteen I took my first overdose and was in Fairfield   psychiatric hospital.
Things would carry on until people would think my life had been scripwrited by Franz Kafka in cahoots with William burroughs!  Look. I did want to share one of my poems called, Loss. Maybe tomorrow. 2 da loo.

Wednesday, 8 June 2011

To blog or not to blog!

I got say what a challenge it is at times keeping cool when those in power are just so uncool.
I'm living in a society where we are all treated equally! What a joke.
The ba***rds wont grind me down.
A bus driver rightly didn't want me to get on `his` bus because the photo on the disabled buss pass is unrecognisable. That's his right.
Now when I go get a form for replacing it, from the town hall, it seems the government have changed the rules and I may not be entitled to a new one.
I know it applies to everyone and even a millionaire with an acquired brain injury would be in the same boat.
Of course he wouldn't. He would be on a luxury liner. I`d be on that overcrowded ferry in the Philippines that sunk with so many poor souls drowned.
This is a cathartic blog because although my disability means I'm forgetful to the degree that I can often not know what day,or month, nor even year it is. Lock myself out of my flat a few times yearly and lose so much stuff; the list goes on and on. Yet I am thankful that because I`d learnt the way to the hospital,I shall be able to walk the few miles there and back.
 In fact  If someone knows of a wheelchair user without strong arms but a good;  memory, organizational skills, then we should team up and make  a documentary `Walking and wheels from John O`Groats to Lands end` Im up for it, come on universe wheres my com padre?
 There you go, its out of my hands now and I`m off to seize the day. You all have a good one.

Tuesday, 7 June 2011

This is the border finnished. I recon the little man will be going away to paint something else!
Thats all for now folks.
Good day to all who can read this.

 May the sun shine for you and you shine for others.
Peace and love from Peter

Monday, 6 June 2011

Hi folks. Ive been unable to write a blog for a few day as the the adress & password Id been given were not the right ones.So although we may be able to work out whats meant, computers dont yet have the ability of Buster my German sheperd!
 Got started today on an art `peace`, an artist at work sign, which I hope to use in performance at various venues, if allowed.
Im sure you know how hard it can be for us radical outsider artists, to get stuff past `the man` !
So today Im painting the red border around a road sign which Id prepared earlier after having retrieved it from a stream.
 You can see my image painting.
Next I shall see if I can get some blackboard paint, or maybe I dont need too! When you can avoid spending money on art, the universe applauds louder.
 Oh yes I`ll just share what my late wife Tracy said, if feeling down. `Remember a smile is just a frown turned upside down.

Saturday, 4 June 2011

A quote for today.

` Be not afraid of life. Believe that life is worth living, and your belief will help create the fact.`
William James
What I find interesting about this, is that if William James penned this many years ago, which I suspect, then what may well have come from a Christian standpoint is now being regarded by quantum physicists  as only a recent understanding of matter and the universe!
So if our thoughts become words, our words actions and actions our destiny; well I for one will keep making an effort to make them creative and loving, like my master.
I shall end in the hope of well being for all things. Peace

Friday, 3 June 2011

My 1st blog, writes the the artist pgkimble

It's a nice feeling to see some of my recent artwork on my first website/blog. Big thanks to both Dave and Viv.

Having a relaxing afternoon looking it over and have ironed out the one or two little errors.

Of course Buster my beloved German shepherd has missed out on this wonderful time due to his presence  being unsettling to the ambiance  of the occasion.  Still, a bone has been bought to compensate him for the indignity of being unable to warn someone away from his `pad`. Nuff about Buster, but bless him, he is my closest mate and he would probably say the same about me. Okay I put my hands up; he does think I'm too controlling!

I must get my head down and come up with an idea to put on a found roadway warning sign which I've already prepared! I need to find, locate, beg, borrow, or steal a symbol to express `Artist`. For ` ARTIST AT WORK`.

So I must go now, but with thanks to Saint Jude, patron saint of lost causes. I've lost a lot of things, yet in the balance of lost and found its the right attitude which makes the universe smile at you!