Sunday, 26 June 2011

Sunday sunday what about art and reformation?

I'm just throwing that title into the arena. Hopefully we as individuals are constantly reforming. Shedding dead cells and toxic principles. Aquiring healthy ideals and bodies fit to house our immortal spirits.  This is why I have to often battle against earthly desires. I am only here for such a brief flicker in time. I,ve learnt over the last half century plus, some of the skills to endevour with and those to leave by the wayside.

Creativity and Love are my life. Fighting against hate and destruction,by filling my heart, mind  and actions with posative energies.

Taking time to sit and quiet the body and mind for periods in the day. Making do with this computer and accepting how better of my life is without try to escape my authentic role in life, by distracting my subconcious mind with television (Dont have and dont want a telvision.). Me and the Buster are off for a run, so unless an interesting photo presents itself, then peace and love to all beings. If I remember I will share some pictures of this hermitage with you. Peter 

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