Wednesday, 15 June 2011

At last the machine lets me do a blog.

Hi out there. I came across the following saying which having meditated on , agree with and have seen put slightly differently by various people. Also in the hitch-hikers guide to the galaxy, by an alien, or maybe it was an Alan.
                                                  Quote of the day
`Each second you can be reborn. There can be a new beginning. It is choice. It is your choice.`  Clearwater.
Now, I'm sure Ive heard of this `Clearwater` before, but cant find out who they are. If anyone knows perhaps they  will drop me a line at,  thats not an underscored adress if that what you get.
Todays quote reminds me a bit of something I was reading in quantum physics. Nope its gone. Which reminds me, buster would proberbly like to be going over the park and so I must say adui my bon bons

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