Thursday, 9 June 2011

Fish on Friday

Good day to everyone. Me and the Buster are back from the park. Buster upset a jogger by running up to him and barking. Not growling mind you. I apologised but the bloke was still angry. Never mind, perhaps when he has has a few more lessons with the trainers used to German Shepperd's, then he will be more controllable. (Buster that is, not the jogger!)
Anyway as we walked around I managed to collect up a bag of rubbish which included some unmentionable material.

                                                    Quote for the day comes from a native American.
`To know ourselves as the Vast Self playing is to be both human and divine. It is for this we are all born, to be mystics, fully alive and dancing.`    Joseph Rael (Beautiful Painted Arrow)

` If I can see God in you and you can see God in me, then how can can we fail not to love each other.
                                                         Mr Nebblesworth (the artist P.G.Kimble) Peace,Love and do smile.

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