Thursday, 9 June 2011

Heres the little poem I penned in 2007 over 10yrs after my 1st wife died

                           Quiet sobbing
                       Accepting loss change
                           Gentle laughing
I n my late teens and early twenties I thought myself a mixture of bad and mad. Later I realised the delusion, that I was really repressing sad. Learning in my twenties to mourn for my parents was to prepare me for my belove Tracy`s suicide.  Yep Yep it started of like Burroughs and Kafka could have conspired to write my life. How better it was when Hermann Hesse would pen some scripts for me to act out. Or was it the other way round, but the time went suddenly in reverse and he wasnt able to record the future quick enough!

Anyway its gone 10 pm so Im off to read , `Eternal Life: A New Vision`, by John Shelby Spong. I reccomend it. AS it says on the cover; beyond religion, beyond theism, beyond heaven and hell.
Goodnight and peace and love to all beings.   

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