Tuesday, 21 June 2011

Got a commision, yes Im Im fighting for the lightside.

At church our priest father Richard has asked me to do a painting for the lady chapel. Ive created two paintings, one of which will have to be totally reworked before anyone, but Buster sees it. Buster not only saw it, he stood on it. Yep, he was telling me something!  My most honest critic and best friend; apart from JC of course.
I'm happy and content with the colourful cross on a white background. Yet will sleep it over, as am contemplating having a dark background from which the cross of light bursts forth. Watch this space!
 Lets thank the universe for its creativity. Gary Busey, I love you man and thank you for `Buseyisums`.
This is one of his; Fear False evidence appearing real.
Here is one one of mine. CHURCH come home under regal christian holiness.
  Don't Judge; just come up with one if you like and post it to me. My neighbour, Long (cool chinese dude working at the university,) has made the website able to receive comments, or he will tomorrow.   Try to do a random act of kindness where you know there will be no immediate reward, Mine includes picking up litter and wishing strangers a good day, everyday. Apart frm the recent broken arm. ( I still wished people agood day!)  Bless you.Your brother, Peter

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