Tuesday, 30 October 2012


The sun is shining here physically, psychologically and spiritually.

Benedict founded the most famous monastery in Europe, on the height of Monte Cassino, south of Rome. From there the Benedictine Order was founded and there he wrote Rule, which was based on the monastic understanding that salvation comes through disciplined godliness.

   First, I advise that you should implore the help of God to accomplish every good work you undertake; that he, who has now vouchsafed to rank us in the number of his children, may be no more grieved at our doing amiss. For we ought always to use his grace so faithfully in his service, as to give him no occasion to disinherit his children like an angry parent, or to punish for eternity his servants, like a master incensed at their crimes- servants who have refused to follow him in the way to glory.
                                                            Benedict of Nursia (480-547)

I had wished to share my thoughts with you about how our intentions often have a real effect on this pyhsical  universe, but believe it may be more calming for me this day to let my son get back on this computer and play his game. He put the photos of my latest artwork on this blog and the top one should have been turned to the right, as it is on its side. I must go now though, with the thought and feeling that all is well for us. May you feel this love which is so real it created us from nothing. Blessings peace and love be with you now and always.
                                      Your bro Peter.   


Monday, 29 October 2012

                       Greetings, love and blessings be with
                       us all as we are one. 

                                                    We can have fun. Dont be too serious.

                                                   We mustnt make monsters out of children
                                                    dressing up in play!


                                                    The power of silence is the ocean into
                                                    which all the rivers of all religions
                                                    discharge them selves.

                                                    The sea of silence is made up from the
                                                    purest droplets of all religions and
                                                    good thinking!

                                                   Here is the art painted yesterday and
                                                   today. It is still wet and so is it

                     Here in this body are the sacred rivers: here are the sun and the moon as well
                      as all the pilgrimage places... I have not encountered another temple as bliss
                      full as my own body.

                      The way of the mystic is the way of devotion, meditation and prayer
                       A solitary and subjective path.

                     The method of the mystic is impossible until long training has enabled him,
                      or her to transcend the planes of form.

                      Have a good day my brothers and sisters. Do not worry about tomorrow, but
                      be fully in every moment now. We are all loved more than we realize.

                                                      Your bro Peter.

Saturday, 27 October 2012

Art, naturally , easily and effortlessly produced for you.

Good day my brothers and sisters. This below is a photo of the painting which I started yesterday, after coming home from my
art therapy session. It is still wet, even this morning and I am not
sure if it is finished, or not! It doesn't appear finished to me, but 
as you never comment, giving your opinion - which is your entitlement and not a criticism - I will have to come to that decision on my own. My sister Viv may venture her opinion if I ask her. I know my sons would if they are here and they aught to be later in the day. I value their opinion on my art. They dont have the bias of many adults.

                                         At 9am (which for my sister could be 9am - 10.30am.)
                                         My sister is coming around and we are going to drive
                                         To a town near here, called Hitchin, to have a  coffee
                                          and a mooch around..
                                          Below are some of my paintings which I want her(my sister Viv) to
                                          have a look at and decide which I should pay to have
                                          framed first.

Christ lives in me

"For through the Law I died to the Law, that I might live unto God. I have been crucified with Christ, and it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I now live by faith in the son of God, who love me and gave himself for me."  (Galations2:19-20)

This which is written above, we can take as our motivating force behind our service to God. It is our loyalty and love for Jesus. If our appreciation for Him is lacking, then so will our service in the kingdom of God.

When does our "crucifixion with Christ" occur and to what does it refer? Essentially it happens when we say "no" to self and "yes" to Christ. It happens when we become committed to trust and obey Jesus in everything, and to put away those things that did not fit with living for Jesus. To sum it up in one word, Paul was "crucified with Christ" when he "repented". If  I now say this and believe it is true, then for sure the old me, or old self was crucified with Christ and the new me lives through Christs resurrection

This "crucifixion" is spiritual, or figurative, in nature, though it has visable results in one`s life. And just as Christ`s literal crucifixion occurred before His burial, so does ours. We repent, and then we are buried in anticipation of rising up from our spiritual grave to live a new life. ... Knowing this, that our old self was Crucified with Him, that our body of sin might be done away with, and that we should no longer be slaves to sin; for he who has died is free from sin (Romans 6:6,7) when we "baptized into Christ, we are "clothed with Christ" (Galatians 3:27) "Or do you not knowhow it is at all! While God does provide grace to His children who stuble and sin(1John 1:8-10), He does not permit a careless, nochalent attitude towards disobedience.

When we are "baptized into Christ" we are "Clothed with Christ" (Galatians 3:27) In Pauls letter to the Romans he writes; "or do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus have been baptized into His death? Therefore, we are buried with Him through baptism into death, in order that as Christ was raised from the dead through the glory of the Father, so we too might walk in newness of life." (Romans 6:3.4)

Living By Faith     
"...and the life I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and delivered himself up for me. (Galatians 2:20)

We cannot live in righteousness by our self.
We have to surrender our self to Jesus, putting our faith in Him.

Righteousness does not come through the law of moses, nor by any other scheme or plan save one; the gospel of Christ.
Grace brings us to salvation, but also responsibilities. As those responsibilities are met,, we are living by faith. There is quite simply no other path to God; if there is, the "Christ died needlessly." (Galatians 2:21) But there is not. His death was absolute necessity, and there is no other way to the father but by Him. (John14:6)   

Have a good weekend my brothers and sisters. Know that you are loved and pass this on. Your Brother in Christ, Peter.         

Friday, 26 October 2012

Fish on Friday : Love and blessings be with you now and always.

Good day my brothers and sisters. This is a photo I took whilst on the way to my art therapy session with Kate Rothwell, in Redbourne. Hertfordshire. I was interested in the shapes and space of light and dark, as well as the lines made by the twigs.

Below is the painting I have just completed, using the above photo for inspiration. I trust that you can appreciate it as I do! Also as I appreciate the tree for its presence in this wonderful world and you also for now being present here at my blog. Thank you.

A lot of today's session was spent, with Kate telling me about the talk we are giving on Sat 8th Dec 2012 at the Saturday forensic forum in Hampstead, London, England. What work we shall show and how the structure of the talk will go.
I still have to have make some postcard size cards to hand out. I shall print out the relevant details on the back of A4 cards, along with a quote by me and, or another artist . Do a painting on the front. Then when dry cut them into fours. This way, everyone attending will get an original `peace` of my artwork!

There has been a lot of interest, but we dont know how many people are coming.


Fish on Friday

Holy desire

Written in the second half of the fourteenth century by and unknown author,
believed to have been an English priest or a monk, The Cloud of Unknowing 
is a spiritual guidebook that has influenced generations of seekers after the
spiritual truth.

  For it is not what you are or have been that God looks at
with his merciful eyes. but what you would be. St Gregory asserts
that `all holy desires grow by delays; and if they fade because of
these delays then they were never holy desires`. If man feels less
and less joy at new discoveries and the unexpected upsurge of his
old and deliberate desires for good, then those desires never were
holy. St Augustine is speaking of this holy desire when he says
that `the life of a good Christian consists of nothing else but holy
   Farewell, spiritual friend, with God`s blessing and mine upon
you! And I pray Almighty God that true peace, sound counsel,
and his own spiritual comfort and abundant grace may ever be
with you and all his earthly lovers. Amen
                                                                        Anon (14th century)

The above writing I wish you to see as echoed by me, as it has come through me and could have just as well originated from me. Now you you also, if so inclined - after reflection - can think likewise. 
We are all one, my brothers and sisters, so lets pray for those of us that have not yet been blessed with this realization and understanding.
Your brother, in and of Jesus, Benedict of Nursia, Buddha and all the saints

Thursday, 25 October 2012

Thursday is just art and and equation

Good day to you my brothers and sisters.


                                                               Here is the holy equation!
                            1 cross + 3 nails = 4 given

Today has been busy. I went to a communion service at church at 10am and then went to the hospital to have my blood taken to be tested. As I have now finished all injections and tablets for the Hepatitis, I do hope that is now dealt with.

Anyway I have at least posted photos of the painting which I created yesterday. Tomorrow I shall be going to see and have an art session with Kate Rothwell, my excellent forensic art therapist. Sooo my brothers and sisters, I hope this blog finds you in good spirits. May all my love and the love of God Almighty and all the saints, be with you this day and always. Pass this love on. Your bro Peter.      

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Good day. Peace and blessings be upon you all.

Be still and know `I AM` is pure consciousness.

We must not waste too much time trying to be what we are not, or as it were, try to make a silk purse out of a sows ear. As I have said before, not only will you not achieve it, but the sow wont be happy!

A dagger out of a stick of celery. (I will be most surprised if you have heard this before!) 

I dont know how many of you have, like me, heard of the `Tibetan Book of the Dead.`? Well as I had heard of it, I borrowed a copy from the local library. I couldn't get much wisdom, nor joy from it and I duly recognize that may be due to one of my many shortcomings. I shall digress and tell you my most noticeable shortcoming, which yet is a trifle.
I am 5`10`` and not 6`4". If I were 6`4" I should have to bend to go through a lot of doors. If I were rich and that height, then all the doors in my hermitage would be tall but few. I shall leave this train of thought lest it gets silly and turns into a cartoon train, hurtling down a steep track full of circus animals(this is the carriage of course that is full of animals. But it can be the track as well if you like. Its your imagination. Or is it!) . A hole in the roof of one carriage with a giraffe`s neck and head poking out. I know its unusual for most normal circuses to have giraffe`s, but not at all for imaginary ones. This draws us back to todays quote which comes from the Tibetan book of Great Liberation.

`Matter derives from mind not mind from matter.`

This goes along with what me and Albert have both said. He said that every design has a designer. He therefore believed the universe has a designer. 
I say; If `I` can imagine and create something, then conversely something can imagine and create me. 
Many are now coming to the understanding how we are all co-creators of this universe. 
Ideas can be enlightening and creative, or dark and destructive and all with intelligence behind them.
But enough of this. I shall put on photos of yesterdays paintings and then look up without any expectations, the Tibetan Book of Great liberation. (It would be cool though, if tomorrow in the blog, I exclaimed how I am now totally Liberated! Do you know that its you who can bring this about. So think its happening right now!)


                      Todays favorite. I had to abandon a lot of thinking to just create this. If I had thought,
                     I want to create some random black lines, top right, as thin or thinner than one hair of
                     the paintbrush, that would have not been able to have been achieved!

I wont begin to explain to you all, what the things which I like about this best are. You may like completely different things.  Oh I cant help but mention just on little tincy wincy thing. @3 inches up. Part of a black cross. 

Be good my brothers and sisters, as you are and as we all are, getting better and better each day. Smiling and contented that we are transcending worldly views. Your ever loving brother, Peter.

Tuesday, 23 October 2012

Tuesday 23rd Oct 2012 THE PATH I WALK

Good day my brothers and sisters.
May love and blessings be with you and work through you, out to others, today and always!


The path I walk, Christ walks it.
May the land in which I am in
be without sorrow.

May the Trinity protect me wherever I stay,
Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Bright angels walk with me
dear presence - in every dealing...

May every path before me be smooth,
man, woman and child welcome me.

 Attributed to St Columba
from Celtic Christian Spirituality

For those of you who have followed my blogs for some time, you will know know that there was a time - mainly when I had my loyal German Shepard, Buster - when I would like to put photos on of me and my shadow. I called it me and shadow me and shadow Buster. Today caught on my camera is shadow man, without me! Or Buster! (I got to mention that of course I miss him, but he did bite a runner and had to be re-homed!)

Shadowman comes upstairs! 
                          Shadowman becomes 
                                                    more distinct and yet separate from
                                                    The Artist P G Kimble! (Yet we are one.)

                          Todays work in photos

If you would like to check out me and my eldest son having fun, then look up  `little boy getting hit with his homemade club 002` on YOUTUBE.


Let us praise God
at the beginning
and the end of time.
Who ever seeks Him out
He will not deny
nor refuse.

From  Black Book of Carmarthen  

Buster, my much missed loyal friend.

I trust who ever has Him loves
Him as much as my sons and  I still do. 

The end of today's blog (Yes, there are tears in my eyes. For real.)
Blessings, love and peace be upon you all.
Your bro of Jesus Christ,
Buddha & all the saints,
  Peter G Kimble.      

Monday, 22 October 2012

My latest painting. Plus not a gripe, but an observation.

Love and blessings to you all.

                      If I clear all thoughts from my mind and then look at this above photo it makes
                      me feel that all is well and bright.

Well my brothers and sisters. Having said the above, you may understand why I am not too perturbed by news that our government is going to try and make savings by doing away with `Disability Living Allowance` This is currently a major component of  my income. Somewhere in the region of between two to three hundred pounds per month. 

The government ministers will claim more in their meal expenses perhaps. None of them could live on my works pension of under £300 per month. 

I have lived in the past though, for six years in the Philippines and so I can see how its still possible to survive, when the `top` people in society have most of the wealth and the masses of poor have a pittance. Not me, I ought to make that clear, but the Filipino equivalent of a person from my social and economic background.
The poor are generally more compassionate and spiritual.
The rich are self absorbed and put on a show if at all they attend a church mass, or charitable event and are usually expecting their photo to be in the paper, or television coverage. 
Peoples power on two big occasions toppled corrupt regimes there.

 Here in the United Kingdom its been a long time since our masses, rose up against the `Elite`. 
Our biggest civil war and revolution was from 1603 - 1714 and was this just one elite raising troops and cannon fodder against another?

Although I have shared all the above with you to point out that the minority in power expect more wealth for themselves and less for the rest, I am able to see this of having little effect on my well being. My main well being is not material. Prime concern to my well being is a combination of psychological and spiritual wealth. My body is secondary and only a temporary convenience. This is why it is important for me to be able to have body and mind under control by means of fasting and prayer/meditation! Who you are and who I am, is beyond our body and mind and we can use almost any physical circumstances to realize this. Do you recall the story of the prince and the pauper. This illustrated how the prince came to realize his enslavement to a false way of life!   Now, if some do not realize that what we sow in this life, we reap in the next, then perhaps I should do more to inform them! Yet, if they haven't got it by now, maybe its beyond their comprehension and understanding in this life. Remember the story of the rich man who asked Jesus how he could enter the kingdom of heaven. Jesus said he should sell all he had, give the money to the poor and follow Jesus. He went away sad, because he was so wealthy that he couldn't trust the word of Jesus.

So if we can rejoice when people take the little we have and see it as their unknowing aid in our spiritual salvation, then we do not have to concern ourselves with them digging their own pit, by means of mounting up a mountain of riches from which they will eventually fall! They cannot hear the voice of Jesus saying, `when I was hungry did you feed me. When I was naked did you clothe me.` Those of us that have seen the way and the light, can be glad for even a penny, yet the rich will never be satisfied and always want for more. They may never feel sorry for those of us that are in need. When we are okay with that and do feel sorry for them, then we will have attained great spiritual wealth.     

Peace love and blessing to all beings.
Your brother Peter.   



Saturday, 20 October 2012

A day unlike any other!

It is really Sunday now, no matter what the website tells you!

 Peace and love to all beings.

 Peace and love to all beings.

 Peace and love to all beings.

 Peace and love to all beings.

Is it getting though to us yet? This does not mean just family, friends and people we like.

When it comes to other species, this does not mean I only like animals that look cute, or taste nice!  

                            BEWARE or
                             BE AWARE

God loves all His creation. Yep me also, (He loves me and I love all His creation,) unfortunately my forefathers wiped out some, like the Dodo and now I can feel the loss. Too right also. This should make me sit up and notice how much I am doing to contribute to putting things right. 
When mankind first arrived on this earth, most of the continents where uninhabited. Africa only was the garden of Eden

Now, how to explain things to our little children.
We may try explaining mans development into `greatness` to them in terms of how we progressed in tool making from making an flint axe to cut down trees for making shelter and burning the wood to keep warm as we moved to colder lands. Then we cut more down as we learnt to grow crops and settle in one place. Until we became too many for that land to sustain and some broke away to look for a more promising land!
Of course we had to protect ourselves from raiders from outside who may come and take our harvest, or anything of value. Be it precious metals or jewels. Young men, to be enslaved in hard labour. Young women to be ravished. (I don't know how much ravishing of young maidens the vikings done when they come over here to Britania, nor those after, like the Romans. Now its the Capitalists. These are clever and have learnt from the Roman strategy of conquering a people and then getting them to adopt the Roman emperor and a new way of life.
So many now accept countries sending missiles into each other as a good thing. 
Being able to do hardly a thing, except say let them eat cake, when we are told thousands are dying of starvation in sub-Saharan Africa, because their stable crops have failed again because of drought.
We may not feel its anything to do with us, as we drive to a supermarket and fill up our big car with bags of groceries, some of which we wont get to consume and will throw away.

If, just if there is a God and one day He asks us.
"When I was hungry did you feed me?" "When the multi national corporation was moving me from my ancestral home, to strip mine, or grow bio fuels, did you intervene?" When governments where raising taxes and war funds to send your young men to die at the front; did you go along as even many Christians did?
(for some time Joshua has been saying that he wants to go in the army, when he is old enough. Well today he is going to church and at some point I shall have to address if its the right church, or is the Church of England, just this nations state church and not Gods true church!)   Or did you, as some Christian Quakers did, stand against killing and go to prison, branded as cowards and traitors.  Those masses that are like sheep and are easily 
shepherded, by whoever is in control are not hard to stir up when putting the blame on someone else. They were present at my Lords trial, shouting "crucify Him." 
A voice speaks out, `He is one of the followers of the Galilean.` I bow my head down and lose myself in the crowd.

Well, today I have been found wanting, yet because of Gods mercy I shall be going to share in the last supper. The body and blood of Christ, Jesus, my hope and salvation.

Tomorrow more may be demanded from me and I shall give this and more. 

Yet for now, tomorrow can care for itself and I will concern my duties to the present. What a gift it is today.

May God bless us all.

I had wanted this blog to be more upbeat, but it has to be what it is. Maybe thats what I get for waking up in the middle of a bad dream - at three thirty am -  where I am given the choice which of my sons is to be sacrificed! I know that I no longer want to have the ones where I am with my dream woman, but come on. I mean really. Next thing you know I shall dream I am being hounded for being a follower of The Way. So be it!

Its now 5.20am on sunday morning and so I shall wind this up now and get a little more rest. 

May the love and fellowship of the Holy Spirit be with us all. May we unite in this love.
Your brother, 