Saturday 20 October 2012

My latest art plus thoughts on unconditional love.

Good day, blessings and love to you all.

First I should like to share some pictures of the painting, with you my brothers and sisters. This was brought into being by me yesterday, by the grace of God.

                 Below are some of the
                 views which appealed to me. 


 Conditional, or unconditional love!

To have unconditional love for ourselves and others is not natural.
I know this is something which we dont want to entertain, but the truth can hurt. Only then upon allowing the acknowledgement of this hurt, can we let the healing begin.
Conditioning, as far as our existence in this present life is concerned, starts at our arrival. First we gasp in response to being wrenched from a warm comfortable, protected womb. Taking in air for the first time, we will usual cry out and get these lungs started for a lifetime of breathing in the air. Crying out noisily and soon having a giggle. Smiles come naturally as do upset expressions.
  Our conditioning continues with the automatic programmed response of searching for sustenance in the form of a nipple, from which to suck the comforting milk from our mother. Thus starts our behavior and then subconscious and conscious thinking with which to adjust our behavior in this world.  
 For some of us who reach a certain state of awareness, which is beyond the natural world conditioning, we will wish to transcend the normal state of conditioning. Then we will begin to love unconditionally. We will not prefer to love family, friends and those who we have good relationships with. We will love those who are strangers. We will have love for those who would steal from us, or even take our very lives. 
 When I, as I do today, say, "I am in this world, but not of it." This means material things are of no importance to me, other than I acknowledge my present material aspect and that this aspect of `I AM` resides momentarily in the here and now.  
 Fasting is a way to both focus ones conscious being on the spiritual journey and to condition the material body to submit to a higher will. Fasting doesn't have to be the total abstinence of food; although this is a good discipline. It can be the decision to abstain from all which is a pleasure for you to eat and drink. Stimulants, such as caffeine, in tea coffee and some fizzy drinks. Meat and dairy products. Alcohol, thats a big one for causing all sorts of harm. Just visit an A&E department at the weekend an ask if they have had much work as a direct and indirect of peoples alcohol consumption. Same goes for the nearest police station.
Prohibition is not the solution. Proactive decision is. If we want to just be in and of this world, then carry on as the masses or herd does. Be influenced by the adverts, television, magazines, newspapers and politicians and yes, the religious leaders too. Consume and be consumed in the material world. How many people would not from one year to the next go in a holy temple of any religious or spiritual discipline and one the same hand would it impossible to voluntarily go without watching television for a month.  
I do have the computer at this moment in time and yes I do occasionally watch stuff on the internet. Especially as my sons, who are twelve and thirteen have enjoyed me being with them as they watch whole series, like, `Friends` and `Third Rock From The Sun.
I also use the computer to listen to occasional programs on BBC radio 4.
This though is not a need or habit, its a choice to occasionally indulge in.
One solution to life's troubles is to laugh.

Jesus wept, but he was more often found smiling.
Look at all the images of the Buddha. All I have seen, he is either smiling, or looks serene!

So my brothers and sisters, lets all work at being happy saints.

     Here is a bit more of my artwork which it is a joy and a pleasure to be able to share with you!

I cannot tell if what the world
considers "happiness" is 
happiness or not. All I know
is that when I consider the 
way they go about attaining it,
I see them carried away
headlong, grim, and obsessive,
in the general onrush of the
human herd, unable to stop
themselves or to change their
direction. All the while they
claim to be just on the point of
attaining happiness. My opinion
is that you never find happiness
until you stop looking for it.
                                                  Chuang Tzu

                               Not a happy painting, I know, but it is what it is.
                                                            It wasnt happy time for Mary to see Christ on the
                                                            cross, but it was what it was and it had to be.

Jesus said, `Be still and know I AM.` 
I say, `I no longer live, yet Christ lives in me.`
How can me or you say that Christ consciousness, Krisha consciousness and Buddha consciousness are not all the same thing.
I believe that just as Jesus said `there are many rooms in my fathers house.` There are many roads to enlightenment. Also so many signs, some true and some false. So we must be led, or miss-led. We can lead or follow. We can as I am at present, just be still and become grounded in truth and love.

Peace and love to you all. Pass this love on, in thoughts, words and deeds. Especially when unobserved.  Your bro Peter G Kimble


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