Painting in service to the soul is more apt.
#1 Is this or could this be considered an app?
#2 lets get on with sharing my painting with you.
#3 Here is my latest art from me to you. Please pass it on with my love and with
the request for prayers that Harry is
cured from childhood leukemia. (Harry is my second born son and is twelve years old.)
These are my NO shots no miss no mistake.
No regrets. Well maybe a few about my
beloved late wife who was only twenty five
when she departed from this life to be with
God. I was thirty four and we had been married
for six years.
Just like to share with you my brothers and sisters some
instructions that I came across by Francis of Assisi. He
wrote the following for the men who joined him in the
early days of his ministry. He told them:
We should wish for nothing else and have no other desire, we should find no pleasure or delight in anything except in our Creator, Redeemer, and Savior.... Nothing then, must keep us back, nothing separate us from Him, nothing come between us and Him. At all times and seasons, in every country and place, every day and all day we must have a true and humble faith and keep Him in our hearts.... He is unchangeable, invisible,indescribable and ineffable, incomprehensible, unfathomable, blessed and worthy of all praise, glorious, exalted sublime, most high, kind, lovable, delightful and utterly desirable beyond all else, forever and ever.
Francis` exhortation expressed a call to total dedication,
a call that is shocking in its implications. I reread it out
loud and thought about it for a while - and I suggest
that you do likewise - you may come to the strongest
desire to serve our lord in your thoughts, words and deeds!
No more my brothers and sisters in words of praise for our God. These photos though are my praise for the Lord I serve and all His creation.
Blessings and love
to you all. Polite request.
Please pass this on and tell
others if you like my works. Your bro, Peter.
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