Wednesday, 19 March 2014

Wednesday and greetings blessings and love to you all.

Welcome 1 and all to today`s blog

I am focusing on the positive and letting the negative take care of itself.

Praying for my son Harry to become well again and the Childhood Acute Myeloid Leukaemia to beat its arse out of him. I have just thought also - while composing this blog and a loving composure - to put Edgar Broughton band`s `Out Demons Out` on in the background.. The fight is on and I am going to be a serious prayer warrior..

           This is Harry
           about three years
           ago with our last
           dog `The Buster`.      

Here are the two painting I created yesterday.
          To art out my feelings positively.
       Better for me than going on a machine gun rampage, which is how my eldest son deals with this all. Thank goodness its computer games!

                      The paintings above and below were painted at the same time using same paints.
                                       More or less.   Today I am going to do painting with phrase in mind;
                                               `Less is more.` (lets see how far that gets me!)
                       I never hear from most of you who see my blogs and thats fine. So when I ask
                      you a question, its not necessary rhetorical, but I do not ask expecting you reply!

                Dont seek the truth, just drop your opinions.. Look at the painting and its in your mind.
                 Think less. Let feelings come and yet dont cling to them. It will all pass except real love.

                 天地同根      Heaven and earth and I are of the same root,
                 萬物一體      The ten-thousand things and I are of one substance.
                     Zen Master Sêng-chao/Sõjõ (僧肇 384-414)

   Merge your mind with cosmic space, integrate your actions with myriad forms.
   Ch'an master Hung-chih Cheng-chüeh (宏智正覺 Wanshi Shõkaku, 1091-1157)
   (Transmission of Light xi)

Living Dead
許多死漢、送一個活漢 What a long procession of dead bodies follows the wake of a single living person! Chao-chou Ts'ung-shen (趙州從Jõshû Jûshin)
"At the funeral of one of his monks, as the Abbot joined the procession, he remarked, 'What a long procession of dead bodies follows the wake of a single living person!' " (The Golden Age of Zen 145, 309 n.47)

We must ask ourselves what it real means to be alive and love living fully.

No Delusive Thoughts
幕妄想 "Away with your delusive thoughts!" "Don't be deluded!" (Maku mõzõ!)
Ch'an master Wu-ye (Mugõ, 760-821) (Zen Word, Zen Calligraphy 65)
Whatever the master was asked, he replied "Maku mõzõ!"
(I'm not sure about the first character , it may be incorrect.)

Yasutani Roshi

The fundamental delusion of humanity is to suppose that I am here and you are out there.

Our life is frittered away by detail ... Simplify, simplify.


The purpose of a fishtrap is to catch fish, and when the fish are caught, the trap is forgotten.
The purpose of a rabbit snare is to catch rabbits. When the rabbits are caught, the snare is forgotten.
The purpose of words is to convey ideas. When the ideas are grasped, the words are forgotten.
Where can I find a man who has forgotten words? He is the one I would like to talk to.

Yaqui Mystic

To be a man of knowledge one needs to be light and fluid.
Good grief. My brothers and sisters I have just got back from the doctors, having my stomach flushed. I miss read the above quote and thought it said, `lighter fluid.`!
Cut me some slack, I am an artist, not a joke monger.

Buddhist Proverb

When the student is ready, the Master appears
Both my eldest sister and myself believe this and also that teachers may appear without realizing their own
capacity as teachers. They may not only be human. A spider inspired a Scotsman hiding in a cave to fight again against the English invaders..

Chinese Proverb

Teachers open the door, but you must enter by yourself.

Lew Welch

Someone showed it to me and I found it by myself.

When someone wears a mask, do not trouble yourself wondering whats behind the mask. Ask yourself
why they are wearing this particular mask.. Mr Nebblesworth.

Ts'ai Ken T'an

Water which is too pure has no fish.

Zen Saying

The one who is good at shooting does not hit the center of the target.
This one above has me flumuxed and so its best for me not to think of an answer and then this way, the right one may come!

Word carved on a stone on John Ruskin's desk


Cheerio my brothers and sisters, Have a good day and if you cannot do this, at least be present in every moment knowing this is all for a good purpose.. Love to you all, your brother Peter.  ps the following is just in from sister Viv
Properly trained, a man can be dog's best friend.  ~Corey Ford

Any member introducing a dog into the Society's premises shall be liable to a fine of one pound.  Any animal leading a blind person shall be deemed to be a cat.  ~Oxford Union Society, London, Rule 46

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