Sunday 18 March 2012

Bit of stonework at Elstow abbey circa 1880 & The Rock ( Peter the artist) 2012

Good day. I trust all those of us who are mothers, of which I am not, are having a good day. You deserve one day a year in which your children show you that you are loved. Tomorrow its back to the drudgery!

  The fullness of joy is to behold God in everything.
                                                                Julian of Norwich
So my brothers and sisters. In the portrait above of yours truly, can you see the image of God?

Often its not essential for others to see God in us, but for us to deny ourselves and let God work through us.
So just one lifetime (seventy seven years) after the abbey was built I came into this world. When did you arrive? Why and what are we here for? All we can accomplish in one lifetime, is it enough? Hmm the meaning of life! If you never ask these and other such questions, then either you were born an enlightened being with all the answers, or  its of no interest to you as  you stumbled upon the wrong website.

Still here you realise there is no such thing as an accident. When I was riding along on a bicycle and the front tyre burst having run over a piece of glass from a broken bottle, resulting in me falling into the oncoming path of  a fire engine. physics would show how my death could have been predicted way before the glass bottle had been made, the contents drunk and empty bottle smashed purposefully by a drunken lout! What though does physics knows of the pure art of love. This art meant my sister encouraged me to pick up a pen and write in my art therapy book when I feel like a drink, usually when angry or bored. So I didn't go and get a drink, then another and   another until having thrown and smashed the last bottle an idea came. I have had too much to drink and drive to the supermarket to use my bankcard to buy some more drink. Boom, I shall cycle to the bank in town and withdraw some cash. So cycling along this thought and how it may lead to another drink was squashed as the wheel of the firetruck went over my head. Thank goodness an individual who happened to be an artist came along and was able to use his artistic licence to make this little story remain fiction and not become a reality. Otherwise I dread to consider the consequences! Suffice to say, you would not be reading the following, which I ask you to give a little thought.

 When a blind man carries a lame man. Both go forward.  Swedish proverb.

 I should rather meet a perfect stranger than an homicidal manic whom I know. Peter G Kimble

Ya gotta laugh. Have a good day and pass it on. Bless you. Peter.

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