Friday 9 March 2012


One of the criminals who hung there hurled insults at him: `Aren`t you the Christ? Save yourself and us!` But the other criminal rebuked him. `Don`t you fear God.` he said, `since you are under the same sentence? We are punished justly, for we are getting what our deeds deserve. But this man has done nothing wrong.` Then he said, `Jesus, remember me when you come into your kingdom.` Jesus answered him, `I tell you the truth, today you will be with me in paradise.`

  Lord Jesus, help us to see the truth of your mercy and not be afraid to bring every part of our lives in humility and trust before you. 
                                                  Isobel Peaty

So my brothers and sisters none us are saved by our own good deeds, which is good in a way. Why! Because then it would be selfish, wouldn't it, to do good so as to earn a place in Heaven. Maybe that's the karma which many Hindus and Buddhists follow and could mean they are reincarnated to a higher or lower grace, depending on their previous life and how good or evil they were. Are all things possible for God! I believe they are and yet not. Hmm, does that appear to not make sense? Well it says in the bible in one translation `I the Lord God create good and evil` in another it is written `I the Lord God create light and dark.` Maybe if I was to put my modern interpretation it would be something like, `I the sole Creator, make all physical matter in positive and negative modes. Or something like that. How I was wondering, how many followers of Christ are able to bless those who persecute them. For it says in the bible, for us to bless those who persecute us. Also if someone hits us on one cheek to turn the other! I must admit to having only been able to do this on a good day, as I was praying the Lords prayer silently in my head, whilst walking in the town and a guy punched me on the cheek. So I was able to pray for him instead of blocking the punch, throwing him to the ground and stamping on his head. I do have to often think of the words, `I no longer live, yet Christ lives in me.` That is going to be my motto for togay, I meant to type, `today`!  I had to leave the error in due to rule nine in the guide governing those holding and using an artistic licence. The artistic licence is very handy at times , for instance when using language, which in other circumstances would be considered foul or insulting! But I digress. Am looking for a tigress who will purr when I stroke her neck. The other motto I find useful when I have contemplated retribution on others for stealing from me or conning me out of money, is WWJD what would Jesus do. Thats why a month or more ago I threw my machete away. Being a follower of His I do have to try - and sometimes fail - to walk the way Jesus did. More than that. On the cross, whilst been tortured to death He said, `Father forgive them, for they know not what they do.` If I was the only wretch in the history of this world to have thought bad thoughts, said bad words, or done bad actions, then God came down, descended from Heaven to earth and took human form to die between two common criminals, so as to pay the price for me to be saved from judgement for my life. Again if I fall which I do under the weight of this cross I carry I have to pick it up and carry on. Thank God there are often those who help me, or long ago I should have been crushed under the weight of it as has been a times passed laden heavy with the burden of sins. So all I can say is thank you Jesus. No one has done a greater thing than Him, nor bared a greater burdon. For goodness sake He took, in love incarnate as man, the worlds transgressions upon His innocent shoulders, for us! In the old testiment of The Bible He gave us ten commandments. Then God in the form of Jesus gave us a new (note he didnt say I give you an eleventh commandment!) commandment, `to love one another as I have loved you.` It also says in the Bible that their is no greater love than that a man should lay down His life for another. So by His actions God showed his love for all of us. Yep, that includes corrupt politicians, rapists and child molesters. Murderers and lawyers. Saints and sinners alike! 
So today is a new day. Unlike any other and the time is now. How am I gonna be like Jesus today. I have got to take His place here today as He took my place back then on the cross. Okay, I have just done a silent prayer as well as the prayer Jesus taught us, which I shall put here just incase someone reading this blog doesnt know it and would like to pray it with me:

                                      The Lords Prayer
Our Father who art/is in heaven, hallowed/holy be thy(your) name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our tresspasses/ sins, as we forgive those who tresspass against us. Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For yours is the kingdom, the power and the glory, for ever and ever Amen.

My  younges son has just got up and come into the room. He is undergoing conformation lessons at the moment and he just now needed a bit of help to say the above prayer. The thing is though, and I believe it 100% , if the only prayer we ever say is, `Thank you Jesus.` That will be enough. Okay. My son wants to go on the computer and so I shall leave you now, praying that you have a good day. Blessings peace and love to you. From brother Peter 
                                         The Lords Prayer    

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