Monday 26 March 2012

I am the artist in the shadows & there`s more to come

Top photo is shadow me and shadow to the right of me, the bloke in photo underneath.

2nd photo Shadow me is hiding a bit with the black dogs tail touching Shadow me. Shadow me is patting shadow dog. Can you see that?

3rd is action Shadow me, shadow fire shooting out of my shadow mouth. Note; no shadow trees were burnt in this production.

Bottom photo is not of my bottom, but is shadow me standing betwixt shadow trees in front of the artist PGKimbles block of flats.

I as an artist think that for too long us shadows have been given a bad name. We don't lurk about in the shadows, as you can plainly see. So common fellow shadows stand proud and stand tall. Lets fight for our right to be recognised. We never hurt anyone or any living creature. The matter of the fact is we often offer a place of solace and  shade to people and other creatures wanting to escape the heat. Well we have had enough, so we want you to know that we have given notice to politicians corrupt or just plain feckless, you shall hide in us no longer.

Us shadows have been discriminated and maligned in the press for too long. We don't hide in the shadows we are the shadows. The press go on about a large shadow of gloom hanging over the city.
Who owns the press I ask you. The WBankers! Dont blame us for the problems you have caused.

So come shadow people and non shadow people alike, stand up for our rights to be recognised as an intrinsic and beneficial part of this world. Please even if you know someone who jumps and is frightened by their own shadow, tell them its not the shadows fault and they can get help.

So fellow shadow people we have to unite and stand as tall as the shadow trees in the picture above.
Shadow people are peace loving spiritual beings who never consume the worlds resources, nor kill non    
shadow creatures. So peace and soham to all shadow people and non shadow people alike.

Your bro Peter

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