Friday, 31 August 2012

Photo supplement of my art

Nothing but these words, photos of my art and then FIN.

                      Above and below are a few paintings taken together with mirror image.

                      Peace and love to all beings. Pass it on.         FIN

Greeting of peace and love to all beings. Fish of Friday.

Good day to you my brothers and sisters. This morning I went for an hour and a half art therapy session and will post beneath the painting I done whilst there as well as a nice old church I photographed on the way.

                     The first `Peace` of art I did today whilst talking to Kate, my forensic art therapist
                      about me, my progress and an interesting dream that I had last night.

                      This is an acrylic on canvas which I created. The paint is still wet in the photo &
                      I am hoping that it wont flatten too much whilst drying. What is meant to be though
                      will be!
                      I like this painting as it is bright and colourful. A phenomenological map or portrait
                      of how I felt upon awaking and am still keeping in touch with now in the present.
                               Last, but not least, the fish on Friday bit.

Putting on the glory of creation
We do not want merely to see beauty. We want something else which can
hardly be put into words - to be united with the beauty we see, to pass into
it, to receive it into ourselves, to bathe in it, to become part of it. That is
why we have peopled the air and earth and water with gods and goddesses and
nymphs and elves - that, though we cannot, yet these projections can, enjoy
themselves that beauty, grace and power of which Nature is the image. For if
we take the imagery of Scripture seriously, if we believe that God will one day
give us the morning star and cause us to put on the splendour of the sun, then
we may surmise that both the ancient myths and the modern poetry, so false as
history, may be very near the truth as prophecy. At present we are on the outside
of the world, the wrong side of the door. We discern the freshness and purity of
 morning, but they do not make us fresh and pure. We cannot mingle with the
splendours we see. But all the leaves of the New Testament are rustling with the
 rumour that it will not always be so. Someday, God willing, we shall get in. When
human souls have become perfect in voluntary obedience as the inanimate creation
is in its lifeless obedience, they will put on its glory, or, rather, that greater glory of
which Nature is only the first sketch. We are summoned to pass in through Nature,
beyond her, into that splendour which she fitfully reflects.
                                                                                       C. S. LEWIS

Well my brothers and sisters I hope that you have enjoyed this blog. If the sun is not not shining where you are, then perhaps you will take some comfort that it is here and that I am praying for you to feel the light within you and help in its transformation of us all whom turn away from the dark lifelessness which has no
energy of its own and yet would try through subterfuge and lies to turn our light to dark!
So keep on guard against negative thought, feelings and people. Vigilance is our watchword.
Peace and love to you all and please pass it on.
Your brother of Christ, the Buddha and all the saints,
Peter G Kimble     

Thursday, 30 August 2012

Good day and blessing and love be upon us all

 Good day my brothers and sisters.

 This is the painting which came into being yesterday. The top photo being more or less as you would see if
looking at it here, as I do. Then are pictures using the camera effects. More on this anon.

I have only been up for some twenty minutes. Having awoken from a most pleasant dream. I mention this not in passing, but to convey the importance dreams can play in understanding our inner and outer self. When this is realized in conjunction with the fact that there is really no self, which is separate from everything else. only then can the world be as one. Wont it be a wonder and glorious if this is the waking of the age of Aquarius. The dawn of a new age.

In my dream I was in a detached wooden building. I was upstairs and knew everybody around as brothers and sisters. We were next to a beach in the island of Luzon in the Philippines and it was good.

If it is to be, then I will get the opportunity to do some more painting and another blog later. For now I have to walk into the town for an appointment with a doctor, to discus the psychological effects of the drug - Interferon - which I am glad to say I have only four more weekly injections to take.

Have a good day and get strength and give it, knowing we are none of us alone, when we believe it. This is especially relevant to one person who has no access to internet, television or newspapers, yet is open to the knowledge that we are sending out prayers, using a power far beyond electricity.  Blessings, peace and love.

Brother Peter         

Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Seek and you shall find

Good day my brothers and sisters.

Seek and you shall find is the title of the painting which I brought into being yesterday.

Unfortunately every time I press the icon to `insert image` the little dot circles round and around, but nothing else happens. So for now putting my artwork on the blog is not meant to be.

But just now 18:30 my good neighbor Long saved the day. Thanks Long

Here are the photos

"Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you." (Luke 6:27)

I made a positive comment yesterday on a YouTube video I watched and got a vitriolic comment from an atheist telling me that God and Christians have been responsible for most of the harm in this world and that atheists have done a lot of good in science and making the world a better place.

It was hard for me to get information on all the specific things atheists have done and so I thought, what good have Christians done?

This is a charity founded in 1957 (the year of my birth) by a group of Christians in Germany to help needy children in India. It still supports today more than 580,000 children and young people in 28 countries in Africa, Asia, Latin America & Eastern Europe.

Lech Walesa
President of Poland
1985 Nobel Peace Prize
Devout Christian

The AA, Alcoholics Anonymous helps 2 million people.
Its emergence was inspired by the Christian "Oxford Group".

Christian Aid is one of the biggest international development agencies in the world.
It works around the world where need is the greatest, regardless of religion, nationality or race.

Amnesty International
Justice and liberty for oppressed people all over the world.
Started by two Christians, Peter Beneson and Eric Baker. 
Nobel Peace Prize 1977

The Children`s Society    
Also known as Church of England Children`s society.
Assists street children, disabled children and refugees

Dr Muthiah
Sight to the blind in India

(UK) Recent research showed that 81% of evangelical Christians do some kind of voluntary work at least once a month. Compared to 26% of the population at large.  

Oxfam was one of the pioneers of modern famine relief founded by Quaker Christians Oxford 1942
(Did you know that Quakers refuse to fight even if enlisted, but in WW1 many were killed at the front as stretcher bearers.

This all reminds me of; When I was hungry did you feed me? "When I was homeless did you give me shelter." I paraphrase, "For whatsoever you do for the least of my people, you do for me." The words of Jesus the Nazarene.
Yep he is my brother. We have the same Dad, though different mothers. 

But hey, those of you that know me by now, know that its not over until the fat lady sings.

So we can speak good words without trying to convince non-believers to believe. 
We can see ourselves as individuals, although part of the same body. So I do not think I am separate from an atheist, but I do pray for them to have an awakening and realize that we are all one.

An atheist came to God and said, "We`ve figured out how to make man without you."
  God said, "OK, let me see you do it."
So the atheist bent down to the ground and scooped up a handful, but God stopped him and said, "Oh, no you don`t. Get your own dirt!"

So my brothers and sisters. I am hoping that the situation of not being able to post my art work will be resolved. If not, then lets all pray for God to inspire my poetry! (This is not a joke.)

Blessings and peace to you all. Your brother Peter.  




Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Lets celebrate St Augustine of Hippo with some of my art.

Good day my brothers and sisters and those yet to become realised.
Love and peace to you all.

So these are photos of my latest painting done for you all and our Father.
Realised or rejected!


 The son of a pagan father and a Christian mother, he became an orthodox Christian only after a long intellectual pilgrimage, recorded in the first of all autobiographies, the Confessions, from which our first extract is taken. The Church in the declining Western Empire. This had an immense influence on Western theology in the Middle Ages, as other works of his, interpreting St Paul, dominated the Reformation.

I have learnt to love you too late, Beauty so old and so new! I have learnt to love you too late! You were within me, and I looked out into the world, where I sought you outside myself, and in my deformity searched for you there and ran after the beauties that you made. You were with me, but I was not with you. The beauties that kept me away from you had not existence except in you. You called and shouted and broke into my deafness. You flashed and shone and dispelled my blindness. You sent forth fragrance, and I drew in my breath and panted for you. You touched me, and I burnt for your peace.

The heavenly city, while sojourning on earth, calls citizens out of all nations, and gathers together a society of pilgrims of all languages, without any scruples about diversity in the manners, laws and institutions whereby earthly peace is sought and maintained, neither abolishing nor undermining anything in them but, rather, keeping and preserving them: because, although they are different in different nations, all are intended for the same end of earthly peace, only providing that no impediment is put in the way of the worship of the one supreme and true God. The heavenly city on her pilgrimage makes use of earthly peace, and in what belongs to the mortal nature of mankind, seeks a common agreement of human wills, where piety and religion is kept in safety, and seeks to make this earthly peace contribute to the peace of heaven; for this alone can truly be called the peace of reasonable creatures that consists, as heavenly peace does, in the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God and of one another in God.

The heavenly city on its pilgrimage possesses this peace by faith; and by this faith it lives righteously when every good action towards God and man refers to that peace, since the life of the city is social.


Where can I find
a man who has 
forgotten words?

I would like to have
a word with him.

                                                             Chuang Tzu

I am off now my brothers and sisters to do another painting.
Your brother of Christ, Buddha and all the saints,
Peter.   (ps, please pass this blog on if you like it. Not long until I can afford to get the galleries updated and new work put on!)


Monday, 27 August 2012

Painting I done yesterday & different shots.

Good day &
Love and peace to 
All beings.

This is my latest painting which was completed yesterday.

 Here are some different shots of above painting using mirror effect .

       This is obviously not using the mirror effect and I love the colours, the movement and I can see a  
        a person or two starting to become clear, yet remaining as they are in this `peace` of art.

                      This above picture brings me to the following little story, but dont ask how.

There was once a sage who lived in a lonely temple high in the mountains. He was visited one day by a wandering monk. As the two were talking a wild animal roared close by, and the visiting monk, supposedly Enlightened, jumped. "I see it is still with you," said the sage... referring, of course , to the instinctive "passion" of fright. Shortly afterwards, while he was unobserved for a moment, the visiting monk inscribed the Chinese character for the Buddha on the rock the sage was accustomed to sit. When the sage returned to sit down he saw the sacred Name and hesitated to sit. "I see," said the wandering monk, "it is still with you".

I really like this short story. It is humorous, yet without hurt.

Let us in this moment and as we are always in the moment, focus on the present as much as is possible and realize that we are all part of the one universe. That is for now. Beyond this physical universe and time, well that is not for now.

Blessings, love and peace to you and all beings.
Please pass this on.
Brother Peter G Kimble  

Sunday, 26 August 2012

Jesus Christ, the Buddha and P G Kimble love all things.

Love, peace and a desire to relieve suffering in all beings. That is surely a statement which I can make without some individuals who get angry at things I write and can even take the time to write and tell me how stupid I am and even more hateful stuff, which I shall not give more power to by repeating. To those and of course to the majority who like me, are not yet perfect but walk in the light, I wish well and an abundance love.

                                           Here is some of my recent art which I create 4u.

                                          This is the moment one of my sons water balloons
                                                             Hit me. Well they enjoyed it!

Some sayings of the Desert Fathers

1. A brother questioned Abba Hierax saying, `Give me a word. How can I be saved? 
  The old man said to him, `Sit in your cell and if you are hungry eat, if you are thirst drink; Only do not speak evil of anyone, and you will be saved.

2. He also said, `I have never uttered, or wished to hear, a worldly remark.

3) Abba James said, `We do not meed words only for, at the present time, there are many words among men, but we need works, for this isw what is required, not words which do not bear fruit!

All the above are sayings I shall endeavor  meditate on today.

   I am off to pick up my sons then their Lola (Gran) so we can go off to the communion service. Blessings and love to you all. Peter.