Tuesday 28 August 2012

Lets celebrate St Augustine of Hippo with some of my art.

Good day my brothers and sisters and those yet to become realised.
Love and peace to you all.

So these are photos of my latest painting done for you all and our Father.
Realised or rejected!


 The son of a pagan father and a Christian mother, he became an orthodox Christian only after a long intellectual pilgrimage, recorded in the first of all autobiographies, the Confessions, from which our first extract is taken. The Church in the declining Western Empire. This had an immense influence on Western theology in the Middle Ages, as other works of his, interpreting St Paul, dominated the Reformation.

I have learnt to love you too late, Beauty so old and so new! I have learnt to love you too late! You were within me, and I looked out into the world, where I sought you outside myself, and in my deformity searched for you there and ran after the beauties that you made. You were with me, but I was not with you. The beauties that kept me away from you had not existence except in you. You called and shouted and broke into my deafness. You flashed and shone and dispelled my blindness. You sent forth fragrance, and I drew in my breath and panted for you. You touched me, and I burnt for your peace.

The heavenly city, while sojourning on earth, calls citizens out of all nations, and gathers together a society of pilgrims of all languages, without any scruples about diversity in the manners, laws and institutions whereby earthly peace is sought and maintained, neither abolishing nor undermining anything in them but, rather, keeping and preserving them: because, although they are different in different nations, all are intended for the same end of earthly peace, only providing that no impediment is put in the way of the worship of the one supreme and true God. The heavenly city on her pilgrimage makes use of earthly peace, and in what belongs to the mortal nature of mankind, seeks a common agreement of human wills, where piety and religion is kept in safety, and seeks to make this earthly peace contribute to the peace of heaven; for this alone can truly be called the peace of reasonable creatures that consists, as heavenly peace does, in the perfectly ordered and harmonious enjoyment of God and of one another in God.

The heavenly city on its pilgrimage possesses this peace by faith; and by this faith it lives righteously when every good action towards God and man refers to that peace, since the life of the city is social.


Where can I find
a man who has 
forgotten words?

I would like to have
a word with him.

                                                             Chuang Tzu

I am off now my brothers and sisters to do another painting.
Your brother of Christ, Buddha and all the saints,
Peter.   (ps, please pass this blog on if you like it. Not long until I can afford to get the galleries updated and new work put on!)


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