Saturday 4 August 2012

Saturday in Sheffield.

                                                My latest painting. Created two days ago.

Good day and blessings and peace to you all. My sons have gone of to the air museum in York and so I am able to share some photos which I have shot over the last couple of days.

   This is a shell at my sisters house which my son Harry brought along to make him feel at home.

                                                   This is us passing the time pulling silly
                                                    faces and the winner pictured above.

 One of my silly reflections.

Sparrows in my sister's garden picture shot looking through one half of the binoculars!

Quotes for today.

The pursuit of happiness is the most ridiculas phase; if you pursue happiness you`ll never find it.

My elder and wise sister says the following quote applies to me!

He had occasional flashes of silence, that made his conversion perfectly delightful.

Happiness is not something ready made. It comes from your own action. (Please take note of this and pass it on.)

Where ignorance is our master, there is no real peace.

Blessings of enlightenment and love to you all.
Brother Peter

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