Tuesday, 30 April 2013

From the one come the many.

Good day my brothers and sisters. I am off to London today to work at the art studio. Maybe you can tell by the shots from this painting, `From the one come the many` I would be able to get in closer in for shots. For the money it would cost for a camera good enough to do this, then at this moment then its not a wise proposition. Maybe once I am dead and more people wanted to pay higher prices for my work. Ahh then I will be able to rest. I am off to have a shower, I had just popped back to the beginning two write for us all to be mindful as much as we can centered with love for all in each moment. We are the change that is sweeping the world and thats got to sweep in all those little nooks and crannies.  

                                           Under the sea above and above the sea below.

                                          Your guess here is as good as mine, but its having fun.
                                          Out in the sunshine on a strange world. What is earth? 
                                          I am up the top leaping with white trousers akimbo. (hmm Kimbles akimbo)
                                          I can see the upper half of you in this one walking into the distance.
                                           (no not all of you, but you as the one, to me my beloved.)
                                          A lot going on in these two, but below`s the happier?  

                                                    Looks like fish here. + someone in orange.

                                                    Leaping for your joy...

                                                   Kicking up over losing ones head after
                                                   giving ones right arm to forget the past!    

                                                    I prefer the above to below, but like the lime green stripe in the orange
                                                    below. I bet you cant see it in the whole picture at the bottom.

                         Yep its the greens, the curves and the reddish pink  and blueish tints.
                                                 Love these greens and the odd shape below.

                                                          I call these mellow yellow.

I would really like to have a camera that could go even closer in, or even borrow one. You know though that what will be will be! Oh for sure we affect what will be. One of the sayings thats written in both the Holy Bible and my consciousness is, Those who claim to live in him, should walk as Jesus did. I like to think 
also, to be a Christian we are to be as like Jesus Christ as we can in our unique gifted ways. If also we bear in mind, ` I no longer live, yet not I but Christ lives in me, then we must deny our self (ego) and become transformed. This is the path to follow and if we reach the true destination in this life is not the main thing. 
The importance is in how we tread. Remember (this is mainly a note to self) fools rush in where angels fear to tread!  

 This is the one below from whence the many above came!
Know that you are loved my bro`s and sisters.

Your bro of Buddha and all the saints

 Fin (now with added news extra just in)

I am a member of 38 Degree 
My eldest son, who is thirteen has an interest in beekeeping and has his own suit.
News extra just in..Great news! The votes are in. Bee-killer pesticides are going to be suspended across Europe for the next two years. Bees can breathe a sigh of relief. [1] ​

Sadly our environment minister, Owen Paterson, voted against the ban. But enough other countries voted in favour and the vote was won. ​

38 Degrees members have been working hard to protect our bees. Here are some of the highlights: ​

- Over 300,000 of us signed the petition to ban these pesticides [2]
- Over 40,000 of us emailed our MPs
​- In the environment minister's constituency, in North Shropshire, over 50 local 38 Degrees members came face to face with him to deliver the petition and demand he changed his mind.
- Hundreds of 38 Degrees members joined up with a host of other campaign organisations to hold a ‘March of the Beekeepers’ in Parliament square. [3] ​

Thank you for being part of all this.

Today was a good day for bees. But there will be more we need to do. Our environment minister has shown himself to be friendly to the bee-killing pesticides companies. We'll need to stay vigilant. Could you donate to make sure 38 Degree is always ready to step up the pressure?

Campaigns like this don’t cost the earth to run, but they aren’t free. 38 Degrees is 100% independent - so we’ll never take money from big business or government. Instead 38 Degrees relies entirely on donations from members like you, giving one-off donations or small regular sums of £2 or £3 per week.

With your help now, we can take things to a new level. Can you chip in £2 or £3 a week, to help us raise the vital resources needed to dramatically increase our collective impact over the year ahead (or whatever you can afford).

Monday, 29 April 2013

Monday, Monday, Monday , Monday. I have been awoke to contemplate, `Nobody comes to the father except through the son!`

Good day my brothers and sisters and welcome to those yet to realise the truth. Why do I say that? Because as mentioned in the title for today's blog I awoke this morning to contemplate the sentence for The Bible, `Nobody comes to the father except through the son. This may not be the actual phrasing of it, but its the jist of it. When I put it in the search engine I soon stopped looking at what was written. Seemed to me mostly interpretations from Christian fundamentalists.
They think (many off them.) that unless a person knows that Jesus Christ is their personal savour and accept him as such, then they are doomed to eternal hell, or perhaps just oblivion. Whatever, its just nonsense to me. Are they saying we have to do this before we die?
If so, then this would indicate that Mary, the mother of Jesus, her great great grandparents and all before them maybe some of whom perhaps cross bred with neanderthal man (not saying they did, its just a perhaps, as their was cross breading of different humanoids, I am part pixie, joke.) they are going to be tormented in hell for all time, or at least until Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead!

Christian fundamentalists do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Let them show me where in the Gospels Jesus condemned unmarried mothers, homosexuals, or even atheists to hell!
Those who claim to live in him should walk as Jesus did. Let them carry their own crosses and not nail others to them!
They will say you will perish if you dont accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and Saviour before you die. Hogwash. Did Abraham, Moses and Noah do so!   
Those who follow my blogs will know that many of the great saints I admire are not from the Christian faith.
Let me though now get to my art, for is this not an artists blog; albeit one who is trying to rid consciousness and the world of division.

So my brothers and sisters, here are photos of a painting I did for us yesterday. This reminds me and for those of you who dont know people visit my website from so many different countries, you can send my a photo of whatever you want to share with me to `petgkimb@gmail.com` this goes for any writing or clips from newspapers that have got your attention. I have just reminded myself by writing this to see if its possible for me to view `Private eye` online free.

Yep we can and I saw a cartoon I liked. It had a couple of guys looking at a newspaper headline say Margaret Thatcher was dead, and one says to the other something like, "I havent felt this non-plussed   since Diana died, or words to that effect. Anyway, I will put my art on now and get out in the sunshine.

                                             Can you see a cross? Its not intentional, it just is!

           This shot is me saying with open arms, I love you all. Bye for today from the UK to wherever you are in this world.
                     God bless you all and know that you are loved. Your bro Peter.

Sunday, 28 April 2013

Sunday morning post.

Good day to you all my wonderful brothers and sisters.

Today is the day to celebrate St Zita and its the first I have heard about her

St. Zita

St. Zita 
 St. Zita was born into a poor but holy Christian family. Her older sister became a Cistercian nun and her uncle Graziano was a hermit whom the local people regarded as a saint. Zita herself always tried to do God's will obediently whenever it was pointed out to her by her mother. At the age of twelve Zita became a housekeeper in the house of a rich weaver in Lucca, Italy, eight miles from her home at Monte Sagrati. As things turned out, she stayed with that family for the last forty-eight years of her life. She found time every day to attend Mass and to recite many prayers, as well as to carry out her household duties so perfectly that the other servants were jealous of her. Indeed, her work was part of her religion! She use to say: "a servant is not holy if she is not busy; lazy people of our position is fake holiness." At first, her employers were upset by her generous gifts of food to the poor, but in time, they were completely won over by her patience and goodness and she became a very close friend. St. Zita was given a free reign over her working schedule and busied herself with visits to the sick and those in prison. Word spread rapidly in Lucca of her good deeds and the heavenly visions that appeared to her. She was sought out by the important people, and at her death in 1278 the people acclaimed her as a saint. She is the patroness of domestic workers. Her feast day is April 27.

Reading of Saint Zeta has brought tears to my eyes. Not crocodile tears, but real ones. She ought to be an inspiration to me and my sister when coming next should see how clean and tidy this humble abode is!

Good day to you my brothers and sisters. Blessings, love and peace to you and all beings.

Now for my latest art. This painting done with acrylic and ink on paper is entitled, Awakened.

peace and love to you all today know that you are loved.
Your brother Peter. ps pass this on.