There is no excuse for you not to be the person you ought to be. If you are realized already then this is fine.
Yet for many others, they overestimate the capabilities of others and underestimate their own abilities.
If we ask ourselves how are we now, the answer should be, wonderful.
Do I mind that none of you who are looking at this blog now respond to anything I post or contact me at
Yet for some individual; this is what you may need. To share a thought or `Peace` of art. Or a secret wish you need in confidence to share and have me go to my place of quiet and pray for you!
Know I have shared my willingness with you and all who see my blog to provide an ear and mindful heart, there is no reason for you to have any excuse not to reach your potential.
So today, when you go to walk some place, dont be an average person, walking an average pace. Pick up the speed and go slightly faster than the herd.
Here are photos of a painting created yesterday to share with you.
This below is the whole painting.
So, today I just thought it cool to put the image above smaller by far than the parts of it below!
Enjoy and know that you are loved.
Just thought I could add a bit of humour from a brother Christian and comedian Milton Jones.
Here we go
We need to get away from religious cliche`s-
And I`m quite prepared for you to say what
you want to about my faith as long as I can say
what I like about your lack of it.
The Bible should be read carefully. For
instance, recently I found out that a lot
of the Ten Commandments have the word
`not` in them! I wish I`d known that earlier.
you have to remember that the writers of
the Bible were having to translate the indescribable.
Of course, Jesus was a guest at a wedding in
Canaan. Although the number of times this is
mentioned at weddings, he might be regretting
it now.
Heaven will be very good. Very good.
A new start, a better chocolate cake and all
from the perspective of Google universe.
Obviously I don`t know exactly what
Heaven will be like, but all I can say is I
Wouldn`t like to be John Lennon.
I think Heaven will be like coming home tho
a surprise party after a bad day.
Bye for now and please accept this work as a gift to you from me and be satisfied today without sayings from others. ( I got no idea why I am writing that last bit, because I have stated earlier there are sayings by Milton Jones!) Know that you are loved and pass this on. Your bro Peter.
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