Hallelujah Yahweh. This blog is starting as a test to see if it will post and if it does I am bringing it up again and will create the whole thing for you my beloved brothers and sisters.
Love and blessings to you all this Easter Monday.
I would like those of you who are Christian to pray with me that Justin Welby, who will be the new Archbishop of Canterbury will be a good spiritual leader for the Church of England.
He has negotiated with militants in war torn parts of west Africa and has acted as an ararbitrator during religious conflicts across the globe with the Coventry Centre for Reconciliation.
I did wonder if the said reconciliation centre came about as so many bombs were dropped on Coventry duringWWII.
He has got my vote, apart from other things, because when dean of Liverpool Cathedral he controversially allowed John Lennon`s Imagine, to be played on the cathedral`s bells as part of the Futuresonic 09 art project in May 2009. despite the line "imagine there is no heaven". Well, there are always going to be narrow minded people and intolerantt fanatics. They can call themselves believers in religion and follow a God of love, or their own made up god. Some follow money, some follow atheism as if for them its a religion. I have just listened to this song. The Holy Spirit, saw the tears in my eyes as I imagined a world without war, and so many other things. Starvation ignorance greed intolerance sexism racism loads of other ism`s.
Joshua my eldest son has just awoken at 10.30 am. He saw my latest painting and said, "that's worth getting framed." Now for Joshua this is high praise indeed, as he is often quite dismissive of my work and who`s children are not!
Well of course, Harry, his brother is very imaginative, but they are both my two wonderful sons.
So I shall share with you now what he has just seen.
Still having problems with the speed of both the typing and the loading of images. Imagine.
You are all so loved and may you realize this love and pass it on with something added from yourself.
You bro Peter.
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