I slept in a little as I need more rest than usual, having traveled to the art studio, spending the day there yesterday. I must say, that just as when one goes to gathering of spiritual people there can be a great energy, the same goes for creative people. Yes, I know we are often the same people. I have just been listening to Paulo Coelho talking on youtube and he is a very spiritual person. Of course I have to say my belief is that we are all spiritual and I dont just mean people, its just that many people either dont know and realise it, or do not accept this. Many other creatures and living things do it wonderfully. The eagle for instance just does it. It cannot think to itself, why cannot I be like a sparrow and hop about eating seeds. The eagle has to soar high and look down for prey, often taking out the old or unfit.
We have choices to a certain extent, sometimes more than we realize. Individuals by setting themselves apart from others, whilst existing physically in the same society are going to be slightly out of skew with everything.
For example I have just heard the siren in the distance of an emergency vehicle and so I just wish for the best outcome and bring my mind back to here, now. No wondering about which sort of service it is, or anything else. I do not know you who are individually reading this, but it is a good thing for me to imagine you as creative loving individuals, on the journey of realization that we are one! Every little counts and its up to us to decide if what we think say and do counts for the good or the bad. Hey their is no ugly in reality and if you are under the illusion there are ugly then you just have to travel a bit more to the light.
So here now I will share photos I took yesterday of my art and other images which caught my imagination.
Ah I have to say again my brothers and sisters, that imagination is the greatest nation and being in this place, as it is able to both come from and lead to the highest love.
Here are shots I took going to the studio. Out of the
the train window.
Below are some shots of my/our art.
I shall leave you with a quote from our brother, Paulo Coelho. `Warriors of light are not perfect. Their beauty lies in accepting this fact and still desiring to grow and learn.`
Blessings, love and peace to you all, Your bro Peter.
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