Thursday, 25 April 2013

Om shri Ram & thank God for all merciful actions resulting in Love.

Good day my brothers and sisters, nieces and nephews. If we have one almighty father, then there are only two young men that may feel its right to call me Dad. It doesn't matter what you call me, as long as you don't call me late for prayers. When I lived in the Philippines though, there was at least one woman other than my sons Lola, that I called mother out of respect. Manners maketh man is a saying that this world needs to see a resurgence in. Youngsters giving up their seats on public transport for the disabled and elderly. Helping each other and being mindful of nature also. I can see a start in this, with in fact more youngsters than politicians being concerned with the plight of the world. Even bees are needing our help and for sure we need the bees! (Where`s the honey mummy! and why are the flowers dying out?)    

I went out to pick up my youngest son and his mother at their house this morning to take them to the supermarket. Harry is doing cooking at school and is making a pizza. The ingredients included ready to roll pastry and I questioned if this was teaching him to cook. In my day we would have gone to the field and gathered wheat to thresh and then grind between two stones. (That's not true, we would have taken flour and fat to school.) Apparently the lesson is not long enough to bake the base and then add the topping and cook the whole thing! Is this another indication of everything speeding up and people not learning to take things methodically and slowly, with mindfullness!

For those of us whom are Christians - I am included here although I have no problem using most names for God and recognise with respect many non-christian saints and am a brother to all, especially Buddhists, Zoroastrians and Hindus  -  and have yet to realise that the almighty loving God is Love and loves all that comes to him with loving intention. Sounds are perhaps more meaningful with the right intention in them than what the words mean to us. This is why I at five this morning enjoyed chanting over and over for awhile,  

Om shri Ram jai Ram jai jai Ram

Ram is another name for God and He knows it even if some of us don't. I wish all healing my brothers and sisters and this includes all mother earth too. In a short while I will be eating some cream crackers with a rapeseed oil spread and give thanks to God and the wheat. Sorry about the yeast having to die, but I didn't realize until I  just now looked that they had dead yeast cells in it. I dont get that hung up on eating things that have lived. Not like I even begrudged all the mosquitoes that fed on my blood the six years I lived in the Philippines!
Of course if some of you would think it wrong; God, (Ram) & I understand, but does God think that you understand? All of creation is sacred, but its all nothing compared to the spender of God and the Love of God. Get this and you will need nothing else.

Here now for you are the latest paintings which came into being yesterday through me. I hope that you like them. In a way though its (my paintings)  like saying Amen in different tones and lengths of time. 

                      You are so loved that if you came back to look at this blog, God blesses you and says he will love you alway. There is a place in Gods heart for you and he wants you to love Him also. Blessings be with you now and always.

                                          This is not my work but I share it as it gives me joy.
                                          This reminded me of the yin yang sign, a heart, balance and love.

Be a blessing and give a blessing to all you encounter today my brothers and sisters. Know that as we forgive we will be forgiven and as we give to others, then it shall be given unto us.
All my love to you and all beings. Peter G Kimble 

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