Wednesday, 10 April 2013

Fish on friday. Cleanliness is next to Godliness. (I now know its not Friday and not even thursday is wednesday. I know this because my sons told me a few minutes ago its orange wednesday at the cinima where we are getting two tickets for one + another one.

Greetings and welcome to you all, my brothers and sisters.
Also any of you not iincluded above. 

Once again there are problems with posting, as I am getting a warning to not post through Firefox, but as I cant post blogs when I access my website through Google, I do not yet have an answer. 
My sons will be here later and may be able to help!  

Goodness me I have just found out its thursday and not friday!
Still this will have to remain the fish of friday blog as thats what I thought it was.

Good day my brothers and sisters. As I have mentioned in the title of the blog my eldest sister, who is much loved and respected by both me and my two sons, quoted from the bible the words, `cleanliness is next to Godliness.` 

Cleanliness is next to Godliness has been misinterpreted by so many people. Its about cleansing oneself spiritually. In psalms, which is in the old testament you will find the words, `give me a pure heart o lord and put a right spirit within me`. I know this for sure as its used often by me in lecto devina.
Its about cleansing oneself spiritually. Jesus taught that he had come to bring blessings on Gentiles (those of us not Jews)too, indeed Jesus reminded those in the synagogue of Nazareth that God sometimes blessed Gentiles instead of Jews, something which caused this enthusiastic and supportive crowd to turn into a hostile mob, who tried to kill Him.(Luke 4: 16-30)
Jesus disciples did not wash their hands ceremonially, as did the Pharisees. Defilement, Jesus taught, was not a ceremonial thing, but a matter of the heart.
Sin begins in the heart and works outward. It does not penetrate man from without. Thus Jesus made it clear that food cannot defile a person, (one reason some Christians are able to enjoy a bacon sandwich now and again, unlike Jews and Muslims! We do not see any of Gods creation as dirty or impure. God created the world and saw it was good.) So Jesus taught that what one eats does not make one either sinful or holy. Jesus declared all foods "clean", Mark informs his readers. Then in Luke11:37-41 Jesus made the point that it was what was "inside" a man that mattered, not what was on the outside!

Now my brothers and sisters I shall share some photos of art brought into existence though me yesterday and then a little more writing, if there is time here for me to do this. Oh yes, there is also a photo of some words which were not mine, but in posting them I am making them ours if we want to claim them. Or proclaim them even.

Thanks to whoever put this above photo together for me to see and bring a tear to my eye.

       So my brothers and sisters I bid you good day and also have a good weekend and know that you are loved. If you do not yet feel that loved it is overflowing out of you and into all things, then open yourself up to receive more from me and God who are all loving and desire you to feel this also. Peter..

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