Fish on Friday
Gravitate to humility.This signpost points in the exact opposite direction the world points by
pointing to the First Beatitude, the Beatitude from which all the Beatitudes
spring forth-blessed are the poor in spirit.
When society or the world talks about humility, if they even recognize it,
refer primarily to a sense of proper self-esteem where one does not elevate
demean ones self in relation to others. A good self-esteem is very, very
important, but Christian humility calls for something else, something more.
Christian humility aims for the complete and total nothingness of pride. We
nothing to boast of to God. We have no entitlements or any thing to lay
claim on
God. Everything comes from God, and so we are essentially nothing without
This can sound a bit disappointing, even depressing. In fact, the world
this humiliation, i.e. to loose ones pride. But the thing is, it is not
degradation or loss of self-respect or disgrace. It is about grace, and
grace in so that it will transform us from the nothingness of our poverty to
divine royalty, daughters and sons within the Triune family of God.
In other words, if you are not empty, God cannot fill you up. Do you want to
filled up with stuff of the world or with divine stuff? "What good is it for
man to gain the whole world and yet forfeit his soul?" (Mark 8:36)
In having nothing before God, we have God, and therefore have everything.
God is
peculiar that way-the last shall be first, the lowly shall be exalted. The
to bliss, to true joy and happiness, is not through pride but through
Jesus is our example; he is the Way.
It seems fitting to recall last week's poem. Love, by its very nature,
reaches outward.
As flowing water falls to seek the lowest point,
It gives all its energy away until none remains,
And then returns to the source to fall again.
What does the water gain from this falling?
What does life gain?
Just as water gravitates to the lowest point, so does love-by way of
These photos below have just been added to the blog, as the paint is now dry. I painted this, this morning.
It is acrylic on photographic paper.
Its all about the cross.
God loves us so much that He gave His only son for us,
That insomuch as who ever believes in Him shall not perish,
but will have eternal life. In the name of Jesus Amen.
I awoke somewhere before 4am and five from a dream where I realised I have been focusing on myself too much. I used to go to a baptist church here in Luton and was a member of the congregation for several years. My sons didn't like attending, but I think that's because they (the congregation) are mostly middle class and we are definitely from working class families. Well I had a dream where I told some young lads how their minister, who had resigned suddenly and moved to work in a church in USA, had invited me to help him clean up his garden and take rubbish up to the council tip. After a couple of hours of me doing the lions share of the work, he asked me if I was hungry and wanted a sandwich. That was nice of him and said yes thank you. I was hungry and it looked like there was another hour or so of work to do, especially as he had phone calls to attend to. After he bought out the sandwiches, he went back inside and sat down at the table to eat a cooked lunch with his wife! Some of the youth at this church have rubber wrist bands with WWJD standing for `what would Jesus do` I have been carrying this memory around for years. Its only just struck me. Jesus wouldnt want to be treated like a minister with the four wheel drive and the gorgeous wife. He would want to be mistaken for the gardener. Thats why I will pray now this moment; `Please Lord JesusYou are the true King of Kings and descended down to earth to end up being treated like a common thief. Beaten, spat upon and finally, tortured to death upon the cross for me. Let me not live for myself and be offended when I am taken for granted. Help me to be glad to look upon this acquired brain injury, not as an affliction but as a tool of humility with which to bring me often down to my knees and remind me that I chose to follow you. If some in this world see me as less than them I should be glad, as this is not my true home. Gladden my heart to be wanting to serve others, no matter how they treat me. All the better even if people curse me, as long as I can bless them with sincerity in my heart, for we are all loved by you, my lord and saviour. One day many of us whom now do not get invited inside to eat with ministers and other important people in this world, we will be invited to sit with you, our Lord and Master, Jesus Chris. Amen. He is a wise man who does not grieve for the things which he has not, but rejoices for those which he has.
AD 55 - 135
This is it for today and it may post or not! With love, your bro Peter ( that meant, it may not post. The `or not` did not mean With love. My love, as Gods is constant.)
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