Monday, 15 April 2013

Yep, those of you with good memories will have to excuse my carbonmonoxide damaged brain, or not! The choice is yours. To Judge and be judged or not!

Good day bros and sisters. I messed things up a tad yesterday. On the good side, the stock markets were not effected and no armies invaded my apartment in retaliation for what was in effect a misdemeanour......
I went back into yesterdays blog and cut all the stuff out which was not a relevant expression for this artists blog!
So it is today I am off to the art studio in London to go to work on an original holistic artwork... Look out universe, we have lift off.  A dog is barking outside in the street to add emphasis, which unfortunately is lost on us at this blog!

So here is the art which was constructed with&by instruction from my subconscious creative being..
Or something like wise... Wisdom.. so much absent by world leaders... Yearning for power and inflamed egos.. so world laddish...

Let them play their games and watch us dangle on the end of their stupid policies.
Every dog has their day and their dogmas will eventual be run over by our karma's!


Quote for today
"To devote your life to the good of all and to the happiness of all is religion, no matter the name given to one or more deities. God is all that is loving and good. Whatever you do for your own sake is not religion."  

Know that you are loved and cherished. I cannot be the only one who appreciates your time given here and elsewhere. Let us all today make a point of picking up a bit of litter and thinking, `this is not someone else`s as we are one`. Blessings love and peace to you and all you encounter today. Your bro Peter.

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