Monday, 29 April 2013

Monday, Monday, Monday , Monday. I have been awoke to contemplate, `Nobody comes to the father except through the son!`

Good day my brothers and sisters and welcome to those yet to realise the truth. Why do I say that? Because as mentioned in the title for today's blog I awoke this morning to contemplate the sentence for The Bible, `Nobody comes to the father except through the son. This may not be the actual phrasing of it, but its the jist of it. When I put it in the search engine I soon stopped looking at what was written. Seemed to me mostly interpretations from Christian fundamentalists.
They think (many off them.) that unless a person knows that Jesus Christ is their personal savour and accept him as such, then they are doomed to eternal hell, or perhaps just oblivion. Whatever, its just nonsense to me. Are they saying we have to do this before we die?
If so, then this would indicate that Mary, the mother of Jesus, her great great grandparents and all before them maybe some of whom perhaps cross bred with neanderthal man (not saying they did, its just a perhaps, as their was cross breading of different humanoids, I am part pixie, joke.) they are going to be tormented in hell for all time, or at least until Jesus comes back to judge the living and the dead!

Christian fundamentalists do not follow the teachings of Jesus Christ. Let them show me where in the Gospels Jesus condemned unmarried mothers, homosexuals, or even atheists to hell!
Those who claim to live in him should walk as Jesus did. Let them carry their own crosses and not nail others to them!
They will say you will perish if you dont accept Jesus Christ as your personal lord and Saviour before you die. Hogwash. Did Abraham, Moses and Noah do so!   
Those who follow my blogs will know that many of the great saints I admire are not from the Christian faith.
Let me though now get to my art, for is this not an artists blog; albeit one who is trying to rid consciousness and the world of division.

So my brothers and sisters, here are photos of a painting I did for us yesterday. This reminds me and for those of you who dont know people visit my website from so many different countries, you can send my a photo of whatever you want to share with me to `` this goes for any writing or clips from newspapers that have got your attention. I have just reminded myself by writing this to see if its possible for me to view `Private eye` online free.

Yep we can and I saw a cartoon I liked. It had a couple of guys looking at a newspaper headline say Margaret Thatcher was dead, and one says to the other something like, "I havent felt this non-plussed   since Diana died, or words to that effect. Anyway, I will put my art on now and get out in the sunshine.

                                             Can you see a cross? Its not intentional, it just is!

           This shot is me saying with open arms, I love you all. Bye for today from the UK to wherever you are in this world.
                     God bless you all and know that you are loved. Your bro Peter.

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