Brothers, sisters and those of us yet to realize we are all connected, welcome to this blog and thank you.
The photos of my art which no other person besides me has seen is right at the bottom, for those who want to skip the thoughts of a brain injured mystical being then scroll down now. This is not an order.
Yesterday I had a headache and this fact kept the blog to a minimum. Today is a new day and a new me. Yet this is a bit of a joke as in reality there is no `me`. If we think now, `I am conscious` who or what is the I am that is conscious? Where is the I am when we are asleep. Dreaming or not dreaming. A famous guy whose name is beyond my recollection at this moment, said, `I think therefore I am.` What is that thinking? Can a computer think? How about, `I am conscious of emotions and so exist`? This is why I think - not to myself as I have said I have no separate self - God if you/I exist then we have an amazing sense of humour and if we are in America is humor and still funny. Although there are not as many of us here at this sentence from America, as there are from China. And I shall tell you all though that one of the wonderful things about my brain having short term memory problems due to the carbon monoxide poisoning, is that although I put some english words through a translation into chinese, I have already forgotten what they are. Also of course I do not know how good the translation is. Maybe, `Long` my neighbour will tell me! Because I am not expecting anyone else to. Maybe you got to realize the words in a blog my attention focused on were Crazy Horse saying that one day .....
You have to go back and read it if you dont remember. Okay, please, because I love you.
Those of us blessed or cursed by great intelligence will contemplate a link with a bit of yesterdays `news extra` and todays blog.
A German female saint whom many of us see as a great mystic is St Mechtilde. I recently went over the Our Father, contemplating it by word or sentence. So for example when it says, `Our Father` I think of the almighty creator, who made us in his image and made all things for us. Moving on, how His will is for us to take care of all creation. (here I have to not let my mind wander to the animals we have massacred to extinction, but draw it back to the Father of all. So I can dwell on his love for those I have wronged in thought word, or deed and ask forgiveness. And on it goes, to much to write about in this blog. So I shall share this passage by one greater than I am at present. (Its always good to have aspirations.)
St. Mechtilde's "Our Father" for Souls In Purgatory
OUR FATHER, WHO ART IN HEAVEN, I beseech You, O Heavenly Father, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not love You sufficiently, nor render to You all the honor which is Your due, due to You their Lord and Father, Who, by pure grace, have adopted them as Your children. By their sins, rather, have they driven You from their souls, where You none the less wished always to live. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the love and veneration which Your Incarnate Son showed You all during His earthly life, and I offer all the acts of penance and satisfaction which He performed and by which He effaced and atoned for the sins of men.
HALLOWED BE THY NAME, I beg You, O Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not honor, always and fittingly, Your Holy Name, but often they took It in vain and proved unworthy of the name "Christian", by their lives of sin. In reparation for their faults, I offer to You all the honor which Your Well-Beloved Son rendered to Your Name by His words and deeds.
THY KINGDOM COME; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always seek or adore Your Kingdom with enough fervor and diligence;This Kingdom, the only place where true rest and peace reign. In reparation for their omissions, through indifference to do what is good, I offer You the Most Holy Desire of Your Son, by which He wished that they also might become heirs of His Kingdom.
THY WILL BE DONE ON EARTH AS IT IS IN HEAVEN; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always submit their will to Your Will. In reparation for their disobedience, I offer You the perfect conformity of the Heart, full of love, of Your Divine Son with Your Holy Will and the most profound submission which He showed in obeying You unto death on the Cross.
GIVE US THIS DAY OUR DAILY BREAD; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, for they did not always receive the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist with enough desire, but often without contemplation, or love, or even unworthily, or they neglected to receive It. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
FORGIVE US OUR TRESPASSES AS WE FORGIVE THOSE WHO TRESPASS AGAINST US; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, all the faults of which they have been guilty through succumbing to the Seven Capital Sins and also in not having wished either to love or pardon their enemies. In reparation for these faults, I offer You the outstanding Holiness and the great contemplation of Our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Divine Son, addressed to You in favor of His enemies when He was on the Cross.
AND LEAD US NOT INTO TEMPTATION; I pray You, Father Most Good, pardon the Souls in Purgatory, because too often they did not resist temptations and the passions, but they followed the Enemy of all goodness. In reparation for all these sins, in thought, word, and deed. I offer You the glorius victory which Our Lord won against the world, as well as His Most Holy Life, His Work and Sorrows, His Suffering and His Most Cruel Death.
BUT DELIVER US FROM EVIL; and from all punishments through the Infinite Merits of Your Well-Beloved Son and lead us, as well as the Souls in Purgatory, into Your Kingdom of eternal glory. Amen.
St. Mechtilde, Pray for the Holy Souls in Purgatory. Amen.
How about this, for advert for a cola drink - which I believe is overpriced, I do not spend money on and prefer water to - better red than dead. Let me just add I do not think a sugary carbonated drink can seriously be considered as `the real thing`. The real thing, is God and God can be realized in us all.
For those of us like me that do not read Chinese I thought that perhaps these characters would be well suited for a `peace` of Kimbles art.
Yesterday and in fact this week and month, more of our brothers and sisters in China have visited this site than any other single country. All time though, England has had the most views, but this may not remain the case. Or could it!
I am happy, but at this moment, not deliriously so, just gently.
Case, hmm lets for a medium time look into the case. Fanciful meander or exploration of `the case`. I vaguely recall, paddington bear is known for having a case. Detectives have cases and criminals will want them to get off their case! I may have been called a nut-case and if so they may have been justified in doing so.
Paddington bear, although a fictional character described himself, or was described by an author, as a bear of little brain!
Now my brain wants to go to the place of serious thoughts and think about bears in chains made to dance for peoples entertainment. Panda bears that good people in China are helping to flourish. God bless them all.
People are mammals as are bears and cats and dogs. We - many humans and I am trying to avoid counting my self here - often try put ourselves above all other species and Christians often can refer to the Bible as validation that all the world was made for them. Not for me though, this is where I would probably associate more with many Quakers and Shaker. Buddhists and Hindus. New age peace loving communities. I know Lenin, Stalin and Chairman Mao did not believe in the existance of an almighty God and were responsible for millions of deaths. Hitler believed in God, but was not a follower of Jesus Christ the Nazarene. Jesus said - amongst other things - "Another commandment I give to you, to love one another as I have loved you".
For those of you who like to solve puzzles then you have to find where the 1/2 dozen art `Peace`s` from the bottom up are from in the two at the top. There is a method which if you spot it will make it easier, but I wont tell you what it is for now.
This is size A4 Red+
This size A3 Red+
Bye for now and as in photo above read digest and be. Bro Peter.
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