Monday 24 September 2012

I do like this day, Monday. Its not a fun day, but its a LOVE day.

Here is the art that I most recently painted to share
with you. As you can see this is a blog today of
My art only and I am just going to stay
in on this wet day and still
my mind. Hope that 
you are all
winning the

                                           Todays painting above is still wet and so cannot get much newer.

"Theologians may quarrel, but the mystics of the world speak the same language."  
                   Meister Eckhart.

When I am at a loss for words, then I can gather good ones from others. 
            Peter G Kimble

This is me, my brothers and sisters, signing off with the desire for you all to be as one in loving all creation and asking also for your prayers, as I get through some dark days. This is mainly brought on by the weekly injections of Interferon, which I am hoping the four which are in the fridge will be the last.
What will be will be, and we must soldier on whatever, or else the alternative is to give in to despair and depression. This for me at this time is not an option. 
Just hoping to overcome feelings of despair and worthlessness using prayer, art and internet distractions!
Bye for now. Know that you are loved. Be love and put love out in thoughts, words and deeds.
Your brother Peter. 

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