Sunday 23 September 2012

Who is watching you,or what are you watching!

Who is watching you, or what are you watching! 

                                                     Lets look at this from another angle. 
                                                    Again we have a different perspective.

Waiting on the Lord
O Lord, reassure me with your quickening Spirit. Mortify in me all ambition, vanity, vainglory, worldliness, pride, selfishness and resistance from God, and fill me with love, peace and all the fruits of the Spirit. O Lord, I world surrender myself to you, trusting Your precious promises. 
  You are the same yesterday, today, and forever; and therefore, waiting on the Lord, I trust I shall at length renew my strength.
                                                                                                                         William Wilberforce

                                                               Thy Kingdom come

In the Lords prayer we call for His kingdom to come and yet often contribute little to bring this about. On earth as it is in heaven. What does this mean. It should mean that since the resurrection of Jesus, we should be praying and working as agents filled with the Holy Spirit,  to be a transforming people. We should be working for justice  now. Feeding the hungry now. Setting the prisoners free now.
 We need to be bringing about changes in this fallen world. We need to breath into ourselves the life of God, so little by little we become transformed and can transform this world and raise this Earth so that it is filled with the glory of the Lord. 
We need to be the new creation people, so as we breath in the life of God, we become transforming people in Gods world. 
Spirituality is given little time in most Christians life. 
Becoming more truly a human is to realize that we are more than this earthly body. In fact its crazy how much time and money people spend on their own earthly bodies, yet so little on their possible eternal life!
If we want to be in the Kingdom on earth as it is in heaven we have some work to do. Look around at the world. It needs plenty of work to stop it as it continues going downhill at reckless speed. We are not up to the job on our own. Thank God we are not on our own and are able to say, "Come Holy Spirit come". Do not belittle the fact that God is not just in temples and churches. God is everywhere and that includes the places that are filthy and wretched. Where you may not to take your little child or elderly parent.
So are we going to contribute to the problem, or be part of the solution. God knows it isn't an easy job.
 Firstly He sent His son to earth to die on the cross to save us.
 Now the Holy Spirit is here.
 We can ignore this, or give our lives to Jesus. I am with William Wilberforce on this one. We need one more... How about you!!!        This is your brother in Christ, Peter saying, be good out there and know that you are loved so much.
Peter G Kimble.  


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