Saturday 22 September 2012

Saturday Post

Greetings to you and blessings be upon you all.

The birds are singing and my mother is waiting for me to take her to the supermarket in about half an hour.
We usually go every friday morning. Yesterday though one of my sisters came and took her down.
Obviously she didnt get all she wanted as she has just rung me to ask if I would drive down and take her to The supermarket.

I had awoke this morning and thought how nice it would be to just stay in the flat in stillness and solitude.
But you know the saying, `The best made plans of mice and men can easily be altered my mothers or Herod.` Maybe thats not the saying, but its all there is on the table at the moment.

I am going to share now the photos taken of the two paintings done yesterday. It ought to be obvious which one it is that I prefer, but I put them both in as you may not choose the same as me. In which case I am sorry I didnt take more pictures of that one!


Well, thats all the photos of the paintings. I shall go in a minute, but take my camera in the hope that a good photo opportunity appears. So for now this is going on save.      

Well I am back and the bad news is I forgot the camera. The good news is I didnt see any photo ops!
O yes I also some twenty minutes ago realized I was writing the first bit of the blog in the character of Basil Faulty, from the sit com Faulty Towers!
Well its not yet 12 noon and so maybe this afternoon will be a time for me to be still and quiet.
Plato said that reality is changed by the mind and that we can change our reality by changing our mind.
Also The Roman, Marcus Aurelius, wrote "A man`s life is what his thoughts make of it." The Bible said, "Man is what he thinks about all day long." Throughout history, those people with awareness have spoken of the power of the mind.

            "You are a part of the universe, no less than the stars and trees, and you have a right to be here. And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should. . ."

You may have heard it said, "I think therefore I am."  After meditating on this some time ago. Maybe if I dont think, then God is!

God is Love. So today my brothers and sisters - there is a saying, one day at a time sweet Jesus - I shall
try to have few thoughts and just feel the state of love.

Blessings, Love and peace be with you all.
Now and always.
Your brother Peter

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