Monday 15 October 2012

Food for all Art for all

Good day to you all.

Food for all
The first Christian Aid week was held in 1957, (the year of my birth) organized by a body set up in the aftermath of the Second World War and originally called Christian Reconstruction in Europe. Their purpose was to alleviate suffering for ordinary people, no matter what their faith and they had already begun to look beyond Europe, to support development work in newly independent nations in Africa and Asia, and to respond to emergencies worldwide. In 1964 the organization changed its name to Christian Aid. Their current strapline is `We believe in life before death`. (This, `we believe in life before death` is making my eyes leak. How much I should like to go back to living in the Philippines and provide a loving home for some of the street children. Its not my will which I must follow though, but Gods. At this time he wants me to be in England to help care for my mother in her eighties and my sons in their teens! )

Life before death
I would like to ponder that a little. Yes we should pray for those in need and those in bondage. Yet words are not they like seed that is scattered, but not watered and tended. It soon comes to nothing and dies. The shops are not open yet, but I intend to visit the oxfam shop. I will put some money in the collection no matter if there is anything to buy or not. I could buy something as a gift!

An artists blog needs art
So my brothers and sisters, here are some photos I took this morning of the painting done yesterday. I am not a good enough photographer to do justice to this work, but its the best I could do!


                         This photo in the top half shows you some of the texture which I like.

 As does this one above.

The last one I include using the mirror effect on my camera. A) I like the result. B) It shows details and colour of this painting off well!

There you have it my brothers and sisters. My art for you all. I am off to donate a bit of food for all now. Love, peace and blessings to you. Your bro Peter G Kimble   

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