Monday 1 October 2012

Monday: If we can make it on Monday we can make it anyday.


So what. Get up and get going.

Good day folks, now I should like to say concerning the title that my son has just chirped in his two pennyworth. `What about Judgement day.`

So I am just going to leave that to one side and get on with this artists phenomenological blog.

My latest painting 
to share with

Sometimes its up to the viewer which way is the best way up to view one of
 my paintings. Also I myself with some works prefer more that one view and so
when having one like this framed had better have it done so it can be hung any
                       way round.

This is a silly self portrait of me, just to 
say in this I look ridiculous.
I accidentally or
sometimes on 

world has 
enough serious people 
who have political and military
Power and who do so much serious damage!

Lets not be too serious!

Freedom, in part is freedom from what people will say to you having a negative effect. If someone says something critical, with the purpose of hurting you, or just from ignorance; then the best thing to so do is feel sorry for them. You could say, `I am sorry for you saying that and hope you can feel more positive soon.`
 The worst thing is to feel hurt yourself, or to get angry and respond with something like, "Thats shit and all you ever say is shit, because you are so full of shit, you shithead."  This shows you that your ego is so real you feel totally separate from not only them, but are far removed from any concept that you may have of God!

My son is so eager to get back on the computer and me, going with the flow will acquiesce.

So, until I blog again, may love and peace come upon you and pass on to others. 

Your brother Peter.    


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