Monday, 31 October 2011

This is my version of a monet, but it doesnt give me money.

Good day folks.
on the left is a small portion of a screen print that I hand coloured. The thing I like about this, is that its not so uniform as to take the movement out of it. Also I gave the dancing ladies smaller waists which now on reflection I am not sure was the best thing.
I shall explain the bit in the title about, `it doesn't give me money`. As my small local government pension- which I have been receiving since my wife Tracy took her life giving me a brain injury-is not enough to live on; I receive a benefit from the government called income support. Its not as much as £100 pw, but because I receive this then I don't have to pay local government tax on my property (this is not a mansion, just a two bedroom flat.) also I get free dental care and prescriptions. So, again the title, its not me griping, but just explaining that unless I could sell prints/postcards of my work and or the original works for enough to not rely on income support, then as it is I am unable to sell my work. That's not to say I haven't given it away. Oh I ought to mention that if one of you out there could, as my agent (specially take note, any sacred service agents!) bring in a reasonable income from my work, then you would get the usual percentage. I can be contacted at ``.
Something to think about
If the physical make up of the brain programs us to believe in God, who is the programmer!
Confusius was born to an unwed mother. Sounds similar to who?
The following two things I enjoyed and you may want to look them up on youtube;
Oh Palestin(arab spring version) - Reem Kalani
269309-Umthombo Street Kids addicted to Surfing.
May you have a good day my brothers and sisters. Go in love and peace this day and always know that you are loved.
Your brother Peter

Sunday, 30 October 2011


Left. Some wood cut and then arrainged with a candle inside. This may be transferred to a more desalate setting, though maybe with a hurricane lamp inside. Sitting on a stone wall may look good. Or on a heath!
For some reason my spell checker is not working. Also I cant seem able to turn the picture below of `Our Lady of Wolsinghome` Which isnt by me but was photograghed by me in church today in the Lady chapel.
Good day and blessings to you all. The title of todays blog comes from a library book of the same title that I started reading today, by Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I am only into the first twenty pages and I am riveted. Yet as have only started reading it, wont comment on it yet, other than to say how glad that I am to have borrowed it from the library. Also I ought to find short excerts to share over the next few days!
`Elections are usually just secular political events in most parts of the world. Our elections turned out to be a spiritual, even a religious, experience. We won`t so quickly forget the images of those long queues snaking their way slowly into the polling booths. People waited a very long time. John Allen, my media secretary, said there was a new status symbol at the time in South Africa. Someone would say, "I stood for two hours before I could vote!" And someone else would say, "Oh, that`s nothing-I waited four hours...." People shared newspapers, picnic lunches, stories and they discovered (what a profound discovery) that they were human together and that they actually seemed to want much the same things-nice housein a secure and safe neighborhood, a steady job, good schools for the children, and, yes, skin color and race were indeed thoroughly irrelevant.`
Well my brothers and sisters, I pray that you are well and this coming week is good for you and blesses all whom you meet. With loving regards, your brother Peter.

Friday, 28 October 2011

Buster my dog and not another soul in sight

Good day folks. I am sitting here at 5am and pondering if anyone that looks at my blogs has shared the feeling, which the mystics may call, the dark night of the soul? I have to go and pick up my two sons from their mother and stepfather in @4hrs. That's good and I shall enjoy spending the day with them. During the day we shall probably make dough and bake loves of bread. Of course we shall do other things, like go to the Saturday morning pictures. At the end of the day and this is where the dark night of the soul comes in, I have to find strength in a God I cant see, but through all things I am meant to see. Also be loved by our heavenly father, yet have no earthly person to love or feel loved by. Am I meant to get by on the memory that my late wife Tracy and me had loving times together, which some individuals never experience? Perhaps.
Often during the six years living in the Philippines I would see the message, `pray harder`!
If what I'm saying strikes a chord with an individual out there, please communicate to me at `` I cannot be the only person who can go and stand in a crowd of people and feel alone. Nor have to go off walking in the woods with my dog to find peace? Yet the quote I share with all who see my blog may be as meaningful with one of you as it is to me. So I leave this blog today with;
"If we are not fully ourselves truly in the present moment, we miss everything."
Thich Nhat Hanh
Ha ha, of course I have to say that when my faith is tested, then all that is left is hope. Have a good weekend. Your brother Peter.

Fish on friday

Good day to you.I should add that it is rather late in the day, here in England. Had a busy one and so this is the first chance I have to blog. Those of you who have not read all my blogs wont know why I often call Friday`s blog, `Fish on Friday`. Well, my elder sister, said, `Peter keep the spiritual blogs to a minimum and so although to its very nature it creeps into other blogs; its stamp can be firmly placed on a Friday. During my six years living in the Philippines I spent a lot of time at the catholic church and they traditionally eat fish on Friday. Also the fish was a sign us Christians use to recognise each other at times of persecution.
I would like to share some sayings from a few of my favourite mystical saints;
`To saints, their very slumber is prayer.` St John of the Cross
I shall tell you the first thing that brought into my mind. When you go to sleep with faith in God, you sleep in peace, as you leave your life in his hands and can rest assured that if harm befalls you, then God allows it for his good purpose.
"How is it lord, that we are cowards in everything save opposing thee?"
St Teresa of Avila
"It is love alone that gives worth to all things."
St Teresa of Avila
As (I hope that) we know, God is Love and without it we are lost. Fortunately there are beacons to show us the way. My Lord Jesus once said, how you treat the least of my people you treat me. So this is applicable to the following saying.
"The bread you store up belongs to the hungry; the coat that lies in your chest belongs to the naked, the gold that you have hidden in the ground belongs to the poor."
St Basil
I am greatly heartened when I hear of the good that Bill and Linda Gates are doing with there wealth, and along with them many others. Having spent six years in the Philippines and spent some of that time amongst the poor and visiting orphans, I know there is so much needed. Also there are those who have so much, but none to give. I just noticed, I spent six years in the Philippines and that was the time I spent married before my wife Tracy, God bless her, took her life and accidentally gave me a brain injury! So my brothers and sisters I shall leave with a note to my late wife , followed by a little piece by C.S.Lewis which puts it on an even keel.
Tracy my farling, when God gavee you to me he never said that you were mine, that I could keep you always - only borrowed for a time, Now, he`s called you home, I`m sad and I shed tears. Yet I`m glad he loaned you to me and we had those few shared years.
Your beloved Peter
" God , who foresaw your tribulation, has specially armed you to go throght it, not without pain but without stain. "C.S.Lewis.
Have a good weekend my brother and sisters. Know that I have just spent some time praying for all of you. Brother Peter

Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Where did that grey hair come from? Look out below

Good day folks. For years I shaved my head. then I thought I am going to grow it long and look like the Jesus freaks did in the sixties. When my eldest boy said he wanted to walk a way behind me, it came out that one of his friends had seen me in town with him and asked if I was his granddad, I thought; right, I am going to shave my head again and step up my fitness training. His younger brother would have laughed it off. Well I didnt shave off my hair for my eldest son, but because Im thinking I have duties as a father, even if my child can be selfish, I cant just leave him to grow up thinking that the world revolves round him!

I should love to go and spend some more time in other countries, but for the time being my mother and sons need me to be here. And the Buster of course, but he could always go in the kennels for a month or perhaps two at a push.
Quotes for the day
"If we are not fully ourselves,
truly in the present moment,
we miss everything."
~ Thich Nhat Hanh
"One two three five seven eleven
God is prime and waiting in Heaven."
~ P.G.Kimble
Smile and the world smiles with you, (yeah I know its usually laugh, but look at my photo) sob and you will be a sod on your own!
Okay folks Ive got to go and seize the day. It will be six am in a few seconds. bye

Up Dunstable Downs, Kite spotting and shooting.

We had a good day today. I drove one of my sons and my mother, oh yes, and the Buster over to dunstable downs to watch the gliders and kites.
It would be really good if next summer people try to pick a day that there can be as many kites in the air as possible! Well its an idea, just left to float out there.
Today I have been frequently looking at the writing on my hand, `Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me, repeating it in my mind. Yep, its working and I have got mercy. No rocks fell out of the sky onto my head. Homicidal drivers did not engade with my moderate driveing! Oh yes I know its only 7.50pm, but you see that is what me having faith is about. I just say, universe whatever you want to come my way I shall accept with grace, but pleace if you will, let it be stuff to put a smile on my face.
Have a good eve/day folks, where ever you are and know we are all really one.
Your brother Peter

Oh yes I took this one to give you all a smile from me,
Peace and Love from your bro, Peter

Monday, 24 October 2011

Dog gone cat. Am I expected to just sit here!

Good day folks. Its nearly 8am. Me and one of my sons who stopped over night have been over Popes meadow with Buster our faithful German sheperd.
Sometimes Buster meets a female sheperd over there called Thai (her owner spent a few years in Thailand. My son says I cant put her name on my blog as I havent her permission!) Well I shall go along with him, but only in this case.
Aquiring a brain injury was so easy. Infact I didnt see it coming. Good grief, my son said that I am old and wrinkly. Also people at his high school think I am his grandad. He just said I look like a seventy old. Oh yeah, now he says everyone looks younger than me. He is winding me up, but without effect. I can laugh, as when he just said `ARE YOU GOING TO GET A LITTLE BABY TO SIT ON YOUR NECK AND PULL YOUR FACE BACK.`
I am not sure about what he said about not putting peoples names without their permission. I doubt the gutter press get people`s permission to put some of the embarrising photos and articles about them.
This seems to be drifting quite far from art, yet; I recall a bit of a poem, which went; `Who killed Norma Jean, we said the press in pain and distress, we killed Norma Jean.` Maralyn Monroe, Amy Winehouse, isnt it interesting how the newspapers tend to make money from stuff which doesnt help reduce crime, or poverty, or corruption. It was musicians who came up with the song `Feed The World`. When Laurie Anderson sung the words, Ethics are the aesthetics of the future, I thought, yes thats it. The politicians and press - mostly but not wholly - care more about power and money than doing good. Musicians and artists - mostly but not wholly - care more about doing good stuff than money and power.
What is the song of songs? I am not sure and I cant look it up as soon as I post this, as my son is playing up because he wants to play computer games. So now I am going to post this and then his desire can become reality. I shall leave you my brothers and sisters now, wishing you a good and wholesome day. Your brother Peter


I have had the Jesus prayer written on my hand today and, although not prayed it continuously, have endevored to pray it often.

Science Studies the Jesus Prayer
Can seven words—Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me—change lives?
It may seem a lot of effort over just seven words: Finding 110 Eastern
Orthodox Christians, giving them a battery of tests ranging from psychology to
theology to behavioral medicine, and then repeating the tests 30 days later. But
the seven words—"Lord Jesus Christ, have mercy on me" (a.k.a. the Jesus
Prayer)—are among the most enduring in history. What Boston University
psychologist George Stavros, Ph.D., wanted to find out was whether repeating the
Jesus Prayer for ten minutes each day over the 30 days would affect these
people's relationship with God, their relationships with others, their faith
maturity, and their "self-cohesion" (levels of depression, anxiety, hostility,
and interpersonal sensitivity). In short, Stavros was asking whether the Jesus
Prayer can play a special role in a person's "journey to the heart."
The answer—at least on all the scales that showed any significant effect
compared to the control group—turned out to be a resounding yes. Repeating the
contemplative prayer deepened the commitment of these Christians to a
relationship with a transcendent reality. Not only that, it reduced depression,
anxiety, hostility, and feelings of inferiority to others. So powerful were the
psychological effects of the prayer that Stavros urges his colleagues to keep it
in mind as a healing intervention for clients. He recommends that the prayer be
used along with communal practices so that one's relationship with God and
others is "subtly and continuously tutored." In other words, going inside to
find God does not mean going it alone.

I can turn myself around but not the photo!

Good day folks. One of my sons took this photo of me today, in front of my artwork called Creation. In the photo I am wearing a crucifix given to me on a retreat to a monastery in Scotland. The order has been awarded the medal on the crucifix after some monks were told to leave there monastery in somewhere like Morocco. They stayed, and were all beheaded. The Pope gave the order a medal for their crucifix! My crucifix was given to me whilst I was their, by a former monk who had left the order, but visited on retreats.
Like me he had a chequered past, having spent time in Barlinie prison for being a bit of a gangster. It just goes to show that like Paul on his way to Damascos, we can any of us get the oppotunity to change. For some of us it is at the foot of the cross.
In an interview for the BBC in 1986 Cardinal Hume spoke of how important the crucifix in his chapel at Archbishop`s House:
I like that because sometimes in the morning when you`re tired and have
a lot of worries in your head it`s not easy to get the head up to God, so you
have to pray with your eyes. Sometimes I just sit and look at the cross and
say to myself: A lot of people I meet or who write letters to me are suffering
terribly at this moment. So, looking at the cross, I think of all those people
sharing that passion, sharing the agony of our Lord. And if God became
man - as indeed he did - he came to share a lot of what we all have to live
and undergo and gives it meaning and purpose, and makes it holy. I find
that very powerful and when people say to me: "I`m very worried",
or "I`ve lost my husband", or "There`s been a terrible tragedy in our family
- please pray for me", I say "yes, I`ll do it tomorrow morning". So sitting in
the chapel, looking at the crucifix, I remember that person.`
So now I am able to look upon my crucifix and think well of my beloved Tracy who in dying gave
me a brain injury. Thanks to Gods we had six years together and some of them the most wonderfull in my life.
My brothers I bid you good day and leave you with a saying from Lao Tzu.
Doing nothing is better than being busy doing nothing.
Peace and love from your brother Peter.

Sunday, 23 October 2011

Sunday and dont, wont to be glib, but want us to `be`!

The bard himself, William Shakespeare, said `to be or not to be that is the question.` He went on about if it is better to suffer whilst striving after a goal, than not to bother. Well history only records those that succeed and those that fail spectacularly. I wont tell you that fame or infamy aren't important, but what I will say that if a persons goal is one or the other, then they will find it difficult to live a life true to their self.
Self, yep is there one. There is one self and we are all part of it. Was it Shakespeare or some other thinker that said, `no man is an island` in other words none of us can live alone in the universe for long. I'm not talking about a hermit on a deserted island with fruit to eat etc, but as a viable long term strategy for hundreds of thousands, or millions of people. That's why we have such a complicated world for us Human beings. How many people have you heard say, I live my life the way I want to? Yet most just conform to the majority view and do whats generally expected from them. Some people have to pray a certain number of times a day facing towards Mecca. This could be a problem If you are on the space station! Others can only eat fish on Fridays. ( I sometimes forget to do a fish on Friday blog, yet no bolt of lightening has struck me down. Sometimes religions rules get in the way of living a good life. Strict Jayne's wear face masks so they don't accidentally breath in and kill minute insects. Are they allowed to travel on jet planes, which have been known to suck in and obliterate birds? Jayne`s that is not face masks. I know face masks are allowed to travel on planes as I wore one during the Sars scare on returning from the Philippines. As a child we may not understand much about the world, but it is good not to be responsible for creating genocide, famines and war. Now after years of paying tax on my little works pension, the department of works has said my income is not enough to pay tax on. Great, I am so glad now I can truly say I don't contribute financially in supporting armed forces. Thats not to say I wont now plan a regular gift to the `Salvation Army` ( those who haven't heard of them, look up William Booth on you tube. In fact look up `William Booth Speaks`) They are an army doing good works. They do not have a swastika, hammer and sickle for a symbol. The cross does though feature with the words, `Blood and Fire`. The late Cardinal Basil Hume when told he was dying of cancer, reacted by going to the hospital chapel to spend time in prayer before the crucifix. He had a great devotion to the last words of Jesus and he was, in a sense, makingJesus` prayer his owm, (as can we) `Into your hands I commend my spirit`. Out of the depths of despair and suffering, he was searching for hope. And he found it in the crucifix (Christ fixed) Three days later, in a letter to the priests of his diocese, he revealed that the cancer was not `in the early stages`, but he added: `I have received two wonderful graces. First, I have been given time to prepare for a new future. Secondly, I find myself - uncharacteristically - calm and at peace`.
Cardinal Hume left several moving reflections on the Seven Last Words of Christ on the Cross. Within them, he once said, there is `a message of hope, an Easter gift which gives meaning to Good Friday`s agony`. If its meant to be, then I shall share some of them with you over the next few days.
May this be a good week for us. Blessings and peace be upon you, your brother Peter.

Saturday, 22 October 2011

My sons Harrys painting above and mine below.

Hi there my brothers and sisters.I had my sons all day and they have only just gone back home.
Can you see how I uses Harrys painting as inspiration for mine?
I took aspects from it and transferred them to mine. What though I can say, is that although I am happy with my painting, I prefer his. Its a bit more free and disordered. Also of course its a lot lighter. Well I hope that his art can remain light and colourful after another forty years on this planet. Also may he inspire my own art to become lighter and uplifting.
Some sayings by Seneca 5 BC - 65 ad
He who spares the wicked injuries the good.
Begin at once to live and count each day as a seperate life.
It is a denial of Justice not to stretch out a helping hand to the fallen; that is the common right of humanity.
Let tears flow of their own accord; their flowing is not inconsistant with inward peace and harmony.
Our determination must be focused with a destination before termination ensues.
Mr Nebblesworth 1893 -
Now my brothers and sisters, I am doing the intercessions tomorrow in church. I have taken word for word out of a book of intercessions, but will pray that the Holy Spirit uses them for people to focus their prayer on. Bless you all and hope you are having a good weekend and can give even a minute or two in prayer or good thoughts for those who are in suffering.
Till I write to you again be content in all you have , yet maybe in not all you give! Onwards and upwards. Peter

Friday, 21 October 2011

Fish on Friday

When you read Gods word, you must constantly be saying to yourself, `It is talking to me, and about me. Soren Kierkegaard (1813-1855) He had a short life!
2 Corinthians 2:2-4
Despite broken relationships
For I grieve you, who is left to make me glad but you whom I
have grieved? I wrote as I did, so that when I came I would not
be distressed by those who should have made me rejoice. I had
confidence in all of you, that you wold all share my joy, For I
wrote you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with
many tears, not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of
my love for you.
So my brothers and sisters, I pray this day that we may go about in our duties and labours, knowing we have given over ourselves for the power of God to work through us and in us. Or even the other way round. You ought to think to yourselves, Peter makes misstakes, but he has got brain damage and still gets most takes right. This life is not like making a movie, where the director can say, take that scene again! So lets go out there today and everyday and look out for every opportunity to make it Gods day through our intervention! A smile here, picking up some litter here. Not making fun of anyone anywhere ( else we are really belittling God!).

Peaceful Fish on Friday! Lets pray for those whom it isnt.

I know that this may include one or more of us reading this. This is why I ask you now to pray with me; ` Power of Good (God) that is all loving, we call on your mercy to come and straighten that which is crooked , Console those who are grieving, give joy to those who celebrate and bring us all to the knowledge of your almighty wisdom. I ask this in the name of Jesus and all the saints. Amen and Amen.
We may ignore but we cant evade the presence of God. The world is crowded with Him. He walks everywhere incognito.
The enemy will not see you vanish into Gods company without some effort to reclaim you. C.S.Lewis
Todays bible reading comes from 2 Corinthians 2:2-4
Desite broken relationships
For if I grieve you, who is lift to make me glad but you whom I
have grieved? I wrote as I did, so that when I came I would not be
distressed by those who shoukd have made me rejoice. I had con-
fidence in all of you, that you would all share my joy. For I wrote
you out of great distress and anguish of heart and with many tears,
not to grieve you but to let you know the depth of my love for you.
So my brothers and sisters, lets try before leaving home, if we are fortunate enough to have a mirror, look in it and give ourselves and God in us a big smile. This way , when we go about today and have the opportunity to give a stranger - or someone we know - a smile. It will also be God smiling upon them.
Blessings and peace from your brother Peter. ps pass it on.

Thursday, 20 October 2011

Thursday Tutu has us looking through the eyes of God

This picture on the left is one I fineshed yesterday and place in the church for people to see today.
In his book God Has A Dream, Desmond Tutu asks us to see with the eyes of God. He says;
Perhaps the ultimate expression of seeing with the eyes of the
heart is when we are able to see each other as God sees us -
not our earthly human bodies but the divine light that shines
through them.
It was this revelation of Jesus` divinity, of his luminosity, that
the disciples saw on the mountaintop. As the New Testament
records it, the face of Jesus shone brightly and his clothes be-
came glistening white. His body, his clothes, gross material
things that up to then might have been thought to be impervi-
ous to the spiritual, the transcendent, became translucent with
an unearthly illumination. The term"transfiguration"originates
in the mountaintop experience as a description of how the
physical can be shown to be truly spiritual, can be transformed
from the profane into the sacred.
We shouldn't be surprised by this. I will believe in an awesome
power we may choose to call God, then nothing about it can be
completely comprehensible. The more we are amazed at this,
then the more open we shall be to accept further Revelations.
So the painting which I finished yesterday and place in the
church today, I can see as part of Gods Revelation!
Funny thing is that part of what its revealing, is that its not
all it seems to be!
Blessings and peace be with you. Your brother, Peter

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

untitled yet undaunted

Good day to anyone who reads this. Today for me is one where I try to do all that is wanted from me. I drove my mother to the hospital and after dropping her off I waited down the the road in the car for her call sometime later to go and pick her up.
Somewhere in between being at mums house afterwards and coming here and taking Buster out over Popes meadow, Ive misplaced or lost my reading glasses. They were reasonable cheap ones, which were bought from a supermarket a couple of months or so back, to see me through to when I can get a prescription to have another pair of varyfocals which I lost a couple of months or so back. I thank God that my eyesight is not that bad that I cant drive without glasses, or even read reasonable size print, so its little inconveniance compared to people around the world who are going blind only through the lack of money for an operation. I saw a wonderful film not long ago where some surgeons went to africa from the west to work free for a short while giving sight to those whom an operation would surfice. For instance they restored the sight of those blinded by cateracts. This sort of thing may be called an understandable miracle, or not, its beyond my ken. I do know that it fits in with a prayer that may be by a saint, which has a bit where it says ,`God has no feet on earth but mine. No hands, nor eyes, etc. He also - though I try and often succeed in serving him here on earth - , has to accept that there are times like now where I feel lost and wretched. Then like now, I have to ask his forgiveness and that it will pass. What ever trials or tribulations I have to say, so be it.
My how we can have posative things counterbalance the ngative. My eldest son Joshuas, just phoned up to say he is playing rugby for his school under thirteens tomorrow and that I can go along and watch him. Ive been a bit sick today , but still managed to drive his gran about, so with Gods grace I shall be there watching him play. Josh is a very fast runner and I look forard to if I am able, supporting him.
Now here is a bit from the book I am readingGod has a dream, by Desmond Tutu, which I hope also convays partly how I feel coming into late afternoon and heading for this evening.
When We Pray together, we support each others prayers. There are many times when I cant pray, I am too tired to pray or I am experiencing a darkness of the soul. All I can do is to be in the presence of God and say "All I can give you is me on my knees "(from which position I am also able to type this) and I throw myself into the stream of worship. And there I Am immersed in the adoration of God.
Outside there is a light blue sky and fluffy white clouds, so light and still. I am going to leave this here to empty my mind of any troubling thoughts and rest my consciousness in these still, white clouds. Your brother Peter.

Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Evening Post Painting finished today influenced by my son`s painting

Good evening my brothers and sisters. It is truly wonderful when our productive output can be inspired and, or influenced by that of our children's.
The painting on top is by my son Harry and I am grateful he didn't take it to his other home, although of course he is welcome to at any time!
As you may see, I used structural elements in the reworking of one of my paintings, underneath. This I completed not half an hour ago,but less!
Also in the picture do you notice that the cricket bat and the walking stick were added to the picture to add some sort of continuity!
Quote for today
When you make the two as one, and the inside like the outside, you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas

Death is swallowed up in victory.
Death where is your victory?
Death where is your sting?
`Death Sting of death is sin, and the power of sin
comes from the Law Thank God , then, for giving
us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 corinthians 15.35-37;51-57
There is a lot of darkness in the lower painting, but to me it has overcome any darkness of heart.
My grieving for my late wife Tracy is almost at an end, as now I am coming towards a celebration of those few years we had together. Remember, as our thoughts change then so does our world.
Peace Love and joy to you my brother and sisters.
Your bro in Christ, Peter

Happy Tuesday

Autumn is a good season here in England. Those lovely deep reds and golds as the leaves drop to the woodland floor making a temporary natural carpet.All seasons though are wonderful if we let them be. Or ,`Let it be.` I think thats the name of The Beatles song I am thinking of!
I was just looking out at the sky. Some fantastic patterns and colours. My first thought was, that it would be great to have a really good quality camera, capable of capturing those patterns and colours. Then I thought it can be better sometimes to just appreciate things in the moment and let them go to make space for more. So less can be more! Maybe where you are you can spend just a minute or two gazing up at the sky.
I hope today to start reading a book I borrowed from the Public lending library yesterday.
DESMOND TUTU `Desmond Tutu shows
each of us how to
transform our pain and
sorrow into hope and
confidence in the future`
`I have the highest regard for my good and trusted friend
Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I admire him for the wonderful,
warm person he is and especially for the humane principles he
upholds, and I have not doubt that reader will enjoy and benefit
from what he has to say in God Has A Dream.`
The Dalai Lama
Echoing the words of Martin Luther King, Tutu writes, `God says to you, I have a dream. Please help me to realize it. It is a dream of a world whose ugliness and squalor and poverty, whose war and hostility, greed and harsh competitiveness, alienation and disharmony are changed into their glorious counterparts.` And with his characteristic humour, Tutu shows in practical ways how this can be done: by cultivating in ourselves the qualities of love, forgiveness, humility, generosity and courage that we all need in order to change ourselves and our world.
In `God has a dream`, Tutu underlines how important it is that, even as we face the harsh realities of our individual lives and global conditions, we remember the importance of hope and dreams - for it is on hope and dreams that a better future will be built, and on which God`s dream for us will be fulfilled.
This is your brother Peter, signing off with peace and love to you and all beings.

Monday, 17 October 2011

From Ernest Holmes, through me and my art, to you.

Good day to you and just letting you know its rather on the cold side here in Luton,England. So Id welcome an invitation to spend a couple of weeks in a hot climate. I am sneezing here, but its not all bad. As you can see from my recent artwork. So coming up is some writing from Ernest Holmes, which I have copied into my notebook, to read over periodically.

If our thoughtss are always constructive we shall always be divinely guided.
If our thoughts are always affirmative the Law will always respond affirmatively.
If we live in inward peace we shall never be confused.
If faith dominates our consciousness we shall never be afraid.
If we are always kind we shall never know hate.
If we think of life as an eternal springtime, forever blossoming anew into self-expression through us, we shall never grow old.
Be well my brothers and sisters and know that you are loved. My followers I am able to pray for by name. All others who come to my site, well know that God knows who you are and so I ask that the eternal force of Love settles in you and brings you joy. Peace and Love from your bro Peter.

Sunday, 16 October 2011

Untitled paintings by me and my son.

We painted these yesterday and mine is
on the right and my son`s underneath.
I like my boys painting that much that I
shall probably do one influenced by it.
Todays quote.
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in as much as it, too, demands a firm and watchful stance against any unexpected onset.
Marcus Aurelius.

Have a good day folks. Ive got to have a quick shave, pick up my other son and take us all off to church.
Peace and love to you.

Saturday, 15 October 2011

My first bit of video editing.

This video was done to try out a program a volunteer from Headway (org that helps people with brain injuries) put on my computer. I was reading the following piece of creative writing which I wrote in 2007 , but may be hard for you to hear above the music. It will be good when I learn how to adjust the levels!



Quit sobbing

Accepting loss change

Gentle laughing


The above - which I penned in 2007- was what I was reading from the leather bound book made at some point in my stay at Broadmoor special hospital 1979 - 1985. Those were some of the most productive years of my life. Although I had been ordered to be detained indefinitely under section 60/65 of the mental health act, suffering from a psychopathic disorder; I was infact only troubled by a personality disorder. The doctors thank God knew I needed help and hadnt got it in prison, so sort of upgraded their diagnosis to get me in the special hospital. Whilst there I one day saw Charles Bronson-who was then still-Micky Peterson, almost run up a drainpipe and then spend a few days protesting up on a roof. Charlie, unlike me, didnt benefit from his hospitalization.

Then, he has the title of Britains hardest prisoner and I am as yet an unknown artist! So be it. I will press on.

I have one of my sons here, who shall not be named, but will endevour to test my patience to the brink of breaking point and scoff at me. To no avail though .

The good lad has just made me a giant mug of coffee. This computer is working in a funny manner, or perhaps its just me not understanding when Ive accidentally switched some proccess on to make it work in a manner I have hither to not come across.

Also my first born,God bless him has told me, `thats enough dad, people dont want to read a book, they just want to scan the first paragragh and thats it.` So for once I am going to listen to him. Also I know he wants access to this computer. So toodle loo folks and have a good weekend.

Your Bro Peter

Friday, 14 October 2011

An art full fish on friday

Good day to you my brothers and sisters. Above is an `art peace` of some automatic writing created with brush, ink and empty mind.

To the left is a colourful work. Made with oil pastels on black paper.
Now to the Fish on Friday writing.
I rejoice in the Lord greatly that now at last you have revived your concern for me; indeed, you were concerned for me, but had no opportunity to show it.
Yesterday in my session with Kate, my forensic art therapist, there was a mini breakthrough. We came to see that I am the one that's been holding myself back, on an unconscious level. There is an underlying fear about reaching my potential. There is the fear that if I go for it I may not achieve it, therefore setting myself up for failure/loss. ( How much more loss can I take.) Then of course there is the possibility that I can achieve, with denying my ego, art which will enlighten and bring positive feelings to others. So its not so much as having faith in myself, but trusting in God to work through me, to help myself and others. We are my brothers and sisters really all one. So I shall bid you a good day, with peace and love, your brother Peter

Thursday, 13 October 2011

Evening post: Work I did at forensic art therapy

Good evening folks.
This is not just one sessions work. Its been progressing over a couple of months.
My sister is due here within minutes and so I shall just leave you with these images. Also the thought that our minds try to put `our` world into boxes, which can then limit us to doing the same with our egos and desires.
Of course it is for us to find the way. To step outside and try to get an overview.
Hope you all are able to realize we have to strive to follow a path to true enlightenment.
Peace and love from your brother Peter.

Out over a little village, or hamlet, with the Buster.

Today I wanted to take Buster out in the country for a bit of a run. Boy did he enjoy it! Its only 9am now and he`s laid down on the rug content.
My best wishes go out to my 3 followers; Sabastian Dolinski, Am-a-sta, and Annie. Have a good day and know that I have prayed for you.
The following is from me to you, but originally written by Ernest Holmes.
Im joy go within youself to meet this Life.
Expect It to respond/
Know that It is going tol
Have no anxiety.
Relax and trust-believe.
Don`t deny It.
Begin with whatever affiernative and con-
structive thinking you have and build on
Refuse to dwell in the darkness of unbelief.
Refuse to be overcome by negative sugges-
Boldly step through the place of doubt and
plant you feet on the solid rock of faith.
So my brothers and sister, I should like to write some more this morning, but alas I must go and pick my mother up and take her to church. Giving her a piggy back gives me backache, so I have to sling over my shoulder like a sack of potatoes. Joking of course, its quicker to pick her up in the car.
Have a great day my dear brothers and sisters. Your brother in Christ, Peter

Wednesday, 12 October 2011

Good day Blessing to believers and good luck to those without faith.

Good day folks. Peace to all living things. Above is the first sculpture of a gargoyle i made, whilst on remand in Bedford prison. I was awaiting trail at The Old Bailey and exoneration for being accused of aiding an abetting my darling wife, Tracys suicide. My right hand was paralyzed (thankfully its almost 100% okay now) and I had a ball of clay and the head just became born from it. Its a sort of self portrait of how I saw myself and thought others perceived me at the time.
Yep I know its a crappy photo. Part of the reason why its on a blog and not in a gallery.
Talking of my galleries, they will probably get changed around soon as I would like to have one of the three devoted to the work I produced in my sessions with the forensic art therapist.
Now look at me on the left. Time has moved on and I am not behind prison bars. Is it really me or just a sculpture of me?
For sure I can tell you its not a Muslim
woman, as below the waist is the naked torso of a 100% man. I thought it best not to have cock and balls on full view for this blog. Though, if there was demand for an artistic art peace; nope.
I had a fellow around yesterday. A volunteer from `Headway` an org that helps people with brain injuries. Steve I believe was his name. I know it wasn't Stan. Anyway he helped me put a bit of music on one of my little video clips and also title and credits. Can I put it on this blog though! That's a rhetorical question. Is there such a thing as a rhetorical answer? That just out there.
The sun is shining. May you all be blessed by goodness and light and know that I thank you for giving my blogs some time in your consciousness. Peace and love from your brother, Peter

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Evening Post: The Art Of Living An Adventure into Consciousness.

I have been reading and absorbing enlightenment from the world of mysticism and will share with you the following.
The mystics tell us that the answers to the great mysteries of life are
waiting for anyone who seeks them. Jesus said, `Knock and the door
will open.` When the door opens we discover we are already where we
need to be - right here and now. There is nothing to change.
Everything is perfect just as it is. We did not need to find our `Way`,
only to get out of the way - to transcend our preoccupations with our
separate self and realize that God has been righty next to us all along.
Coser than that - God is our very Self.
This is the humour of our predicament. Each one of us is God play-
ing a cosmic game of hide and seek with himself. We may choose to
play this game by following a tradition and engaging in particular
spiritual practices. But the search is wider and more embracing than a
faith or practice. It is all of the life we are already living. Each moment
on our journey from birth to death isan opportunity to awaken. We
will be faced with many difficulties and dilemmas along the way, but
we need not worry, for the life of each one of us is designed to lead us
to our destination.
The mystic experience can transport us beyond our worries, fears
and reactions to a place where we are simply in love with life itself, in
all its variety. There is food and bad - and that is perfect. There is happ-
iness, but for no reason. There is equanimity in the face of changing
fortunes and compassion for all beings. Everything is God.
Everything is the ebb and flow of the Tao - ever-changing and ever the
Now, for Tao I prefer to use the term power of the Holy Spirit. Though
given `Tao is shorter, some travellers on the road to enlightenment are
not yet ready to stray of their well worn path, to gather sustenance. So
for those needing to remain minds shackled to narrow views I will say,
when the road widens to a highway then pull over or be lost in traffic.
Twenty past eight in the eve of day and I hear the Buster wanting to go
out and play. So my brothers I shall leave you now, with the hope that
you know that you are loved. Your brother Peter

Be fortified by faith in all that is good. Test your art by holding it against the light of truth.

If any one wishes to be
created afresh, then he
must do every thing in
his power to enter the
condition of nothingness,
and then God will make
out of him a new
creation, and he will
become as a spring which
does not dry up and as a
stream which does not
cease to flow.
Martin Buber
Austrian theologian. Mystic. pychotherapist.
The above brings to mind two sayings that I often hold in my consciousness. `Be still and know I Am God`, and `Let go and let God`.
Here something I wasn't to share with you from Lu Xiaomin, Chinese Christian Songwriter
Listen to the call coming across the ocean
Chinese are the children of God
China, China come and find peace
God has found you
You will never have to wander in the wilderness
China belongs to God
"China is not to be one for Christ by quiet, ease-loving men and women.. The stamp of men and women we need is such as will put Jesus, China, souls, first and foremost in everything and at every time-even life itself must be secondary"
- Hudson Taylor, missionary to China (1832-1905)
So my brothers and sisters,please I ask you who believe in God to pray that the Holy spirit hovers above China and knocks on the heart of its people. From the party chiefs and their wives and children, to the cooks and roadsweepers. Our prayers make a difference. If I didn't believe that then I would spend any time in prayer. As I tell people, `I am brain injured, not stupid. subtle difference maybe, but an important one.`

Monday, 10 October 2011

Hit a bit of a low yesterday, but I survived. Wallet took a battering though.

Yesterday evening after taking my sons back home I hit a heavy depression. The upside is that my shoulders ache from the exercises I done to get rid of feelings that could have took me into a negative outcome. I can now go halfway up and down doing handstand press ups. Also the punchbag got quite a pummeling Me and the buster had a hard run early this morning to try and produce some endorphins to help in the battle.
Me and my sons went to church yesterday and I asked the congregation, as I now ask those of you who have faith in God, or a higher power, to pray for their stepdad to make a good recovery from the heart attack he had a couple of days ago. My boys love him and he has had a hard life for someone still young. He also lost his mother, but that meant his father went to prison. Enough said. So please Lord take care of our brother Adrian.
Tomorrow morning a chap called Justin, who is a volunteer at headway - an organisation which tries to help people with acquired brain injuries - is going to have a go at helping me to be able to do some of the things with the computer and on the Internet that I cannot as yet do!
I dont know if Ive told you, that its International Day of Prayer for the persecuted, on Sun nov 6th!
Please can I ask you to let as many people know. Even people with no belief in a loving creator, can give out positive hopes, desires and affirmations.
I must sign off now and rest up awhile. Before I do though I shall give you a quote, maybe for the second time.
Bob Marley
Me only have one ambition, y`know. I only have one thing I really like to see happen. I like to see Mankind live together - black - white - chinese, everyone - thats all.
I belive even though his physical presense is no longer limited to being on this one planet, we who are still present are obligated if we wish to do our part in the whole thing. My peace and love to you all. Pass it on.
bro Peter

Saturday, 8 October 2011

Walk quietly but carry a big stick. ARTPEACE

Good day folks. The saying above was originally from an American president. Apart of course from, `ARTPEACE` which is unless I am mistaken one of mine.
So. The picture on the right, is the ARTPEACE incorporating some sticks painted by me and a peace flag which wasn't made by me.
The picture underneath is The Buster pretending to be a devil dog. My son described the picture as his ears looked like horns and his eyes were all fiery yellow and he looked like he was rising from the ground like a zombie dog (Hellhound) about to kill everybody. My son ay, a chip off the old block. The chopping block.
I just had in my hands a hardback book called BORED of the RINGS. It is a parody of J R R TOLKIEN`S THE LORD OF THE RINGS
by Henry N. Beard and Douglas C. Kenney from the Harvard Lampoon.
Me thinks me wants to laugh perchance to chuckle, so lets delve inside for an exert.
okay, I thought I would would share with you, the first paragraph from the first chapter and the last paragraph from the last chapter.
When Mr ................ something has stopped me there.
I invoked my artistic licence and censored it as being not so much an artistic tomb/tome, as I book I wouldn't enjoy reading to my eleven year old son, or eighty two year old mother.
My eight year year old son who stayed overnight, wants to go downtown and look in the shops now. Being `the best father I am` ( that's what the boy said not me. I AM NOT SELF CENTERED.)
So I wont be droning on and on, but got to go. Maybe can do an Evening Post. Positive thoughts to you all. Majority of course to the UK as thats where most of you all. Bro Peter

Friday, 7 October 2011

Fish on Friday ; is it the cross or Jesus with outstretched arms? You decide!

Good day to you my brothers and sisters:
Date for your diary; International Day of Prayer (IDOP) for persecuted Christians.
Ask your church leaders now to take part on Sunday November 6th ( or any other day of your choice).
This came to me from
voice of persecuted christians
The following is by Martin Buber
Aystrian theologian. Mystic. Psychotherapist.
If any one wishes to be
created afresh, then he
must do everything in
his power to enter the
condition of nothingness,
and then God will make
out of him a new
creation, and he will
become as a spring which
does not dry up and as a
stream which does not
cease to flow.
from World Mysticism Timothy Frede & Peter Gandy
The teaching of the Christian religion has generally been that Jesus was God made flesh, who suffered and died for the sins of the world, and that believing in this a Christian is freed from sin and will go to heaven when he dies. Up until the Reformation in the sixteenth century, ordinary Christians were expected to accept such dogmas and the Inquisition even forbade them to read the Bible for themselves. For the mystics , however, Jesus`s message was one of personal salvation through the direct experience of God. In the words of Angelus Silesius, a seventeenth-century Protestant poet who in four days of ecstatic illumination wrote the 302 verses of the mystic masterpiece the Cherubinic Wanderer:
Christ could be born a thousand times in Galilee -
but all in vain, until he is born in me.
For the mystics, Jesus was a living embodiment of the possibility of union with God, who could lead them to the same spiritual realization. In the Gnostic scripture called the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus tells his disciples: `I am not your master. Because you have drunk, you have become drunk from the bubbling stream which I have measured out. He who will drink from my mouth will become as I am; I myself shall become he, and the things that are hidden will be revealed to him.`
( the following paragraph I am copying is writing that many physicists I believe would go along with today! you can decide, or just have an open mind.)
In the wonder of mystical experiences, when the hidden truth is revealed, the mystic knows that he is not just a body and personality that will live and then die. He is one with Christ and with God. Marsilio Ficino, a fifteenth century Catholic priest who translated many of the great pagan philosopers for the first time and was thus instrumental in in initiating the Renaissance, wrote: `Revere yourself as an eternal ray of the Divine Sun.` Jan Ruysbroed, one of the fourteenth-century Friends of God, wrote: `The image of God is found essentially and personally in all mankind. Each possesses it whole, this way we are all one.` Perhaps this is what Jesus meant when he urged, `Love others as your self.` Not that we should love our neighbour to the same degree that we love ourselves, but rather that we should love others as a part of our own identity - for in truth we are all one.
To experience the oneness of God the mystic must, as the thirteenth -century German Christian seer and poetess Mechtild of Magdeburg wrote, `Love the nothing and flee the self.` The mystic empties himself of his sense of self, and so becomes the nothing that can contain everything. As long as he experiences himself as a `something`, God is always `other`. ( yep I am getting this, how about you?) When he finally relinquishes the illusion of his self, there can be no `other`, and he is one with God. Jacob Boehme exclaimed: `The Soul then says I have nothing, for I am utterly stripped and naked; I can do nothing, for I have no manner of power, but am as water poured out; I am nothing, for all that I am is no more than an image of Being, and only God is my I AM '.`
I apologize, brothers and sisters to those of you who are not interested in following the path of spiritual mysticism. I only ask that you realize the artist in my is also trying to be a mystic. Getting this all out, helps inversely to get it within.
Blessings and peace to all spiritual beings. Your bro Peter

Thursday, 6 October 2011


Dog to the right of me and an
enlightened Heart underneath

Yep, few words in this evening post

I leave LOVE for all to see

Good day to you my brothers and sisters.
Before I went to church this morning for a Eucharist service, me and The Buster went over Popes meadow.
I found a piece of chalk and decided to leave a message for not only those walking through the park to see! This is for you also. Doesnt it look steep!
You can always pass it it, which I know some of you will. Bless you.
Quote of the day
" A man with God is always in the majority." John Knox 1505-1572

Know you are loved and there is no where you can go on this earth, that if you call the Holy Spirit wont be able to come to you. The Shepherd would leave all the sheep contentedly grazing on the meadow to go and rescue the one calling out, lost!
I shall leave you with a quote by Paulo Coelho
There are moments when troubles enter our lives
and we can so nothing to avoid them.
But they are there for a reason.
Only when we have overcome them
will we understand why they were there.
Have a good day folks. Those that do have troubles, be comforted by knowing that they will pass.
I am off now with The Buster to climb a little hill and contemplate the view.
Peace and love, your brother Peter.

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

this is not the picture I wanted but Buster wants a game of soccer! and took over this blog.

Dog gone darn leather footballs keep bursting . Pah. Give me a no good cat to chase any day. Whats that you say Peter, the Deer! Yes wasn't I swift. Don't know to this day how it escaped such a speed machine like me. The only reasonable answer is it had an invisibility cloak. Yawn. Yes thats it. Must have a nap now and chase something in my sleep. Bye Humour mans. Your dog always, The Buster.

Love in Action

Good day brothers and sisters. I have just come back from Popes meadow with Buster. I wanted to put a picture of him on this blog with some eco art that I did. I pressed all the proper keys but it wouldnt go on. I wanted to persist, but then it occured to me that perhaps I am meant to focus this blog on two magazines I received today from an organization called, release international voice of persecuted christians. Love in Action, and Release are about persecuted Christians.
Is it hard for us to believe that in this day and age there are still concentraion camps? If so, then check out their video, `No Other God`.
`Remember those in prison as if you were their fellow-prisoners, and those who are ill-treated as if you yourselves were suffering.` Hebrews `13:3
A Christian prisoner in Cuba was asked to sign a statement containing charges
against fellow Christians that would lead to their arrest. He said: `The chain keeps me from signing this.`
The Communist officer protested, `But you are not in chains!`
`I am,` said the Christian, ` I am bound by the chain of witnesses who
throughout the centuries gave their lives for Jesus Christ. I am a link in this
chain. I will not break it.`
From Jesus Freaks Volume 1 [available from Release for £9.00 by calling in UK 01689 823491
As you know none of my artwork is for sale due to me being in the poverty trap, which I have to thankfully say is better in the 1st world than the 3rd world. Yet I am happy to offer release international any one of my paintings. Okay with this in mind I have just completed an unfinished work, a triptych which I'm calling, `Tortured Love Resurrected`. This work is not a pretty or colourful one and that's the point. You could say it is Bloody Hopeful! I would be happy to donate this one to their cause if they would like it, Or they could pick one from my website.
I must say I have over the years read two books by Paster Richard Wurmbrand, `In Gods Underground` and `Tortured For Christ`. They were inspiring, uplifting and fortifying. His faith in God and Gods Spirit in him. Wow!
In 1968 Release`s founder Paster Richard Wurmbrand had been tortured by the Romanian secret police during the Cold War years of the 1950s and 1960s. Why?
Because he steadfastly refused to bow the knee to communism, and would not compromise his faith in Jesus Christ.
Well I have just tried again to put the image on. Yep I suppose its obvious, you can see I failed.
Maybe when my neighbour and friend Long Tang gets home, if he has time he will help.

Tuesday, 4 October 2011

Our trip to Barton springs at Barton Le Clay

Good day folks, especially to my followers. Had a volunteer come around this morning with a worker from Headway, an organisation for people with acquired brain injuries. He is going to hopefully give me some computer help.
He wondered if people got to look at my galleries, as when you get on my website it goes straight to the blog!
Well I dont know the answer to that one.
The picture on the right is one I took right near the source of the spring and unfortunatly the photo doesnt give credit to how sparkling the silvery colours of material on the bottom looked like precious metals. Hmm, theres gold in them there hills. Joke.
Dig within. There lies the well-spring of good: ever dig, and it will ever flow. Marcus Aurelius
On our way to Barton we were following this steam roller. They put a lot of good horsemen out of work. Well thats progress. Well actually I doubt the steam rollers put horses out of work. More the traction engines and steam trains. Or as the native americans said, Iron Horses.
That reminds me of a song I liked in the 1980`s `Iron Masters` , but I cant remember who it was by. As soon as I post this though, Iwill see if its on You Tube. Ta ta for now. Peter

4th of october. The sun is shining and theres life in the artist yet.

Good day to you. You may be few, yet you are loved. I will share some verse with you by Paulo Coelho. A writer who is seen by millions as an alchemist of word and one of the most influential writers of this century.
God reveals himself in everything, but the word
is one of his favourite ways of taking action,
because the word is thought transformed
into vibration.
The word has greater power than many rituals.
The body is the manifestation of God
in the visable world.
The warrior knows that in all languages the most
important words are the small words.
They are words that are easy enough to say,
yet vast empty spaces.
Manual of the warrior of light
My brothers and sisters, though you who visit my blog are few, maybe for that reason alone you are more treasured, than the thousands that visit a famous persons. I remember when in my twenties, or late teens to twenty two to be more precise; I would dress a certain way and have certain records that were the same as my peers. I was not being true to myself. I didn't actually know myself. Of course like most people, especially youngsters, I wanted to fit in! It wasn't me though and what was worse was that I had no idea who the real me was. It was as if I had been in a large room, say of a thousand people and an announcer came in and said, " will the real Peter Kimble stand up." I would have been looking around, craning my neck like many others.
Then at the age of twenty two when my life couldn't carry on going down hill on a double deck bus, I jumped off and left society for six years. I took refuge in a special hospital, as I needed help to get my head together. Thank God I was given the resources and had also the ability within to fashion an ordered personality from a disordered one. It was a shame that in the process my self esteem grew to big. That was later brought down to earth with a crash when my loving wife Tracy, killed herself and unwittingly gave me a brain injury. The police hadn't realized she had clinical depression and killed herself. Me, I believed in the doctors and would encourage her to take the Prozac. Not now though. I`d say if a person doesn't feel better on Prozac then they would be better of throwing it in the bin and have people praying for them! Oh, what about the police I hear you say. They arrested me for murder. How harrowing it was for me, suffering from carbon monoxide poisoning, due to Tracy taking herself and our bullmastif into our garage under the house. Getting in the land rover and turning the engine on and quietly falling asleep to die. I was asleep in the house upstairs , unaware of the fumes rising through the house and through my body. My brain swelled but my skull restricted it and helped maybe cause the damage. I don't know exactly what happens, I just have to live with the effects. That I try to do the best I can. The fact that I had to go on trial at The Old Bailey charged with aiding and abetting Tracy`s suicide and thankfully being found not guilty was a major time to live through. I am so thankful to God first, then my family and their friends. My legal team and of course the jury who found me not guilty, and rightly so.
The art of living is more like wrestling than dancing, in
as much as it, too, demands a firm and watchful stance
against any unexpected onset. Marcu Aurelius
Isn't it amazing how sometimes things, or our lives even may get knocked asunder, yet if we have faith in a greater good (or God) the storms will subside and the sun will shine.
I must take the Buster, my faithful German Shepard out over the park as there is a volunteer from Headway (an organisation which helps people with brain injuries) coming to see if he can be of help with the computer and internet. I should like my art and life to have a bigger impact in this world. God knows that if people would be willing to pay good money for my art, which of course is more than the paintings and sculptures, I could use that money well. Perhaps someone who reads my blogs knows an understanding and great agent!
Toodle loo for now, Your bro Peter

Monday, 3 October 2011

The artist P G Kimble takes part in art at the Tate modern

Good morning and peace to you.
The pictures at the Tate art gallery were taken over a year ago
so please don't expect me to remember the titles, or who they were by. In the photo on the right, I am the figure in camouflage top. I enjoyed staying still for quite a few minutes, my presence changing the piece temporarily. Some people came to look at the sculpture and left, not realizing a human had become part of it.
As Ive said the visit to London was some time ago, so the photo above hasnt been seen by me, or anyone else for that matter, with an explanation. What I like about the elephants apart from their own beauty, is the way I used part of one in the foreground to frame the one in the distance. The hearts on the leg are a nice touch. They make me wonder how much our species loves them, as we destroy their habitat and drive them to distiction. O dear, thats meant to be extinction. It the job of artists to drive them to distinction.
Now I am going to leave you with a few words by George Bernard Shaw.
This is the true joy in life, the being used for a purpose you
consider a mighty one, the being a force of nature, rather than a
fevirish, selfish clod of ailments and grievances complaining that
the world will not devote itself to making you happy.
I did want to talk some more about stuff, but my son has just rang to ask me to go and pick him up early, so off I go. Maybe I can do an evening post. Peace and love to you all, pass it on.
Your bro Peter

Sunday, 2 October 2011

Another day to reflect on our image on Earth.

Good evening to you my brothers and sisters. Here is another picture taken at Barton Springs. It reminds me a bit of a face, yes. Can you see it? Doesn't matter.That's the wonderful thing about us all being unique. Hmm this is from Barton Le Clay and its like we we moulded from the clay, or the sod of the earth. That must be why at times I have been called a silly sod.
Evelyn Underhill, a twentieth-century mystic, wrote about the way mystics - those people who have `conscious communion with God, and always a communion of love` - don't just see with the
eyes of the Body,` she wrote. `They maintain that awestruck outlook towards the infinite.`
One thing that just occurred to me about living in partnership with God. He never cooks the breakfast, but does always provide the ingredients. So as I am the one who eats it, then we know who has to do the washing up. Oops, talking of which, must love you and leave you now.
Peace and love to you, from your brother Peter

Saturday at Barton Le Clay

Good day to you all. And its another hot one here. Above is my cross, made using found objects and made good by Gods light shining on it.
Left is me still in the process of making the above picture. Should they be the other way round! No first we must picture the illuminated cross and then we have to build it for ourselves and in many different ways. It could be some one has offended us or not shown thanks for what we have done. Your Father sees and so let it be with Him.
On this planet of mostly water it is good to give a thought today for those who have lost their loved ones and some there homes to the floods. Now is not the time to ask why. There is a time to reap and a time to sow. Now perhaps is a time to give thanks for what we have and be prepared to share with those without.
Therefore, my beloved, just as you have always obeyed me, not only in my presence, but much more now in my absence, work out you own salvation with fear and trembling: for it is God who is at work in you, enabling you both to will and to work for his good pleasure. Do all things without murmuring and arguing, so that you may be blameless in the midst of a crooked and pervirse generation, in which you shine like stars in the world. It is by your holding fast to the word of life that I can boast on the day of Christ that I did not run in vain or labour in vain. Phil 2:12-16
So my brothers and sisters we are called to be beacons and shine light in this word. Peace and love to you all. Your brother Peter.