The painting on top is by my son Harry and I am grateful he didn't take it to his other home, although of course he is welcome to at any time!
As you may see, I used structural elements in the reworking of one of my paintings, underneath. This I completed not half an hour ago,but less!
Also in the picture do you notice that the cricket bat and the walking stick were added to the picture to add some sort of continuity!
Quote for today
When you make the two as one, and the inside like the outside, you will enter the Kingdom of Heaven.
Gnostic Gospel of Thomas
Death is swallowed up in victory.
Death where is your victory?
Death where is your sting?
`Death Sting of death is sin, and the power of sin
comes from the Law Thank God , then, for giving
us the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord.
1 corinthians 15.35-37;51-57
There is a lot of darkness in the lower painting, but to me it has overcome any darkness of heart.
There is a lot of darkness in the lower painting, but to me it has overcome any darkness of heart.
My grieving for my late wife Tracy is almost at an end, as now I am coming towards a celebration of those few years we had together. Remember, as our thoughts change then so does our world.
Peace Love and joy to you my brother and sisters.
Your bro in Christ, Peter
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