Tuesday, 18 October 2011

Happy Tuesday

Autumn is a good season here in England. Those lovely deep reds and golds as the leaves drop to the woodland floor making a temporary natural carpet.All seasons though are wonderful if we let them be. Or ,`Let it be.` I think thats the name of The Beatles song I am thinking of!
I was just looking out at the sky. Some fantastic patterns and colours. My first thought was, that it would be great to have a really good quality camera, capable of capturing those patterns and colours. Then I thought it can be better sometimes to just appreciate things in the moment and let them go to make space for more. So less can be more! Maybe where you are you can spend just a minute or two gazing up at the sky.
I hope today to start reading a book I borrowed from the Public lending library yesterday.
DESMOND TUTU `Desmond Tutu shows
each of us how to
transform our pain and
sorrow into hope and
confidence in the future`
`I have the highest regard for my good and trusted friend
Archbishop Desmond Tutu. I admire him for the wonderful,
warm person he is and especially for the humane principles he
upholds, and I have not doubt that reader will enjoy and benefit
from what he has to say in God Has A Dream.`
The Dalai Lama
Echoing the words of Martin Luther King, Tutu writes, `God says to you, I have a dream. Please help me to realize it. It is a dream of a world whose ugliness and squalor and poverty, whose war and hostility, greed and harsh competitiveness, alienation and disharmony are changed into their glorious counterparts.` And with his characteristic humour, Tutu shows in practical ways how this can be done: by cultivating in ourselves the qualities of love, forgiveness, humility, generosity and courage that we all need in order to change ourselves and our world.
In `God has a dream`, Tutu underlines how important it is that, even as we face the harsh realities of our individual lives and global conditions, we remember the importance of hope and dreams - for it is on hope and dreams that a better future will be built, and on which God`s dream for us will be fulfilled.
This is your brother Peter, signing off with peace and love to you and all beings.

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