Saturday, 15 October 2011

My first bit of video editing.

This video was done to try out a program a volunteer from Headway (org that helps people with brain injuries) put on my computer. I was reading the following piece of creative writing which I wrote in 2007 , but may be hard for you to hear above the music. It will be good when I learn how to adjust the levels!



Quit sobbing

Accepting loss change

Gentle laughing


The above - which I penned in 2007- was what I was reading from the leather bound book made at some point in my stay at Broadmoor special hospital 1979 - 1985. Those were some of the most productive years of my life. Although I had been ordered to be detained indefinitely under section 60/65 of the mental health act, suffering from a psychopathic disorder; I was infact only troubled by a personality disorder. The doctors thank God knew I needed help and hadnt got it in prison, so sort of upgraded their diagnosis to get me in the special hospital. Whilst there I one day saw Charles Bronson-who was then still-Micky Peterson, almost run up a drainpipe and then spend a few days protesting up on a roof. Charlie, unlike me, didnt benefit from his hospitalization.

Then, he has the title of Britains hardest prisoner and I am as yet an unknown artist! So be it. I will press on.

I have one of my sons here, who shall not be named, but will endevour to test my patience to the brink of breaking point and scoff at me. To no avail though .

The good lad has just made me a giant mug of coffee. This computer is working in a funny manner, or perhaps its just me not understanding when Ive accidentally switched some proccess on to make it work in a manner I have hither to not come across.

Also my first born,God bless him has told me, `thats enough dad, people dont want to read a book, they just want to scan the first paragragh and thats it.` So for once I am going to listen to him. Also I know he wants access to this computer. So toodle loo folks and have a good weekend.

Your Bro Peter

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