In his book God Has A Dream, Desmond Tutu asks us to see with the eyes of God. He says;
Perhaps the ultimate expression of seeing with the eyes of the
heart is when we are able to see each other as God sees us -
not our earthly human bodies but the divine light that shines
through them.
It was this revelation of Jesus` divinity, of his luminosity, that
the disciples saw on the mountaintop. As the New Testament
records it, the face of Jesus shone brightly and his clothes be-
came glistening white. His body, his clothes, gross material
things that up to then might have been thought to be impervi-
ous to the spiritual, the transcendent, became translucent with
an unearthly illumination. The term"transfiguration"originates
in the mountaintop experience as a description of how the
physical can be shown to be truly spiritual, can be transformed
from the profane into the sacred.
We shouldn't be surprised by this. I will believe in an awesome
power we may choose to call God, then nothing about it can be
completely comprehensible. The more we are amazed at this,
then the more open we shall be to accept further Revelations.
So the painting which I finished yesterday and place in the
church today, I can see as part of Gods Revelation!
Funny thing is that part of what its revealing, is that its not
all it seems to be!
Blessings and peace be with you. Your brother, Peter
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