Thursday, 2 October 2014

Photos of my art accompanied by sayings from me and others.

Good day to you my brothers and sisters, parents and children.

As stated in the blog title, he are some photos I took from my recent work. Also as I am accompanying these with sayings for us to reflect on, or not as the case may be... (I will for sure.)
Included is a shot I took of my sister Viv and my dog Maisy, reflected from a car.  I have been reflecting on why we can often hurt the ones we love and I am personally sorry for the hurt and pain I have recently caused. It grieves me and I will do my best not to repeat that which is not good! Sorry and please forgive me.

If you think about it, my late wife Tracy hurt me in many ways by taking her own life. I was arrested and locked up for awhile before getting bail and being found not guilty! Of course I forgive her and ask in spirit for her to forgive me when I was selfish and upset her. I am glad we did have some great times together and the love and joy she had at times with me makes the sacrifice of much of my memory worth it. God bless her immortal soul and keep her in Your loving care.

Her suicide left me with the brain injury from carbon monoxide poisoning!

Hmm, I think I ought to work on being more humble, as the brain damage has not really humbled me enough!

God is all-full. He is self-contained. He is eternal satisfaction. 

You are not given the light by anyone—not even by a spiritual teacher. You are that light. 

Tomorrow's worry will make you sick today. Stay healthy today.  

You can't expect to experience the Light, if you cling to the darkness - in the form of jealousy, resentment, lack of forgiveness or bitterness. Every little thought is a seed that has the capacity to grow into a great tree and bear fruit if we water it by repetition. 

Discipline is not about denial; it’s about embracing practices because you are convinced that is the way to freedom. 

 The light is within. It is already there. Take your time to see it.

God knows your breaking point. You simply don’t know your own strength. 

Practice not just to get better at practice, but also to get better at living with more awareness and an experience of our connection to all beings. Let us have that intention in our hearts. 

There is no lasting bliss in perishable objects. In the infinite alone is true bliss. The Yoga of devotion points the way to attain the infinite. It cleanses the heart, steadies the mind, elevates the emotions, sublimates the impulses. It transmutes base desires into spiritual urges. It transfigures the animal in man into a divine being. It turns one’s mind from the miseries of the world to the protecting feet of the Lord. 

We are not going to change the whole world, but we can change ourselves and feel free as birds. We can be serene even in the midst of calamities and, by our serenity, make others more tranquil. 

Lead a simple life. First reduce your "greeds." Then reduce your "needs." 

The minute you learn to accept something, it is no longer that troublesome. You can live with anything and everything. Haven't you known of people in worse conditions living happily and usefully? The problem is in the mind. If you just accept it, it becomes very easy, very light. 

Nobody can replace you. You are unique in your position. Don't try to compare yourself with others. 

Have a good day and know that you are loved. Please pass this on. Your bro Peter.

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