I dont think myself so much as stuck in Luton as Luton is stuck with me at the moment!
Here is some Photos of my recent art with other people words stringed together.
Are our beliefs stepping stones to
enlightenment or walls for comfort?
I am a nobody, and nobody is perfect; therefore, I am perfect.
Everyday I beat my own previous record for number of consecutive days I have stayed alive.
Snowmen fall from Heaven un-assembled.
Don't argue with an idiot; people watching may not be able to tell the difference.
Only weak messages need strong messengers.
. Just remember...if the world didn't suck, we'd all fall off.
If you have no more wants in life, are you content or dead?
Freedom means nothing left to lose. Janis Joplin
It is often forgotten during the day to day mundane that life is glorious.
A great idea spoken softly is like a dandelion seed in a gentle breeze.
A bad idea spoken loudly is like a bullfrog in the night.
are no right answers. It has nothing to do with what you say -- it's
how you say it. It's the moment and Old Zen was the study of the moment,
to see the moment as eternity.
Everything I do is a koan.
asked the Zen Master why is all of this? I asked the Zen Master what
is all of this? He smiled and walked away, slowly softly.
I started on a divergent path not giving a thought to our meeting!
I am going to - in a few minutes after finishing this blog - do some more painting. I can be contacted at petgkimb@gmail.com and will look forward to hearing from any of you.. Seeing your art or listening if you were blessed by my many prayers for you today; see further down! Please do share by sending me email to the above address. Love and peace from Luton; a place I have to be for the meantime and so accept with thanks and grace.. This moment is all we have and so giving thanks is the best option.
Well my brothers and sisters, this is it and I am sigh aaah ning off now.. Yep that was corny, but so what, no body was killed by it. Have a good day and know that you are loved.. Oh and why do people sometimes tell us they said a little prayer for us; perhaps they think it would embarrass us if they said they prayed a great long prayer for us, with intercessions to many saints including Mary, mother of Jesus. Well I am just going to take a break here get my prayer beads and say 106prayers for you...There you go, it took awhile and I am back.. I finished of asking God to bless you in a way that He knows will benefit you best.. Feel under now obligation, but I would be pleased if you could just pray once this one prayer for me. Your bro Peter.
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