Tuesday, 14 October 2014

Want to tell you my brothers and sisters how much you are loved.

Yes my brothers and sisters; its not just because you visit my site and peruse these blogs, but that is part of it. Its because you are infinite spiritual beings having a human experience.
One of my two boys, when a toddler said to me, "Daddy, when I was born, I forgot what was before!"  Maybe for some, the older they get the further they get from the connection, or chord to God, but the good news is that its never too late to realize if you get lost that the good Shepard will hear our cry for help. Mine was shouted out when I had to get physically lost in some hills in Spain and I returned to England invigorated by the Holy Spirit.. Its let go of and then reached out to again. Hopefully as time goes by the separation between us and our Maker disappears! Maisy my beloved pooch has an ear infection in both ears. I have with great difficulty put drops in them and am now taking here out over the sports field at Wardown park,as it approaches 7am on this dark Wednesday morning. Hope to come back to this after having drove my two sons to school and share some photos I can take when its light of work brought into being by God, through this trying artist.. Life can be trying and so can I, ask my sisters and mother!! They though are made of sugar and spice and all things nice. Bless them and you all. Your brother, Peter.           

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